Name Strings



Ben Ashbaugh, Intel (ben 'dot' ashbaugh 'at' intel 'dot' com)


Ben Ashbaugh, Intel
Maciej Dziuban, Intel
Filip Hazubski, Intel
Dariusz Mroz, Intel
Michal Mrozek, Intel


Copyright (c) 2021-2023 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.




Built On: 2023-06-12
Revision: 1.0.0


This extension is written against the OpenCL API Specification Version 3.0.5.

Because this extension adds to the command-queue properties accepted by the clCreateCommandQueueWithProperties API, this extension requires support for either OpenCL 2.0 or the cl_khr_create_command_queue extension.


Some OpenCL devices may support different sets of command-queues with different capabilities or execution properties. These sets are described in this extension as command-queue families. Applications may be able to improve performance or predictability by creating command-queues from a specific command-queue family.

This extension adds the ability to:

  • Query the command-queue families supported by an OpenCL device and their capabilities.

  • Create an OpenCL command-queue from a specific command-queue family.

  • Query the command-queue family and command-queue index associated with an OpenCL command-queue.

New API Enums

Accepted value for the param_name parameter to clGetDeviceInfo to query the number of command-queue families and command-queue family properties supported by an OpenCL device:


Accepted as a property name for the properties parameter to clCreateCommandQueueWithProperties to specify the command-queue family and command-queue index that this command-queue should submit work to; and for the param_name parameter to clGetCommandQueueInfo to query the command-queue family or command-queue index associated with a command-queue:

#define CL_QUEUE_FAMILY_INTEL                   0x418C
#define CL_QUEUE_INDEX_INTEL                    0x418D

New API Types

Returned as the query result value clGetDeviceInfo for CL_DEVICE_QUEUE_FAMILY_PROPERTIES_INTEL:


typedef struct _cl_queue_family_properties_intel {
    cl_command_queue_properties         properties;
    cl_command_queue_capabilities_intel capabilities;
    cl_uint                             count;
} cl_queue_family_properties_intel;

Bitfield type describing the capabilities of the queues in a command-queue family. Subsequent versions of this extension may add additional queue capabilities:

typedef cl_bitfield         cl_command_queue_capabilities_intel;


/* Synchronization Capabilities: */

/* bit 4 - bit 7 are currently unused */

/* Transfer Capabilities: */
#define CL_QUEUE_CAPABILITY_MAP_BUFFER_INTEL            (1 << 10)
#define CL_QUEUE_CAPABILITY_FILL_BUFFER_INTEL           (1 << 11)
#define CL_QUEUE_CAPABILITY_MAP_IMAGE_INTEL             (1 << 13)
#define CL_QUEUE_CAPABILITY_FILL_IMAGE_INTEL            (1 << 14)

/* bit 17 - bit 23 are currently unused */

/* Execution Capabilities */
#define CL_QUEUE_CAPABILITY_MARKER_INTEL                (1 << 24)
#define CL_QUEUE_CAPABILITY_BARRIER_INTEL               (1 << 25)
#define CL_QUEUE_CAPABILITY_KERNEL_INTEL                (1 << 26)

/* bit 27 and beyond are currently unused */

Modifications to the OpenCL API Specification

(Add to the list preceding Table 5 in Section 4.2 - Querying Devices)

The device queries described in the Device Queries table should return the same information for a root-level device i.e. a device returned by clGetDeviceIDs and any sub-devices created from this device except for the following queries:

  • …​


(Add to Table 5 - OpenCL Device Queries in Section 4.2 - Querying Devices)
Table 5. List of supported param_names by clGetDeviceInfo
Device Info Return Type Description



Returns an array of cl_queue_family_properties_intel structures describing command-queue families supported by the device. Each structure consists of:

properties: Describes the host command-queue properties supported by this command-queue family. The supported property values are the same as those returned by the query for CL_DEVICE_QUEUE_ON_HOST_PROPERTIES.

capabilities: Describes the command-queue capabilities supported by this command-queue family. This is a bitfield value that may either be CL_QUEUE_DEFAULT_CAPABILITIES_INTEL or a set of queue capabilities from the Queue Capabilities Table.

count: Describes the number of command-queues in this command-queue family. Command-queues created with unique command-queue indices may execute more efficiently than command-queues created with equal indices.

name: An array of CL_QUEUE_FAMILY_MAX_NAME_SIZE_INTEL bytes used as storage for a null-terminated string. The string is a descriptive name for this command-queue family. The descriptive name is purely informative and has no semantic meaning.

At least one entry in the array must return the same properties returned by CL_DEVICE_QUEUE_ON_HOST_PROPERTIES and must have capabilities equal to CL_QUEUE_DEFAULT_CAPABILITIES_INTEL.

Please note that a sub-device may support different command-queue families than its root-level device.

(Add to Table 9 - List of supported queue creation properties by clCreateCommandQueueWithProperties)
Table 9. List of supported queue creation properties by clCreateCommandQueueWithProperties
Queue Property Property Value Description



Specifies the command-queue family that this command-queue will submit work to.

The specified command-queue family must be between zero and the total number of command-queue families supported by the device. If a command-queue family is specified then a command-queue index must also be specified.



Specifies the command-queue index within the command-queue family that this command-queue will submit work to.

The specified command-queue index must be between zero and the total number of command-queues in the command-queue family for this command-queue for the device. If a command-queue index is specified then a command-queue family must also be specified.

(Add to the list of error conditions for clCreateCommandQueueWithProperties)

clCreateCommandQueueWithProperties returns a valid non-zero command-queue and errcode_ret is set to CL_SUCCESS if the command-queue is created successfully. Otherwise, it returns a NULL value with one of the following error values returned in errcode_ret:

  • …​

  • CL_INVALID_VALUE if the property value for CL_QUEUE_FAMILY_INTEL specifies a command-queue family greater than or equal to the number of command-queue families supported by the device.

  • CL_INVALID_VALUE if the property value for CL_QUEUE_INDEX_INTEL specifies a command-queue index greater than or equal to the number of queues for the command-queue family for the device.

  • CL_INVALID_VALUE if the property CL_QUEUE_FAMILY_INTEL is specified and the property CL_QUEUE_INDEX_INTEL is not specified, or if the property CL_QUEUE_INDEX_INTEL is specified and the property CL_QUEUE_FAMILY_INTEL is not specified.

(Add to Table 9 - List of Supported param_names by clGetCommandQueueInfo)
Table 9. List of supported param_names by clGetCommandQueueInfo
Queue Properties Property Value Description



Returns the command-queue family that this command-queue will submit work to.

If no command-queue family was specified when this command-queue was created then the value returned for this query is implementation-defined, but must be a command-queue family with the same properties returned by CL_DEVICE_QUEUE_ON_HOST_PROPERTIES for the device and capabilities equal to CL_QUEUE_DEFAULT_CAPABILITIES_INTEL.



Returns the command-queue index within the command-queue family that this command-queue will submit work to.

If no command-queue index was specified when this command-queue was created then the value returned for this query is implementation-defined, but must be between zero and the total number of queues supported by the device for the command-queue family that this command-queue will submit work to.

(Add a new Section 5.1.X Command-Queue Families)

Some OpenCL devices may support different sets of command-queues with different capabilities or execution properties. The sets of command-queues with different capabilities or execution properties are known as command-queue families. Each command-queue family may contain multiple queues with similar characteristics.

Using multiple unique queues from a command-queue family or queues from different command-queue families may improve performance, such as by allowing commands to execute concurrently or using dedicated hardware resources.

Every OpenCL device must support at least one command-queue family with "default" command-queue capabilities. These command-queue families are identified with the special command-queue capability value CL_QUEUE_DEFAULT_CAPABILITIES_INTEL. Command-queues created from a command-queue family with default command-queue capabilities have no additional restrictions and support all commands and command-queue features described by standard OpenCL device queries.

When a command-queue family does not have the default command-queue capabilities, the command-queue family capability value is a bitfield describing the commands and command-queue features that are supported for queues created from the command-queue family. Enqueueing an unsupported command or using an unsupported command-queue feature will fail and generate an OpenCL error.

The following table describes the supported command-queue capabilities and the OpenCL commands they enable.

Table X. List of supported command-queue capabilities
Queue Capability Description


A special capability value to indicate that queues in this command-queue family have no additional restrictions. At least one command-queue family must support this capability.


Indicates that queues in this command-queue family support creating event objects identifying commands for event profiling, waiting on the host, or in the event wait list for another command in the same queue.


Indicates that queues in this command-queue family support creating event objects identifying commands for event profiling, waiting on the host, or in the event wait list for another command in another queue. When creating cross-queue events is supported, creating single-queue events must also be supported.


Indicates that queues in this command-queue family support commands that wait on events that were created in the same queue.


Indicates that queues in this command-queue family support commands that wait on events that were created in another queue. When waiting on cross-queue events is supported, waiting on single-queue events must also be supported.


Indicates that queues in this command-queue family support calls to clEnqueueReadBuffer, clEnqueueWriteBuffer, and clEnqueueCopyBuffer.


Indicates that queues in this command-queue family support calls to clEnqueueReadBufferRect, clEnqueueWriteBufferRect, and clEnqueueCopyBufferRect.


Indicates that queues in this command-queue family support calls to clEnqueueMapBuffer and clEnqueueUnmapMemObject.


Indicates that queues in this command-queue family support calls to clEnqueueFillBuffer.


Indicates that queues in this command-queue family support calls to clEnqueueReadImage, clEnqueueWriteImage, and clEnqueueCopyImage.


Indicates that queues in this command-queue family support calls to clEnqueueMapImage and clEnqueueUnmapMemObject.


Indicates that queues in this command-queue family support calls to clEnqueueFillImage.


Indicates that queues in this command-queue family support calls to clEnqueueCopyBufferToImage.


Indicates that queues in this command-queue family support calls to clEnqueueCopyImageToBuffer.


Indicates that queues in this command-queue family support calls to clEnqueueMarker and clEnqueueMarkerWithWaitList.


Indicates that queues in this command-queue family support calls to clEnqueueBarrier and clEnqueueBarrierWithWaitList.

(Add to the list of error conditions for all enqueue APIs)
  • CL_INVALID_EVENT_WAIT_LIST if the queue capabilities for command_queue is not CL_QUEUE_DEFAULT_CAPABILITIES_INTEL or does not include CL_QUEUE_CAPABILITY_SINGLE_QUEUE_EVENT_WAIT_LIST_INTEL, and num_events_in_wait_list is not 0 or event_wait_list is not NULL.

  • CL_INVALID_EVENT_WAIT_LIST if the queue capabilities for the command-queue associated with an event in the event wait list is not CL_QUEUE_DEFAULT_CAPABILITIES_INTEL or does not include CL_QUEUE_CREATE_CROSS_QUEUE_EVENTS_INTEL, and command_queue is not equal to the command-queue associated with the event.

  • CL_INVALID_EVENT_WAIT_LIST if the queue capabilities for command_queue is not CL_QUEUE_DEFAULT_CAPABILITIES_INTEL and command_queue is not equal to the command-queue associated with an event.


For all enqueue APIs described in the Queue Capabilities Table:

  • CL_INVALID_OPERATION if the queue capabilities for command_queue is not CL_QUEUE_DEFAULT_CAPABILITIES_INTEL or does not include the required queue capability.

For all other enqueue APIs not described in the Queue Capabilities Table:

  • CL_INVALID_OPERATION if the queue capabilities for command_queue is not CL_QUEUE_DEFAULT_CAPABILITIES_INTEL.


  1. What should this extension be called?


    The name of this extension is cl_intel_command_queue_families.

  2. What does this extension offer compared to "device partitioning"?

    RESOLVED: This extension describes command-queue families and their properties to control how work can be executed on a device or sub-device. It is complementary to device partitioning.

  3. What are the memory model implications for command-queue families?


  4. Is there a better way to describe CL_QUEUE_CAPABILITY_ALL_INTEL?


    This special capability was switched to CL_QUEUE_DEFAULT_CAPABILITIES_INTEL, and the value of the capability was changed to zero from all-bits-set. This should allow for special queue capabilities that go beyond default command-queue capabilities, if desired.

  5. Do we need a query for the number of command-queue families for a device?


    No, this is not needed. The number of command-queue families can be derived from the size returned by CL_DEVICE_QUEUE_FAMILY_PROPERTIES_INTEL.

  6. Should there be a default command-queue family or command-queue index for a command-queue?


    No, it’s preferable to allow an implementation to vary the command-queue family and command-queue index per-command-queue. This enables an implementation to implement a policy to choose among different command-queue families or command queue indices for each command-queue rather than a single default if it leads to improved performance.

    Note that specifying only a command-queue family or a command-queue index is an error, and an application must either specify no command-queue family or command queue index, or both a command-queue family and command-queue index.

  7. Do we need a capability for cross-queue event wait lists?



Revision History

Rev Date Author Changes



Ben Ashbaugh

First public version.