Name AMD_framebuffer_multisample_advanced Name Strings GL_AMD_framebuffer_multisample_advanced Contact Marek Olsak, AMD (marek.olsak 'at' Status Complete. Version Last Modified Date: June 28, 2018 Revision #1 Number OpenGL Extension #523 OpenGL ES Extension #303 Dependencies OpenGL dependencies: Requires GL_ARB_framebuffer_object. OpenGL ES dependencies: Requires OpenGL ES 3.0. This extension is written against the OpenGL 4.5 (Core Profile) specification. Overview This extension extends ARB_framebuffer_object by allowing compromises between image quality and memory footprint of multisample antialiasing. ARB_framebuffer_object introduced RenderbufferStorageMultisample as a method of defining the parameters for a multisample render buffer. This function takes a parameter that has strict requirements on behavior such that no compromises in the final image quality are allowed. Additionally, ARB_framebuffer_object requires that all framebuffer attachments have the same number of samples. This extension extends ARB_framebuffer_object by providing a new function, RenderbufferStorageMultisampleAdvancedAMD, that distinguishes between samples and storage samples for color renderbuffers where the number of storage samples can be less than the number of samples. This extension also allows non-matching sample counts between color and depth/stencil renderbuffers. This extension does not require any specific combination of sample counts to be supported. IP Status No known IP issues. New Procedures and Functions void RenderbufferStorageMultisampleAdvancedAMD( enum target, sizei samples, sizei storageSamples, enum internalformat, sizei width, sizei height ); void NamedRenderbufferStorageMultisampleAdvancedAMD( uint renderbuffer, sizei samples, sizei storageSamples, enum internalformat, sizei width, sizei height ); New Tokens Accepted by the parameter of GetRenderbufferParameteriv: RENDERBUFFER_STORAGE_SAMPLES_AMD 0x91B2 Accepted by the parameter of GetBooleanv, GetIntegerv, GetInteger64v, GetFloatv, GetDoublev: MAX_COLOR_FRAMEBUFFER_SAMPLES_AMD 0x91B3 MAX_COLOR_FRAMEBUFFER_STORAGE_SAMPLES_AMD 0x91B4 MAX_DEPTH_STENCIL_FRAMEBUFFER_SAMPLES_AMD 0x91B5 NUM_SUPPORTED_MULTISAMPLE_MODES_AMD 0x91B6 SUPPORTED_MULTISAMPLE_MODES_AMD 0x91B7 Additions to Chapter 9 of the OpenGL 4.5 (Core Profile) Specification (Framebuffers and Framebuffer Objects) In section, "Multisample Queries", remove the last paragraph beginning with "Otherwise" and add: Otherwise, the value of SAMPLES is equal to the value of RENDERBUFFER_SAMPLES or TEXTURE_SAMPLES (depending on the type of attachments) of color attachments if any is present. If there is no color attachment, SAMPLES is equal to the same value from the depth or stencil attachment, whichever is present. An implementation may only support a subset of the possible combinations of sample counts of textures and renderbuffers attached to a framebuffer object. The number of supported combinations is NUM_SUPPORTED_MULTISAMPLE_MODES_AMD. SUPPORTED_MULTISAMPLE_MODES_AMD is an array of NUM_SUPPORTED_MULTISAMPLE_MODES_AMD triples of integers where each triple contains a valid combination of sample counts in the form {color samples, color storage samples, depth and stencil samples}. The first element in each triple is at least 2. The second and third element in each triple are at least 1 and are not greater than the first element. In section 9.2.4, "Renderbuffer Objects", replace the description of (Named)RenderbufferStorageMultisample: The data storage, format, dimensions, number of samples, and number of storage samples of a renderbuffer object’s image are established with the commands void RenderbufferStorageMultisampleAdvancedAMD( enum target, sizei samples, sizei storageSamples, enum internalformat, sizei width, sizei height ); void NamedRenderbufferStorageMultisampleAdvancedAMD( uint renderbuffer, sizei samples, sizei storageSamples, enum internalformat, sizei width, sizei height ); For RenderbufferStorageMultisampleAdvancedAMD, the renderbuffer object is that bound to , which must be RENDERBUFFER. For NamedRenderbufferStorageMultisampleAdvancedAMD, is the name of the renderbuffer object. must be color-renderable, depth-renderable, or stencil-renderable (as defined in section 9.4). and are the dimensions in pixels of the renderbuffer. Upon success, *RenderbufferStorageMultisampleAdvancedAMD deletes any existing data store for the renderbuffer image, and the contents of the data store are undefined. RENDERBUFFER_WIDTH is set to , RENDERBUFFER_HEIGHT is set to , and RENDERBUFFER_INTERNAL_- FORMAT is set to . If is zero, then must be zero, and RENDERBUFFER_SAMPLES and RENDERBUFFER_STORAGE_SAMPLES_AMD are set to zero. Otherwise represents a request for a desired minimum number of samples and represents a request for a desired minimum number of storage samples, where must not be greater than . Since different implementations may support different sample counts for multisampled rendering, the actual number of samples and the actual number of storage samples allocated for the renderbuffer image are implementation-dependent. However, the resulting value for RENDERBUFFER_SAMPLES is guaranteed to be greater than or equal to and no more than the next larger sample count supported by the implementation, and the resulting value for RENDERBUFFER_STORAGE_SAMPLES_AMD is guaranteed to be greater than or equal to , no more than the next larger storage sample count supported by the implementation, and no more than RENDERBUFFER_SAMPLES. A GL implementation may vary its allocation of internal component resolution based on any *RenderbufferStorageMultisampleAdvancedAMD parameter (except and ), but the allocation and chosen internal format must not be a function of any other state and cannot be changed once they are established. Remove the first 4 errors and add these errors: An INVALID_ENUM error is generated by RenderbufferStorageMultisample- AdvancedAMD if is not RENDERBUFFER. An INVALID_OPERATION error is generated by NamedRenderbufferStorage- MultisampleAdvancedAMD if is not the name of an existing renderbuffer object. An INVALID_VALUE error is generated if , , , or is negative. An INVALID_OPERATION error is generated if is a color format and is greater than the implementation-dependent limit MAX_COLOR_FRAMEBUFFER_SAMPLES_AMD. An INVALID_OPERATION error is generated if is a color format and is greater than the implementation- dependent limit MAX_COLOR_FRAMEBUFFER_STORAGE_SAMPLES_AMD. An INVALID_OPERATION error is generated if is greater than . An INVALID_OPERATION error is generated if is a depth or stencil format and is greater than the maximum number of samples supported for (see GetInternalformativ in section 22.3). An INVALID_OPERATION error is generated if is a depth or stencil format and is not equal to . Finish the section as follows: The commands void RenderbufferStorageMultisample( enum target, sizei samples, enum internalformat, sizei width, sizei height ); void RenderbufferStorage( enum target, enum internalformat, sizei width, sizei height ); are equivalent to RenderbufferStorageMultisampleAdvancedAMD(target, samples, samples, internalformat, width, height); and RenderbufferStorageMultisampleAdvancedAMD(target, 0, 0, internalformat, width, height); respectively. The commands void NamedRenderbufferStorageMultisample( uint renderbuffer, sizei samples, enum internalformat, sizei width, sizei height ); void NamedRenderbufferStorage( uint renderbuffer, enum internalformat, sizei width, sizei height ); are equivalent to NamedRenderbufferStorageMultisampleAdvancedAMD(renderbuffer, samples, samples, internalformat, width, height); and NamedRenderbufferStorageMultisampleAdvancedAMD(renderbuffer, 0, 0, internalformat, width, height); respectively. In section 9.2.5, "Required Renderbuffer Formats", replace the last paragraph with: Implementations must support creation of renderbuffers in these required formats with sample counts up to and including: * MAX_COLOR_FRAMEBUFFER_SAMPLES_AMD as color renderbuffer samples * MAX_COLOR_FRAMEBUFFER_STORAGE_SAMPLES_AMD as color renderbuffer storage samples * MAX_DEPTH_STENCIL_FRAMEBUFFER_SAMPLES_AMD as depth and stencil samples with the exception that the signed and unsigned integer formats are required only to support creation of renderbuffers with up to the value of MAX_INTEGER_SAMPLES samples and storage samples, which must be at least one. In section 9.2.6, "Renderbuffer Object Queries", replace the paragraph mentioning RENDERBUFFER_SAMPLES with: If is RENDERBUFFER_WIDTH, RENDERBUFFER_HEIGHT, RENDERBUFFER_INTERNAL_FORMAT, RENDERBUFFER_SAMPLES, or RENDERBUFFER_STORAGE_SAMPLES_AMD then will contain the width in pixels, height in pixels, internal format, number of samples, or number of storage samples, respectively, of the image of the renderbuffer object. In section 9.4.1, "Framebuffer Attachment Completeness", remove the bullet beginning with "If has multisample samples" and replace the last 3 bullets about with: If is COLOR_ATTACHMENTi, then must have a color- renderable internal format, the sample count must be less than or equal to the value of the implementation-dependent limit MAX_COLOR_FRAMEBUFFER_SAMPLES_AMD, and the storage sample count must be less than or equal to the value of the implementation-dependent limit MAX_COLOR_FRAMEBUFFER_STORAGE_SAMPLES_AMD. If is DEPTH_ATTACHMENT, then must have a depth- renderable internal format, and its sample count must be less than or equal to the value of the implementation-dependent limit MAX_DEPTH_STENCIL_FRAMEBUFFER_SAMPLES_AMD. If is STENCIL_ATTACHMENT, then must have a stencil-renderable internal format, and its sample count must be less than or equal to the value of the implementation-dependent limit MAX_DEPTH_STENCIL_FRAMEBUFFER_SAMPLES_AMD. In section 9.4.2, replace the bullet mentioning RENDERBUFFER_SAMPLES with: * The value of RENDERBUFFER_SAMPLES of a color attachment defines its ; the value of RENDERBUFFER_STORAGE_SAMPLES of a color attachment defines its ; the value of RENDERBUFFER_SAMPLES of a depth or stencil attachment defines its for each separately; the value of TEXTURE_SAMPLES of a color attachment defines both its and its ; the value of TEXTURE_SAMPLES of a depth or stencil attachment defines its for each separately. If any of the defined values is 0, it is treated as 1. Any undefined value is treated as equal to any number. For all attachment values that are defined, all values of must be equal, all values of must be equal, all values of must be equal, and the triple {, , } must be in SUPPORTED_MULTISAMPLE_MODES_AMD or must be equal to {1, 1, 1}. { FRAMEBUFFER_INCOMPLETE_MULTISAMPLE } Additions to Chapter 17 of the OpenGL 4.5 (Core Profile) Specification (Writing Fragments and Samples to the Framebuffer) In section 17.3.10, "Additional Multisample Fragment Operations", add this paragraph after the "If MULTISAMPLE is enabled" paragraph: If there are fewer color storage samples (see section 9.2.4) than the value of SAMPLES, the number of color storage samples determines the number of unique color values that can be stored per pixel. The implementation must determine which samples within a pixel share the same color value, write that value into 1 color storage sample, and remember a mapping between color samples and color storage samples to be able to map color storage samples back to color samples. The color value equality determination is done in an implementation- specific manner, but the implementation must at least recognize a set of color samples coming from the same primitive as 1 storage sample if sample shading (see section is disabled. If there are not enough color storage samples per pixel to store all incoming color values, the excessive color values are not stored and the color samples with unstored values are marked as having an unknown value. Color samples with an unknown value will not contribute to the final color value of the pixel when all color samples are resolved by BlitFramebuffer (see section 18.3.1). If there are fewer depth and stencil samples than the value of SAMPLES and implementation-specific optimizations are unable to represent more depth and stencil samples within the given storage, the missing depth and stencil values should be pulled from or derived from the nearest existing depth and stencil samples within the same pixel. The mapping from missing to existing depth and stencil samples is implementation- specific, but the mapping must be at least: * injective if missing samples < existing samples * bijective if missing samples = existing samples * surjective if missing samples > existing samples Depth and stencil tests operate as if the number of depth and stencil samples was equal to the value of SAMPLES. Errors An INVALID_ENUM error is generated by RenderbufferStorageMultisample- AdvancedAMD if is not RENDERBUFFER. An INVALID_OPERATION error is generated by NamedRenderbufferStorage- MultisampleAdvancedAMD if is not the name of an existing renderbuffer object. An INVALID_VALUE error is generated if , , , or is negative. An INVALID_OPERATION error is generated if is a color format and is greater than the implementation-dependent limit MAX_COLOR_FRAMEBUFFER_SAMPLES_AMD. An INVALID_OPERATION error is generated if is a color format and is greater than the implementation- dependent limit MAX_COLOR_FRAMEBUFFER_STORAGE_SAMPLES_AMD. An INVALID_OPERATION error is generated if is greater than . An INVALID_OPERATION error is generated if is a depth or stencil format and is greater than the maximum number of samples supported for (see GetInternalformativ in section 22.3). An INVALID_OPERATION error is generated if is a depth or stencil format and is not equal to . New State Add to Table 23.27, "Renderbuffer (state per renderbuffer object)" Initial Get Value Type Get Command Value Description Section -------------------------------- ---- -------------------------- ------- ---------------------- ------- RENDERBUFFER_STORAGE_SAMPLES_AMD Z+ GetRenderbufferParameteriv 0 No. of storage samples 9.2.4 New Implementation Dependent Values Minimum Get Value Type Get Command Value Description Section ---------------------------------------- ---------- ----------- ------- --------------------------------------- ------- MAX_COLOR_FRAMEBUFFER_SAMPLES_AMD Z+ GetIntegerv 4 Max. no. of color samples supported by 9.2.4 framebuffer objects. MAX_COLOR_FRAMEBUFFER_STORAGE_SAMPLES_AMD Z+ GetIntegerv 4 Max. no. of color storage samples 9.2.4 supported by framebuffer objects. MAX_DEPTH_STENCIL_FRAMEBUFFER_SAMPLES_AMD Z+ GetIntegerv 4 Max. no. of depth and stencil samples 9.2.4 supported by framebuffer objects. NUM_SUPPORTED_MULTISAMPLE_MODES_AMD Z+ GetIntegerv 1 No. of supported combinations of color 9.2.4 samples, color storage samples, and depth-stencil samples by framebuffer objects. SUPPORTED_MULTISAMPLE_MODES_AMD n * 3 x Z+ GetIntegerv - NUM_SUPPORTED_MULTISAMPLE_MODES_AMD (n) 9.2.4 triples of integers. Each triple is a unique combination of color samples, color storage samples, and depth-stencil samples supported by framebuffer objects. AMD Implementation Details The following multisample modes are supported by AMD's open source OpenGL driver: Color Depth & Color storage stencil samples samples samples ======= ======= ======= 16 8 8 16 4 8 16 2 8 16 4 4 16 2 4 16 2 2 ------- ------- ------- 8 8 8 8 4 8 8 2 8 8 4 4 8 2 4 8 2 2 ------- ------- ------- 4 4 4 4 2 4 4 2 2 ------- ------- ------- 2 2 2 Issues None. Revision History Rev. Date Author Changes ---- -------- -------- -------------------------------------------- 1 06/28/18 mareko Initial version