Name ARM_core_id Name Strings cl_arm_core_id Contributors Robert Elliott, ARM Ltd. (robert.elliott 'at' Hui Chen, ARM Ltd. (hui.chen 'at' Kevin Petit, ARM Ltd. (kevin.petit 'at' Contacts Kevin Petit, ARM Ltd. (kevin.petit 'at' Status Shipping. Version Revision: #2, Feb 26th, 2018 Number OpenCL Extension #26 Dependencies Requires OpenCL version 1.2 or later. Overview This extension provides a built-in function which returns a unique ID for the compute unit that a work-group is running on. This value is uniform for a work-group. This value can be used for a core-specific cache or atomic pool where the storage is required to be in global memory and persistent (but not ordered) between work-groups. This does not provide any additional ordering on top of the existing guarantees between workgroups, nor does it provide any guarantee of concurrent execution. The IDs for the compute units may not be consecutive and applications must make sure they allocate enough memory to accommodate all the compute units present on the device. A device info query allows the application to know the IDs associated with the compute units on a given device. The extension string cl_arm_core_id is returned for devices and platforms which support this extension. Glossary No new terminology is introduced by this extension. New Types None New Procedures and Functions Device Info query CL_DEVICE_COMPUTE_UNITS_BITFIELD_ARM (return type cl_ulong) returns a bitfield where each bit set represents the presence of compute unit whose ID is the bit position. The highest ID for any compute unit on the device is the position of the most significant bit set. The total number of elements an application should allocate in an array indexed by core IDs is thus given by: ALLOC = sizeof(cl_ulong) * 8 - CLZ(CL_DEVICE_COMPUTE_UNITS_BITFIELD_ARM) Built-in Function uint arm_get_core_id( void ) Description Returns the compute unit id as a uint, in the range [0;ALLOC-1] Example // Host code, size pool based on required_instance_size * ALLOC size_t required_instance_size = 1024; cl_mem core_pool = clCreateBuffer(context, CL_MEM_READ_WRITE, required_instance_size * ALLOC, NULL, NULL); // Device/Kernel code, select memory instance kernel void test( global char *per_core_pool, global char *input, uint required_instance_size ) { global char *core_pool_instance = per_core_pool[ arm_get_core_id() * required_instance_size ]; ... } New Tokens OpenCL kernel code Now has access to: #pragma OPENCL EXTENSION cl_arm_core_id : enable The preprocessor macro cl_arm_core_id is also present Revision History Revision: #1, Apr 2nd, 2013 - Initial revision Revision: #2, Feb 26th, 2018 - Added support for sparsely allocated compute unit IDs.