Name NV_3dvision_settings Name Strings GL_NV_3dvision_settings Contributors Mathias Heyer, NVIDIA Swaminathan Narayanan, NVIDIA Greg Roth, NVIDIA Contact Greg Roth, NVIDIA (groth 'at' Status Complete Version Last Modified Date: 05 Oct 2012 Revision: 5 Number OpenGL ES Extension #129 Dependencies Written based on the wording of the OpenGL ES 2.0.25 specification OpenGL ES 2.0 is required. EGL_NV_3dvision_surface is used to specify a surface with support for these features explicitly enabled. Overview NVIDIA 3D Vision provides stereoscopic 3d rendering without requiring applications to change their rendering methods. However there are cases where applications can benefit from adjusting 3D vision parameters directly to experiment with this functionality in applications not yet known to 3D Vision, to assist 3D Vision in setting parameters correctly for unusual situations, or to present application-specific user-accessible controls for 3D Vision parameters. This extension provides the ability to query the current stereo settings and adjust them as necessary. IP Status NVIDIA Proprietary New Procedures and Functions void StereoParameterfNV(enum pname, float param); void StereoParameteriNV(enum pname, int param); New Tokens Accepted by the parameter of GetBooleanv, GetIntegerv, and GetFloatv, and the parameter of isEnabled, Enable, and Disable: 3DVISION_STEREO_NV 0x90F4 Accepted by the parameter of GetBooleanv, GetIntegerv, and GetFloatv and the parameter of StereoParameterfNV, and StereoParameteriNV: STEREO_SEPARATION_NV 0x90F5 STEREO_CONVERGENCE_NV 0x90F6 STEREO_CUTOFF_NV 0x90F7 STEREO_PROJECTION_NV 0x90F8 Accepted by the parameter of StereoParameterfNV and StereoParameteriNV and returned by GetBooleanv, GetIntegerv, and GetFloatv when is STEREO_PROJECTION_NV. STEREO_PROJECTION_PERSPECTIVE_NV 0x90F9 STEREO_PROJECTION_ORTHO_NV 0x90FA Changes to Chapter 4 of the OpenGL ES 2.0.25 Specification (Per-Fragment Operations and the Frame Buffer) Add to section 4.2.1, "Selecting a Buffer for Writing": If the bound draw surface is auto stereo enabled and 3d Vision rendering is enabled in the GL, color values are written to left and right buffers with adjustments according to current separation and convergence values. Add subsection 4.2.x, "Stereo Parameters": 3D Vision stereo capability may be enabled at surface creation. If the bound draw surface is auto stereo capable, 3D Vision rendering can be enabled and disabled by calling Enable or Disable with the symbolic constant 3DVISION_STEREO_NV. If the current draw surface is not auto stereo capable, enabling 3D Vision rendering has no effect. The current state of 3D Vision rendering may be queried using isEnabled with set to 3DVISION_STEREO_NV. Various parameters control how 3D Vision stereo rendering is performed. Each parameter is set by calling void StereoParameter{if}NV(enum pname, T param); is a symbolic constant indicating the parameter to be set. If is STEREO_PROJECTION_NV, then specifies the method of rendering 3D Vision will use. must be STEREO_PROJECTION_PERSPECTIVE_NV or STEREO_PROJECTION_ORTHO_NV identifying the projection type used. If has any other value, an INVALID_ENUM error is generated. The current 3D Vision stereo method is queried by calling GetIntegerv with set to STEREO_PROJECTION_NV. The initial value of STEREO_PROJECTION_NV is STEREO_PROJECTION_PERSPECTIVE_NV, but may differ for contexts created with a 3D Vision profile in effect. If is STEREO_SEPARATION_NV, then specifies the separation value used in 3D Vision stereo rendering. The current separation value is queried by calling GetFloatv with set to STEREO_SEPARATION_NV. The initial value of STEREO_PROJECTION_NV depends on 3D Vision system settings at the time the context was created. The separation value indicates a percentage. If is less than zero or greater than 100, an INVALID_VALUE error is generated. If is STEREO_CONVERGENCE_NV, then specifies the convergence value used in 3D Vision stereo rendering. The current convergence value is queried by calling GetFloatv with set to STEREO_CONVERGENCE_NV. The initial value of STEREO_CONVERGENCE- _NV is zero, but may differ for contexts created with a 3D Vision profile in effect. If is STEREO_CUTOFF_NV, then specifies the separation cutoff value used in 3D Vision stereo rendering. The current separation cutoff value is queried by calling GetFloatv with set to STEREO_CUTOFF_NV. The initial value of STEREO_CUTOFF_NV is zero, but may differ for contexts created with a 3D Vision profile in effect. Otherwise, INVALID_ENUM is generated. Setting stereo parameters on a context that does not support 3D Vision rendering has no effect on rendering. The state required to implement these stereo parameters is three floats and one integer. Errors The error INVALID_ENUM is generated if StereoParameter{if} is called where is an unsupported enum value. The error INVALID_ENUM is generated if StereoParameter{if} is called where is STEREO_PROJECTION_NV and is an unsupported enum value. New State Add new table "Stereo State" Get Value Type Get Command Initial Value Description Sec --------- ---- ----------- ------------- ----------- ------ 3DVISION_STEREO_NV B isEnabled see 4.2.x 3D Vision stereo enable 4.2.x STEREO_SEPARATION_NV R GetFloatv see 4.2.x 3D Vision separation 4.2.x STEREO_CONVERGENCE_NV R GetFloatv see 4.2.x 3D Vision convergence 4.2.x STEREO_CUTOFF_NV R GetFloatv see 4.2.x 3D Vision separation cutoff 4.2.x STEREO_PROJECTION_NV Z GetIntegerv see 4.2.x 3D Vision projection method 4.2.x Issues 1. What are the default values of 3D Vision stereo parameters? RESOLVED: The default values depend on the application being run and current system 3D Vision settings. For all but separation, defaults for an application with no 3D Vision profile. GL contexts created for Applications with established stereo profiles will have different default values for stereo parameters. 2. Should method settings be included? RESOLVED: Yes, but in a form that makes sense to the user. Internal method settings have many forms, but all the user needs be concerned with are orthographic and perspective settings. For Applications controlled by application detection, changing this is inadvisable. Applications that use context creation attributes to enable 3D Vision may have to set the method explicitly. 3. Should descriptions of how these settings are used by 3D Vision be included here? RESOLVED: No. This functionality is extensively documented in existing 3D Vision documents such as "NVIDIA 3D Vision Automatic Best Practices". Merging these explanations into the OpenGL document and maintaining them won't add any additional clarity to the functionality and may limit the underlying implementation. 4. What is the behavior of GL calls that may use a 3D Vision surface such as ReadPixels, CopyTex[Sub]Image, and BlitFramebuffer? RESOLVED: The current implementation makes calls that expect a single surface by definition such as ReadPixels read from the left buffer only. Calls that permit the number of surfaces to be abstracted behind objects that have no direct interaction with the user application such as CopyTexImage and BlitFramebuffer sample from both surfaces of the source when available to copy to the corresponding destination surfaces. The intent of this extension is to provide a 3D Vision support that is as transparent to the developer as possible. Introducing the ability to select which buffer is read from breaks the notion of the application that what was developed as a single buffer is represented as two surfaces when 3D Vision is enabled. Furthermore, this matches behavior of 3D Vision enabled applications that do not make use of this extension. It's possible that this approach may cause problems with particular applications that make meaningful use of ReadPixels. Such incidents are not expected to be common. Where they arise, the 3D Vision implementation may change to accomodate them. It is in keeping with one purpose of this extension to test new development with 3D Vision to identify interaction problems before it becomes publicly available. By keeping with the current implementation, these conflicts can be identified and resolved beforehand. This is one such conflict that may be identified and addressed either by the application developer or through communication with the extension implementor. Because the implementation may change according to future requirements, this extension makes no changes to the corresponding documentation in the specification to enable future implementation changes that may do something different. Conceptually, the behavior of this functionality does not change any more than that of the draw calls. Revision History Rev. Date Author Changes ---- ------------- --------- ---------------------------------------- 5 05 Oct 2012 groth Add issue addressing ReadPixels. 4 15 Dec 2011 groth Refine default values. Add invalid value errors 3 02 Dec 2011 groth Restore method settings in limited form 2 11 Nov 2011 groth Remove method query and settings 1 08 Nov 2011 groth Initial version