XXX - incomplete Name SGIX_ir_instrument1 Name Strings GL_SGIX_ir_instrument1 Version $Date: 1997/09/18 01:12:44 $ $Revision: 1.4 $ Number 81 Dependencies SGIX_instruments is required Overview New Procedures and Functions None New Tokens Accepted by the parameter of Enable, Disable and IsEnabled: IR_INSTRUMENT1_SGIX Additions to Chapter 2 of the 1.0 Specification (OpenGL Operation) None Additions to Chapter 3 of the 1.0 Specification (Rasterization) None Additions to Chapter 4 of the 1.0 Specification (Per-Fragment Operations and the Frame Buffer) None Additions to Chapter 5 of the 1.0 Specification (Special Functions) Add to section 5.X entitled Instruments: Each implementation may require its own set of instruments. An enum for the instrument must be passed to Enable to enable measurements of that instrument. The format of any instrument measurement in the buffer should obey some conventions. The first word of the measurement should be the enum for the instrument itself. The second word of the measurement should be the size in words of the entire measurement so that any parser can step over measurements with which it is unfamiliar. The IR_INSTRUMENT1_SGIX measurement uses 10 words of the buffer. The first (index 0) will be the IR_INSTRUMENT1_SGIX enum itself, the second word (index 1) will be 10. The following words are COUNTEMPTY (index 2) Increments each time a datum such as a word of screen-space geometry, or word of a pixel or texel could have been written to next stage of the GL pipeline, but wasn't because there was no data to write. This is an indication of back-end starvation. The counter is set to zero as a result of calling StartInstrumentsSGIX and set to zero by ReadInstrumentsSGIX after the value has been read and written back to the buffer. COUNTDRAW (index 3) Increments each time a datam such as a word of screen-space geometry, or word of a pixel is written to the next stage of the geometry pipeline. The counter is set to zero as a result of calling StartInstrumentsSGIX and set to zero by ReadInstrumentsSGIX after the value has been read and written back to the buffer. COUNTLOAD (index 4) Increments each time a texture load datum is written to the texture memory. The counter is set to zero as a result of calling StartInstrumentsSGIX and set to zero by ReadInstrumentsSGIX after the value has been read and written back to the buffer. MAILBOX_TIMESTAMP (index 5) Holds the value of COUNTALL at the time MAILBOX is written as a result of calling StartInstrumentsSGIX or ReadInstrumentsSGIX. COUNTALL (index 6) Increments every 50mhz clock cycle. No effort to prevent wrapping is made. PAD (index 7) Unused MARKER (index 8) Holds the value of marker passed to StopInstrumentsSGIX or ReadInstrumentsSGIX for this measurement. MAILBOX (index 9) Holds a value that is used by the implementation. Typically a sequence identifier, set after the buffer as been reset, starting at 1 with the first measurement and incrementing by 1 for each successive measurement. Additions to Chapter 6 of the 1.0 Specification (State and State Requests) None Additions to the GLX Specification None GLX Protocol None Errors None New Implementation Dependent State None