Name NV_texture_rectangle_compressed Name Strings GL_NV_texture_rectangle_compressed Contact James Helferty, NVIDIA Corporation (jhelferty 'at' Contributors Pat Brown Status Complete Version Last Modified: Jun 21, 2017 Revision: 1 Number OpenGL Extension #509 Dependencies This extension is written against the OpenGL 4.5 specification (Core Profile), dated October 24, 2016 OpenGL 1.3 or ARB_texture_compression is required. OpenGL 3.1, NV_texture_rectangle, EXT_texture_rectangle or ARB_texture_rectangle is required. Overview This extension allows applications to use compressed texture formats with the TEXTURE_RECTANGLE texture target, removing an old limitation that prohibited such usage globally for rectangle textures. New Procedures and Functions None New Tokens None Modifications to the OpenGL 4.5 Specification (Core Profile) Remove the following from Section 8.7 (Compressed Texture Images): An INVALID_ENUM error is generated if the target parameter to any of the CompressedTexImagenD commands is TEXTURE_RECTANGLE or PROXY_- TEXTURE_RECTANGLE. Remove "or target is TEXTURE_RECTANGLE" from the following error in Section 8.7 (Compressed Texture Images): An INVALID_OPERATION error is generated by CompressedTexImage2D if internalformat is one of the EAC, ETC2, or RGTC formats and either border is non-zero, or target is TEXTURE_RECTANGLE. Remove the following from Section 8.7 (Compressed Texture Images): An INVALID_ENUM error is generated by CompressedTexSubImage*D if target is TEXTURE_RECTANGLE or PROXY_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE. An INVALID_OPERATION error is generated by CompressedTextureSubImage*D if the effective target is TEXTURE_RECTANGLE. An INVALID_ENUM error is generated by CompressedTex*SubImage1D if the internal format of the texture is one of the specific compressed formats. Issues (1) What is the purpose of this extension? RESOLVED: When the original NV_texture_rectangle extension was first published, then-current GPUs were incapable of supporting compressed textures with the TEXTURE_RECTANGLE_NV target. The rectangle texture support in all current NVIDIA GPUs has no such limitation, and removing this limitation allows applications to access compressed textures with non-normalized texture coordinates. Revision History Revision 1 - Initial revision