Name NV_scissor_exclusive Name Strings GL_NV_scissor_exclusive Contact Pat Brown, NVIDIA Corporation (pbrown 'at' Contributors Mark Kilgard, NVIDIA Pyarelal Knowles, NVIDIA Status Shipping Version Last Modified: February 6, 2019 Revision: 2 Number OpenGL Extension #529 OpenGL ES Extension #311 Dependencies This extension is written against the OpenGL 4.5 Specification (Compatibility Profile), dated October 24, 2016. OpenGL 4.5 or OpenGL ES 3.2 is required. This extension is written against the OpenGL Shading Language Specification, version 4.50, dated April 14, 2016. This extension trivially interacts with EXT_draw_buffers2, EXT_transform_feedback, NV_transform_feedback, and EXT_direct_state_access. If implemented in OpenGL ES, at least one of NV_viewport_array or OES_viewport_array is required. Overview In unextended OpenGL, applications can enable a per-viewport scissor test (SCISSOR_TEST) where fragments are discarded if their (x,y) coordinates lie outside the corresponding scissor rectangle. In this extension, we provide a separate per-viewport exclusive scissor test, where fragments are discarded if their (x,y) coordinates lie *inside* the corresponding exclusive scissor rectangle. The regular (inclusive) scissor test and exclusive scissor test are orthogonal; applications can enable either or both tests for each viewport. If both tests are enabled, fragments will be discarded unless their (x,y) coordinates are both inside the regular scissor rectangle and outside the exclusive scissor rectangle. New Procedures and Functions void ScissorExclusiveArrayvNV(uint first, sizei count, const int *v); void ScissorExclusiveNV(int x, int y, sizei width, sizei height); New Tokens Accepted by the parameter of Enable, Disable, and IsEnabled, by the parameter of Enablei, Disablei, IsEnabledi, EnableIndexedEXT, DisableIndexedEXT, and IsEnabledIndexedEXT, and by the parameter of GetBooleanv, GetIntegerv, GetInteger64v, GetFloatv, GetDoublev, GetDoubleIndexedv, GetBooleani_v, GetIntegeri_v, GetInteger64i_v, GetFloati_v, GetDoublei_v, GetBooleanIndexedvEXT, GetIntegerIndexedvEXT, and GetFloatIndexedvEXT: SCISSOR_TEST_EXCLUSIVE_NV 0x9555 Accepted by the parameter of GetBooleanv, GetIntegerv, GetInteger64v, GetFloatv, GetDoublev, GetBooleani_v, GetIntegeri_v, GetInteger64i_v, GetFloati_v, GetDoublei_v, GetDoubleIndexedv, GetBooleanIndexedvEXT, GetIntegerIndexedvEXT, and GetFloatIndexedvEXT: SCISSOR_BOX_EXCLUSIVE_NV 0x9556 Modifications to the OpenGL 4.5 Specification (Compatibility Profile) Insert a new section after section 14.9.2, Scissor Test (p. 560) 14.9.3 Exclusive Scissor Test Like the scissor test (section 14.9.2), the exclusive scissor test determines if (x_w, y_w) lies outside the exclusive scissor rectangles defined by four values for each viewport. These values are set with void ScissorExclusiveArrayvNV(uint first, sizei count, const int *v); void ScissorExclusiveNV(int x, int y, sizei width, sizei height); ScissorExclusiveArrayvNV defines a set of exclusive scissor rectangles that are each applied to the corresponding viewport (see section 13.6.1). specifies the index of the first exclusive scissor rectangle to modify, and specifies the number of scissor rectangles. specifies an array of 4* integers, where each group of four integers specifies the left column, bottom row, width, and height (in that order) of an individual exclusive scissor rectangle. ScissorExclusiveNV is equivalent to calling ScissorExclusiveArrayvNV with set to 0, set to the value of MAX_VIEWPORTS, and filled with an array of 4*MAX_VIEWPORTS integer, with each group of four integers set to , , , and , respectively. When enabled, the exclusive scissor test passes only if the fragment is outside the selected exclusive scissor rectangle, which is the case if any of the following conditions is true: * x_w < left, * x_w >= left + width, * y_w < bottom, or * y_w >= bottom + height. Otherwise, the test fails and the fragment is discarded. For points, lines, and polygons, the scissor rectangle for a primitive is selected in the same manner as the viewport (see section 13.6.1). For bitmaps, pixel rectangles and buffer clears (see section 17.4.3), the scissor rectangle numbered zero is used for the scissor test. Errors An INVALID_VALUE error is generated by ScissorExclusiveArrayvNV if + is greater than the value of MAX_VIEWPORTS. An INVALID_VALUE error is generated if width or height is negative. The exclusive scissor test is enabled or disabled for all viewports using Enable or Disable with target SCISSOR_TEST_EXCLUSIVE_NV. The test is enabled or disabled for a specific viewport using Enablei or Disablei with the constant SCISSOR_TEST_EXCLUSIVE_NV and the index of the selected viewport. When disabled, it is as if the exclusive scissor test always passes. The value of the scissor test enable for viewport can be queried by calling IsEnabledi with target SCISSOR_TEST_EXCLUSIVE_NV and index . The value of the exclusive scissor test enable for viewport zero may also be queried by calling IsEnabled with the same target, but no index parameter. Errors An INVALID_VALUE error is generated by Enablei, Disablei and IsEnabledi if target is SCISSOR_TEST_EXCLUSIVE_NV and is greater than or equal to the value of MAX_VIEWPORTS. The state required for the exclusive scissor test consists of four integer values per viewport, and a bit indicating whether the test is enabled or disabled for each viewport. In the initial state for all viewports, the exclusive scissor test is disabled and the exclusive scissor rectangle has zero values for all of left, bottom, width, and height. Interactions with EXT_draw_buffers2 or EXT_transform_feedback or NV_transform_feedback or EXT_direct_state_access Ignore references to GetBooleanIndexedvEXT or GetIntegerIndexedvEXT if none of EXT_draw_buffers2, EXT_transform_feedback, NV_transform_feedback, or EXT_direct_state_access are supported. Interactions with EXT_draw_buffers2 or EXT_direct_state_access Ignore references to EnableIndexedEXT, DisableIndexedEXT, and IsEnabledIndexedEXT if neither of EXT_draw_buffers2 or EXT_direct_state_access are supported. Interactions with EXT_direct_state_access Ignore references to GetFloatIndexedvEXT and GetDoubleIndexedvEXT if EXT_direct_state_access is not supported. Interactions with NV_viewport_array or OES_viewport_array If NV_viewport_array is supported, references to MAX_VIEWPORTS and GetFloati_v apply to MAX_VIEWPORTS_NV and GetFloati_vNV respecively. If OES_viewport_array is supported, references to MAX_VIEWPORTS and GetFloati_v apply to MAX_VIEWPORTS_OES and GetFloati_vOES respectively. Interactions with OpenGL ES 3.2 If implemented in OpenGL ES, remove all references to GetDoublev, GetDoublei_v, EnableIndexedEXT, DisableIndexedEXT, IsEnabledIndexedEXT, GetBooleanIndexedvEXT, GetIntegerIndexedvEXT, GetFloatIndexedvEXT and GetDoubleIndexedv. If implemented in OpenGL ES, remove all references to MAX_VIEWPORTS and GetFloati_v. Additions to the AGL/GLX/WGL Specifications None Errors Errors are described in "Errors" sections of the spec language above. New State Get Value Type Get Command Initial Value Description Sec Attribute ------------------------ ---------- ------------ ------------- ---------------------------- ----- --------- SCISSOR_TEST_EXCLUSIVE_NV 16* x B IsEnabledi FALSE Exclusive scissoring enabled 14.9.3 scissor/enable SCISSOR_BOX_EXCLUSIVE_NV 16* x 4 x Z GetIntegeri_v (0,0,0,0) Exclusive scissor rectangles 14.9.3 scissor New Implementation Dependent State None Issues (1) How should we name this extension? RESOLVED: NV_scissor_exclusive. It defines scissor rectangles and tests that are "exclusive", where fragments pass only if they are outside the rectangle. (2) What should we use for the default values for exclusive scissor rectangles? RESOLVED: For inclusive scissors, the default values for an OpenGL context are taken from the size of the drawable first used with the context. While the inclusive scissor test is initially disabled, the default state allows for "normal" unscissored rendering to that drawable if the test is enabled without explicitly programming a scissor rectangle. If we used similar state for exclusive scissors, enabling the exclusive scissor test without programming a rectangle would scissor out all rendering to such drawables. Instead, we specify the default rectangles as (0,0,0,0), which would cause the exclusive scissor test to discard nothing if enabled without programming a rectangle. Additionally, this approach makes the default state independent of the drawable first used with the OpenGL context. (3) How does the exclusive scissor interact with the functionality of EXT_window_rectangles? RESOLVED: The exclusive scissor, as with the inclusive scissor, is orthogonal to the window rectangles testing introduced by EXT_window_rectangles. The window rectangle testing applies to ALL viewports whereas the exclusive scissor, as with the inclusive scissor, are selected by the particular viewport index selected for rasterization. Additionally window rectangle testing is only support rendering to framebuffer objects (FBOs) whereas the exclusive scissor, as with the conventional inclusive scissor, works on all drawable. Revision History Revision 2 (pknowles) - Add ES interactions. Revision 1 (pbrown) - Internal revisions.