Name String cl_intel_simultaneous_sharing Contributors Krzysztof Laskowski, Intel Bartosz Sochacki, Intel Eric L Palmer, Intel Ben Ashbaugh, Intel Adam T Lake, Intel Contact Krzysztof Laskowski, Intel (krzysztof.laskowski 'at' Version Version 7, October 14, 2014 Number OpenCL Extension #34 Status Complete Extension Type OpenCL platform extension Dependencies OpenCL 1.2. This extension is written against revision 19 of the OpenCL 1.2 Specification and revision 19 of the OpenCL 1.2 Extension Specification. Overview Currently OpenCL 1.2 Extension Spec forbids to specify interoperability with multiple graphics APIs at clCreateContext or clCreateContextFromType time and defines that CL_INVALID_OPERATION should be returned in such cases as noted e.g. in chapters dedicated to sharing memory objects with Direct3D 10 and Direct3D 11. The goal of this extension is to relax the restrictions and allow to specify simultaneously these combinations of interoperabilities that are supported by a given OpenCL device. New Tokens Accepted as a property being queried in the parameter of clGetDeviceInfo: CL_DEVICE_SIMULTANEOUS_INTEROPS_INTEL 0x4104 CL_DEVICE_NUM_SIMULTANEOUS_INTEROPS_INTEL 0x4105 Additions to chapter 4 of the OpenCL 1.2 Specification 4.2 Querying Devices Extend table 4.3 to include the following entry: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- cl_device_info Return Type Description -------------- ----------- ----------- CL_DEVICE_NUM_SIMULTANEOUS cl_uint Number of supported combinations _INTEROPS_INTEL of graphics API interoperabilities that can be enabled simultaneously within the same context. The minimum value is 1. CL_DEVICE_SIMULTANEOUS cl_uint[] List of combinations of context _INTEROPS_INTEL property names describing graphic APIs that the device can interoperate with simultaneously by specifying the combination in the parameter of clCreateContext and clCreateContextFromType. Each combination is a set of 2 or more property names and is terminated with zero. is the value returned by the query for CL_DEVICE_NUM_SIMULTANEOUS_INTEROPS_INTEL. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4.4 Contexts Add to the list of errors for clCreateContext: "CL_INVALID_OPERATION if a combination of interoperabilities with multiple graphics APIs is specified which is not on the list of valid combinations returned by the query for CL_DEVICE_SIMULTANEOUS_INTEROPS_INTEL." Add to the list of errors for clCreateContextFromType the same new errors described above for clCreateContext. Additions to section 9.6.4 of the OpenCL 1.2 Extension Specification Replace the section about CL_CONTEXT_INTEROP_USER_SYNC property support with: "OpenCL / OpenGL sharing does not support the CL_CONTEXT_INTEROP_USER_SYNC property defined in table 4.5. Specifying this property when creating a context with OpenCL / OpenGL sharing will return an appropriate error or be ignored for OpenGL sharing if sharing with another graphics API supporting the CL_CONTEXT_INTEROP_USER_SYNC property is also specified." Replace the description of CL_INVALID_PROPERTY error code with: "errcode_ret returns CL_INVALID_PROPERTY if an attribute name other than those specified in table 4.5 or if CL_CONTEXT_INTEROP_USER_SYNC is specified in properties and there is no graphics API interoperability specified that supports it." Additions to section 9.9.5 of the OpenCL 1.2 Extension Specification Remove the following description of CL_INVALID_PROPERTY error code: "CL_INVALID_OPERATION if Direct3D 10 interoperability is specified by setting CL_INVALID_D3D10_DEVICE_KHR to a non-NULL value, and interoperability with another graphics API is also specified." Additions to section 9.11.5 of the OpenCL 1.2 Extension Specification Remove the following description of CL_INVALID_PROPERTY error code: "CL_INVALID_OPERATION if Direct3D 11 interoperability is specified by setting CL_INVALID_D3D11_DEVICE_KHR to a non-NULL value, and interoperability with another graphics API is also specified." Additions to cl_intel_dx9_media_sharing extension specification: Remove the following description of CL_INVALID_PROPERTY error code: "CL_INVALID_OPERATION if DirectX 9 interoperability is specified by setting CL_CONTEXT_D3D9_DEVICE_INTEL, CL_CONTEXT_D3D9EX_DEVICE_INTEL, or CL_CONTEXT_DXVA_DEVICE_INTEL to a non-NULL value, and interoperability with any other graphics API is also specified." Example Usage cl_uint SimInteropsNum; cl_uint* SimInterops; size_t SimInteropsSize; clGetDeviceInfo( deviceID, CL_DEVICE_NUM_SIMULTANEOUS_INTEROPS_INTEL, sizeof( SimInteropsNum ), &SimInteropsNum, NULL ); clGetDeviceInfo( deviceID, CL_DEVICE_SIMULTANEOUS_INTEROPS_INTEL, 0, NULL, &SimInteropsSize ); SimInterops = new cl_uint[ SimInteropsSize / sizeof( cl_uint ) ]; clGetDeviceInfo( deviceID, CL_DEVICE_SIMULTANEOUS_INTEROPS_INTEL, SimInteropsSize, SimInterops, NULL ); bool SimInteropsCheck[] = { false, false, false }; bool GLD3D11SimInteropSupported = false; cl_uint property = 0; for( int i = 0; i < SimInteropsNum; i++ ) { SimInteropsCheck[0] = false; SimInteropsCheck[1] = false; SimInteropsCheck[2] = false; do { property = *SimInterops++; if( property == CL_GL_CONTEXT_KHR ) SimInteropsCheck[0] = true; if( property == CL_WGL_HDC_KHR ) SimInteropsCheck[1] = true; if( property == CL_CONTEXT_D3D11_DEVICE_KHR ) SimInteropsCheck[2] = true; } while( property != 0 ); if( SimInteropsCheck[0] && SimInteropsCheck[1] && SimInteropsCheck[2] ) { GLD3D11SimInteropSupported = true; printf("This device supports GL and D3D11 simultaneous sharing.\n"); break; } } if( !GLD3D11SimInteropSupported ) { printf("This device doesn't support GL and D3D11 simultaneous sharing.\n"); } Issues - It might be good to enumerate changes to all chapters talking about sharing with each graphics API. However this is troublesome because the restriction for the interops being mutually exclusive is not consistent throughout specs. The restriction exists in chapters about sharing with Direct3D 10, Direct3D 11 and DX9 Media Intel vendor extension but is not explicitly stated in chapters about sharing with OpenGL and DX9 Media KHR extension. RESOLVED: Added description of all changes explicitly. Revision History Version 1, 2014/07/28 (Krzysztof Laskowski) - Initial version. Version 2, 2014/07/29 (Krzysztof Laskowski) - Changed minimum value of CL_DEVICE_NUM_SIMULTANEOUS_INTEROPS_INTEL to 1. Added section about usage of CL_CONTEXT_INTEROP_USER_SYNC. Version 3, 2014/09/29 (Krzysztof Laskowski) - Added numerical values for the new tokens. Version 4, 2014/10/02 (Krzysztof Laskowski) - Rephrased the description of CL_DEVICE _SIMULTANEOUS_INTEROPS_INTEL. Version 5, 2014/10/06 (Krzysztof Laskowski) - Added description of changes to OpenGL, D3D10, D3D11 and Intel DX9 Media sharing specifications. Removed redundant paragraphs from the description of CL_DEVICE_SIMULTANEOUS_ INTEROPS_INTEL. Version 6, 2014/10/09 (Krzysztof Laskowski) - Added Example Usage section. Version 7, 2014/10/14 (Krzysztof Laskowski) - Moved Issues section to the bottom. Marked as complete.