Release Note: Khronos OpenMAX DL v1.0.2, January 2008. ====================================================== Summary ======= Based on feedback from users and implementors the v1.0.2 OpenMAX DL specification has been improved. Unfortunately some of the changes may require minor alterations to some existing applications that use the v1.0.1 API. No functions have been removed, however a few have been renamed. Differences between the current version 1.0.2 of the specification and the previous version 1.0.1 include: - clarifications to descriptions of functions, parameters and return codes to remove ambiguities about their operation. - name changes of twenty-two color conversion function names to more clearly describe their operation, and the order of storage of their individual color components. - name changes to a few enumerated values for similar reasons. - prototype parameter modifications to four functions only. - a re-write of the return codes section including a return codes table update. - many typographical errors have been corrected. For the full details on the actual changes a redline document showing the changes between version 1.0.1 and version 1.0.2 is available. The changes most likely to impact existing applications are itemised below. Function Name Changes ===================== The color conversion functions are renamed to more clearly describe the data formats used: - all functions names referring to the RGB color space are changed to use BGR instead. - two function names previously containing "YCbCr422" are now renamed "CbYCrY422" to make the data format in memory clearer. - two function names previously containing "YCbCr422" are now renamed "YCbYCr422" to make the data format in memory clearer. The full list of function name changes is here: Old Function Name New Function Name ----------------- ----------------- omxIPCS_YCbCr444ToRGB888_U8_C3R omxIPCS_YCbCr444ToBGR888_U8_C3R omxIPCS_YCbCr444ToRGB565_U8_U16_C3R omxIPCS_YCbCr444ToBGR565_U8_U16_C3R omxIPCS_YCbCr444ToRGB565_U8_U16_P3C3R omxIPCS_YCbCr444ToBGR565_U8_U16_P3C3R omxIPCS_YCbCr420ToRGB565_U8_U16_P3C3R omxIPCS_YCbCr420ToBGR565_U8_U16_P3C3R omxIPCS_YCbCr422ToRGB888_U8_C2C3R omxIPCS_YCbYCr422ToBGR888_U8_C2C3R omxIPCS_YCbCr422ToRGB565_U8_U16_C2C3R omxIPCS_YCbYCr422ToBGR565_U8_U16_C2C3R omxIPCS_YCbCr422RszCscRotRGB_U8_U16_C2R omxIPCS_CbYCrY422RszCscRotBGR_U8_U16_C2R omxIPCS_YCbCr420RszCscRotRGB_U8_P3C3R omxIPCS_YCbCr420RszCscRotBGR_U8_P3C3R omxIPCS_YCbCr422RszCscRotRGB_U8_P3C3R omxIPCS_YCbCr422RszCscRotBGR_U8_P3C3R omxIPCS_YCbCr422ToYCbCr420Rotate_U8_C2P3R omxIPCS_CbYCrY422ToYCbCr420Rotate_U8_C2P3R omxIPCS_RGB888ToYCbCr444LS_MCU_U8_S16_C3P3 omxIPCS_BGR888ToYCbCr444LS_MCU_U8_S16_C3P3 omxIPCS_RGB888ToYCbCr422LS_MCU_U8_S16_C3P3 omxIPCS_BGR888ToYCbCr422LS_MCU_U8_S16_C3P3 omxIPCS_RGB888ToYCbCr420LS_MCU_U8_S16_C3P3 omxIPCS_BGR888ToYCbCr420LS_MCU_U8_S16_C3P3 omxIPCS_RGB565ToYCbCr444LS_MCU_U16_S16_C3P3 omxIPCS_BGR565ToYCbCr444LS_MCU_U16_S16_C3P3 omxIPCS_RGB565ToYCbCr422LS_MCU_U16_S16_C3P3 omxIPCS_BGR565ToYCbCr422LS_MCU_U16_S16_C3P3 omxIPCS_RGB565ToYCbCr420LS_MCU_U16_S16_C3P3 omxIPCS_BGR565ToYCbCr420LS_MCU_U16_S16_C3P3 omxIPCS_YCbCr444ToRGB888LS_MCU_S16_U8_P3C3 omxIPCS_YCbCr444ToBGR888LS_MCU_S16_U8_P3C3 omxIPCS_YCbCr422ToRGB888LS_MCU_S16_U8_P3C3 omxIPCS_YCbCr422ToBGR888LS_MCU_S16_U8_P3C3 omxIPCS_YCbCr420ToRGB888LS_MCU_S16_U8_P3C3 omxIPCS_YCbCr420ToBGR888LS_MCU_S16_U8_P3C3 omxIPCS_YCbCr444ToRGB565LS_MCU_S16_U16_P3C3 omxIPCS_YCbCr444ToBGR565LS_MCU_S16_U16_P3C3 omxIPCS_YCbCr422ToRGB565LS_MCU_S16_U16_P3C3 omxIPCS_YCbCr422ToBGR565LS_MCU_S16_U16_P3C3 omxIPCS_YCbCr420ToRGB565LS_MCU_S16_U16_P3C3 omxIPCS_YCbCr420ToBGR565LS_MCU_S16_U16_P3C3 Enumerated Value Changes ======================== In enum OMXIPColorSpace: OMX_IP_RGB565 is now OMX_IP_BGR565 OMX_IP_RGB555 is now OMX_IP_BGR555 OMX_IP_RGB444 is now OMX_IP_BGR444 OMX_IP_RGB888 is now OMX_IP_BGR888 Changes to function prototypes ============================== The prototypes of the following four functions were modified: - omxVCM4P10_MotionEstimationMB (section ... parameter "pDstBlockSAD" has been added - omxVCM4P2_MotionEstimationMB (section ... parameters are rewritten to more closely match the M4P10 equivalent (above). - omxVCM4P2_QuantInvInter_I ( ... parameter "shortVideoHeader" is removed. - omxACAAC_MDCTInv_S32_S16 (section ... parameter "pSrcSpectralCoefs" is now specified as a "const" value. Changes to data structures ========================== The "OMXAACADTSFrameHeader" structure defined in the audio coding section is modified by removing the "emphasis" element. Structure element "OMXMP3SideInfo cnt1TabSel" was previously erroneously written as "cntlTabSel", but as it stands for "count1 table index" so the "l" should be a "1". Structure "OMXAAXLtpInfo" contains an element "ltpcoef" that has changed its meaning from an index into a table of coefficients (range 0-7), to being the indicated coefficient itself in Q14 format (range 9352 to 22438). === End of release note ===