Name KHR_advanced_blending Name Strings VG_KHR_advanced_blending Contributors Ray Taylor James Walker Contacts James Walker, NDS (jwalker 'at' Version Revision 3 (March 05, 2008) Number OpenVG Extension #3 Status Published Dependencies Requires OpenVG version 1.0 or later. This extension is written against the wording of the OpenVG 1.0 Specification. IP Status No known IP issues Overview This extension specifies a larger set of blend modes than those in OpenVG 1.0. These advanced modes include many supported in graphics authoring tools & file formats, for example, the SVG 1.2 specification ( and the PDF 1.7 specification ( This extension references the following specification: [1] Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) 1.2, W3C Working Draft 27 October 2004 Copyright ©2004 W3C® (MIT, ERCIM, Keio), All Rights Reserved. Status: W3C Last Call Working Draft of the Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) 1.2 specification. New Procedures and Functions None New Tokens None New Datatypes None New Values for Existing Enumerated Datatypes The VGBlendMode enumeration is extended as follows: VG_BLEND_OVERLAY_KHR 0x2010 VG_BLEND_HARDLIGHT_KHR 0x2011 VG_BLEND_SOFTLIGHT_SVG_KHR 0x2012 VG_BLEND_SOFTLIGHT_KHR 0x2013 VG_BLEND_COLORDODGE_KHR 0x2014 VG_BLEND_COLORBURN_KHR 0x2015 VG_BLEND_DIFFERENCE_KHR 0x2016 VG_BLEND_SUBTRACT_KHR 0x2017 VG_BLEND_INVERT_KHR 0x2018 VG_BLEND_EXCLUSION_KHR 0x2019 VG_BLEND_LINEARDODGE_KHR 0x201a VG_BLEND_LINEARBURN_KHR 0x201b VG_BLEND_VIVIDLIGHT_KHR 0x201c VG_BLEND_LINEARLIGHT_KHR 0x201d VG_BLEND_PINLIGHT_KHR 0x201e VG_BLEND_HARDMIX_KHR 0x201f VG_BLEND_CLEAR_KHR 0x2020 VG_BLEND_DST_KHR 0x2021 VG_BLEND_SRC_OUT_KHR 0x2022 VG_BLEND_DST_OUT_KHR 0x2023 VG_BLEND_SRC_ATOP_KHR 0x2024 VG_BLEND_DST_ATOP_KHR 0x2025 VG_BLEND_XOR_KHR 0x2026 Additions to Chapter 12 of the OpenVG 1.0 Specification (Blending) Section 12.2 Porter-Duff Blending Append the following rows to Table 13: Porter-Duff Blending Modes | Blend Mode | Fsrc | Fdst | | Clear | 0 | 0 | | Dst | 0 | 1 | | Src out Dst | 1 - adst | 0 | | Dst out Src | 0 | 1 - asrc | | Src atop Dst | adst | 1 - asrc | | Dst atop Src | 1 - adst | asrc | | Src xor Dst | 1 - adst | 1 - asrc | Section 12.3 Additional Blending Modes Append the following bullet paragraphs for each of the following additional modes following the VG_BLEND_LIGHTEN paragraph: * VG_BLEND_OVERLAY_KHR - SVG 1.2 [1] defines this mode as: "Multiplies or screens the colors, dependent on the destination color. Source colors overlay the destination whilst preserving its highlights and shadows. The destination color is not replaced, but is mixed with the source color to reflect the lightness or darkness of the destination". * VG_BLEND_HARDLIGHT_KHR - SVG 1.2 [1] defines this mode as: "Multiplies or screens the colors, dependent on the source color value. If the source color is lighter than 0.5, the destination is lightened as if it were screened. If the source color is darker than 0.5, the destination is darkened, as if it were multiplied. The degree of lightening or darkening is proportional to the difference between the source color and 0.5. If it is equal to 0.5 the destination is unchanged. Painting with pure black or white produces black or white". * VG_BLEND_SOFTLIGHT_SVG_KHR - SVG 1.2 [1] defines this mode as: "Darkens or lightens the colors, dependent on the source color value. If the source color is lighter than 0.5, the destination is lightened. If the source color is darker than 0.5, the destination is darkened, as if it were burned in. The degree of darkening or lightening is proportional to the difference between the source color and 0.5. If it is equal to 0.5, the destination is unchanged. Painting with pure black or white produces a distinctly darker or lighter area, but does not result in pure black or white". * VG_BLEND_SOFTLIGHT_KHR - this is an alternative definition of the softlight blendmode. This version is more commonly used by non SVG authoring tools and renderers. * VG_BLEND_COLORDODGE_KHR - SVG 1.2 [1] defines this mode as: "Brightens the destination color to reflect the source color. Painting with black produces no change". * VG_BLEND_COLORBURN_KHR - SVG 1.2 [1] defines this mode as: "Darkens the destination color to reflect the source color. Painting with white produces no change". * VG_BLEND_DIFFERENCE_KHR - SVG 1.2 [1] defines this mode as: "Subtracts the darker of the two constituent colors from the lighter. Painting with white inverts the destination color. Painting with black produces no change". * VG_BLEND_SUBTRACT_KHR - This mode subtracts src from dst, clipping to zero if required. * VG_BLEND_INVERT_KHR - This mode blends an inverted version of the dst with the original dst under control of src alpha. * VG_BLEND_EXCLUSION_KHR - SVG 1.2 [1] defines this mode as: "Produces an effect similar to that of 'difference', but appears as lower contrast. Painting with white inverts the destination color. Painting with black produces no change". * VG_BLEND_LINEARDODGE_KHR - This mode is a combination of the color dodge and screen modes. Sometimes refered to as Add mode (not the same as additive mode). * VG_BLEND_LINEARBURN_KHR - This mode is a combination of the color burn and multiply modes. * VG_BLEND_VIVIDLIGHT_KHR - This mode is a combination of the color burn and color dodge modes; color burn is used to darken the dst color if the src color is darker than mid-grey, color dodge is used to lighten the dst color if the src color is lighter than mid- grey. * VG_BLEND_LINEARLIGHT_KHR - This mode is a combination of the linear burn and linear dodge modes; linear burn is used to darken the dst color if the src color is darker than mid-grey, linear dodge is used to lighten the dst color if the src color is lighter than mid- grey. * VG_BLEND_PINLIGHT_KHR - This mode replaces colors depending on the brightness of the src color; if is lighter than mid-grey and the dst color is darker than the src color, or if the src color is darker than mid-grey and the dst color is lighter than the src color, then the src color is used, otherwise the dst color is used. * VG_BLEND_HARDMIX_KHR - This blend mode posterizes the dst color and blends with the src color using Vivid Light mode, such that the output consists of only the 6 primary colors (RGBCMY), white, and black. Append the following paragraph after the previous blend mode description bullet paragraphs: Note that to avoid divide by zero problems, in the blend modes equations that follow, wherever a colour component would be divided by zero, then the component value assumes the value zero. Note also that for all the blend modes equations that follow, the output color components are clamped within the range of zero & alpha. Append the following blending equations to Table 14: Additional Blending Equations VG_BLEND_OVERLAY_KHR (2 * c'dst < adst) ? (2 * c'src * c'dst + c'src * (1 - adst) + c'dst * (1 - asrc)) : (asrc * adst - 2 * (adst - c'dst) * (asrc - c'src) + c'src * (1 - adst) + c'dst * (1 - asrc)) VG_BLEND_HARDLIGHT_KHR (2 * c'src < asrc) ? (2 * c'src * c'dst + c'src * (1 - adst) + c'dst * (1 - asrc)) : (asrc * adst - 2 * (adst - c'dst) * (asrc - c'src) + c'src * (1 - adst) + c'dst * (1 - asrc)) VG_BLEND_SOFTLIGHT_SVG_KHR (2 * c'src < asrc) ? (c'dst * (asrc - (1 - c'dst / adst) * (2 * c'src - asrc)) + c'src * (1 - adst) + c'dst * (1 - asrc)) : (8 * c'dst <= adst) ? (c'dst * (asrc - (1 - c'dst / adst) * (2 * c'src - asrc) * (3 - 8 * c'dst / adst)) + c'src * (1 - adst) + c'dst * (1 - asrc)) : (c'dst * asrc + (powf(c'dst / adst, 0.5) * adst - c'dst) * (2 * c'src - asrc) + c'src * (1 - adst) + c'dst * (1 - asrc)) VG_BLEND_SOFTLIGHT_KHR (2 * c'src < asrc) ? (c'dst * asrc + c'dst * (1 - c'dst / adst) * (2 * c'src - asrc) + c'src * (1 - adst) + c'dst * (1 - asrc)) : (4 * c'dst <= adst) ? (c'dst * asrc + c'dst * ((16 * c'dst / adst - 12) * c'dst / adst + 3) * (2 * c'src - asrc) + c'src * (1 - adst) + c'dst * (1 - asrc)) : (c'dst * asrc + (powf(c'dst / adst, 0.5) * adst - c'dst) * (2 * c'src - asrc) + c'src * (1 - adst) + c'dst * (1 - asrc)) VG_BLEND_COLORDODGE_KHR (c'src < asrc) ? (min((asrc * adst), c'dst * asrc / (1 - c'src / asrc)) + c'src * (1 - adst) + c'dst * (1 - asrc)) : (asrc * adst + c'src * (1 - adst) + c'dst * (1 - asrc)) VG_BLEND_COLORBURN_KHR (c'src > 0) ? ((asrc * adst) - min((asrc * adst), (asrc * (asrc * (adst - c'dst) / c'src))) + c'src * (1 - adst) + c'dst * (1 - asrc)) : (c'src * (1 - adst) + c'dst * (1 - asrc)) VG_BLEND_DIFFERENCE_KHR c'src + c'dst - 2 * min(c'src * adst, c'dst * asrc) VG_BLEND_SUBTRACT_KHR max((c'dst - c'src), 0) VG_BLEND_INVERT_KHR (1 - asrc) * c'dst + asrc * (1 - c'dst) VG_BLEND_EXCLUSION_KHR (c'src * adst + c'dst * asrc - 2 * c'src * c'dst) + c'src * (1 - adst) + c'dst * (1 - asrc) VG_BLEND_LINEARDODGE_KHR (c'src * adst + c'dst * asrc <= asrc * adst) ? (c'src + c'dst) : (asrc * adst + c'src * (1 - adst) + c'dst * (1 - asrc)) VG_BLEND_LINEARBURN_KHR (c'src * adst + c'dst * asrc > asrc * adst) ? (c'src + c'dst - asrc * adst) : (c'src * (1 - adst) + c'dst * (1 - asrc)) VG_BLEND_VIVIDLIGHT_KHR (2 * c'src < asrc) ? (c'src > 0) ? ((asrc * adst) - min((asrc * adst), (asrc * (asrc * (adst - c'dst) / (2 * c'src)))) + c'src * (1 - adst) + c'dst * (1 - asrc)) : (c'src * (1 - adst) + c'dst * (1 - asrc)) : (c'src < asrc) ? (min((asrc * adst), c'dst * asrc / (2 * (1 - c'src / asrc))) + c'src * (1 - adst) + c'dst * (1 - asrc)) : (asrc * adst + c'src * (1 - adst) + c'dst * (1 - asrc)) VG_BLEND_LINEARLIGHT_KHR (2 * c'src * adst + c'dst * asrc > 2 * asrc * adst) ? (asrc * adst + c'src * (1 - adst) + c'dst * (1 - asrc)) : ((2 * c'src * adst + c'dst * asrc > asrc * adst) ? (2 * c'src * adst + c'dst * asrc - asrc * adst + c'src * (1 - adst) + c'dst * (1 - asrc)) : (c'src * (1 - adst) + c'dst * (1 - asrc))) VG_BLEND_PINLIGHT_KHR (2 * c'src * adst - c'dst * asrc > asrc * adst) ? ((2 * c'src < asrc) ? (c'src * (1 - adst) + c'dst * (1 - asrc)) : (2 * c'src * adst - asrc * adst + c'src * (1 - adst) + c'dst * (1 - asrc))) : ((2 * c'src * adst < c'dst * asrc) ? (2 * c'src * adst + c'src * (1 - adst) + c'dst * (1 - asrc)) : (c'dst * asrc + c'src * (1 - adst) + c'dst * (1 - asrc))) VG_BLEND_HARDMIX_KHR (c'src * adst + c'dst * asrc < asrc * adst) ? (c'src * (1 - adst) + c'dst * (1 - asrc)) : (asrc * adst + c'src * (1 - adst) + c'dst * (1 - asrc)) Add note below to Table 14: Additional Blending Equations These equations have been specified using premultiplied src & dst colors, c'src & c'dst (primarily to minimise the length of the equations). Non-premultiplied versions of these equations can be obtained by multiplying the appropriate alpha value i.e. c' = a * c Section 12.5 Setting the Blend Mode Add the extended values for the VGBlendMode enumeration as defined previously in this document. New Errors None New State None Issues Revision History Revision 3 (march 05, 2008) - fixed equation errors in: VG_BLEND_SOFTLIGHT_KHR VG_BLEND_COLORDODGE_KHR VG_BLEND_COLORBURN_KHR VG_BLEND_VIVIDLIGHT_KHR Revision 2 (January 28, 2008) - Promote to KHR from NDS Revision 1 (September 14, 2007) - Original Release