Name NV_platform_binary Name Strings GL_NV_platform_binary Contact Acorn Pooley, NVIDIA Corporation (apooley 'at' Contributors Antoine Chauveau Status Complete. Version Last Modified Date: April 27, 2010 Revision: #1 Number OpenGL ES Extension #131 Dependencies OpenGL ES 2.0 is required. Written based on the wording of the OpenGL ES 2.0 specification. Overview NVIDIA's SDK contains an offline shader compiler. This extension provides a binary format to allow loading the resulting shader binaries into OpenGL ES. New Procedures and Functions None. New Tokens Accepted by the parameter of ShaderBinary: NVIDIA_PLATFORM_BINARY_NV 0x890B Additions to Chapter 2 of the OpenGL ES 2.0 Specification (OpenGL Operation) Add the following paragraph to the end of section 2.10.2: "NVIDIA_PLATFORM_BINARY_NV is returned when querying the list of SHADER_BINARY_FORMATS. Pre-compiled shader binaries in this format may be loaded via ShaderBinary. A binary in NVIDIA_PLATFORM_BINARY_NV format encodes a single vertex or fragment shader. When a binary fails to load, an INVALID_VALUE error is generated and a more detailed error message is appended to the shader's info log." Errors INVALID_VALUE is generated if the parameter to ShaderBinary is not 1. INVALID_VALUE is generated if the parameter to ShaderBinary was produced with an incompatible version of the NVIDIA shader compiler. New State None. Revision History #01 04/27/2010 Antoine Chauveau First draft.