Name KHR_iterative_average_blur Name Strings VG_KHR_iterative_average_blur Contributors Ray Taylor James Walker Contacts James Walker, NDS (jwalker 'at' Version Revision 3 (January 30, 2008) Number OpenVG Extension #2 Status Published Dependencies Requires OpenVG version 1.0 or later. This extension is written against the wording of the OpenVG 1.0 Specification. IP Status No known IP issues Overview This extension is designed to support a lower complexity blur operation than the vgGaussianBlur function defined in OpenVG 1.0, and one which offers the application developer a more flexible choice between performance and quality. Although a box blur can be implemented using a separable convolution kernel (and therefore using the vgConvolve or vgSeperableConvolve functions defined in OpenVG 1.0), it is potentially more efficient to implement it as a rolling average. In this mode the sum (prior to division) is kept, and adjusted by subtracting the pixel leaving the blur window and adding the pixel entering it. This reduces the number of operations needed in a software implementation, and the number of multipliers needed in a hardware implementation to achieve the same blur. Multiple passes give a 'higher’ quality result (tending to Gaussian), but still at lower computational cost compared to convolution kernel based filters, particularly for larger kernel sizes. The iterative average filter is separable in the X and Y axis, and all iterations can be performed in one axis prior to applying the average filter iterations in the other axis, allowing an cache-efficient implementation. New Procedures and Functions VG_API_CALL void vgIterativeAverageBlurKHR(VGImage dst, VGImage src, VGfloat dimX, VGfloat dimY, VGuint iterative, VGTilingMode tilingMode) ; New Tokens VG_MAX_AVERAGE_BLUR_DIMENSION_KHR 0x116B VG_AVERAGE_BLUR_DIMENSION_RESOLUTION_KHR 0x116C VG_MAX_AVERAGE_BLUR_ITERATIONS_KHR 0x116D New Datatypes New Values for Existing Enumerated Datatypes Additions to Chapter 11 of the OpenVG 1.0 Specification (Image Filters) Within Section 11.4 Convolution, and the following below the vgGaussianBlur entry: vgIterativeAverageBlurKHR The vgIterativeAverageBlurKHR function computes the iterative average blur of a normalized source image src with blur dimensions dimX and dimY, iterative times. The vgIterativeAverageBlurKHR function supports box blurs which are a subset of separable convolution filters. The average blur dimensions dimX, dimY and iterative are restricted by VG_MAX_AVERAGE_BLUR_DIMENSION_KHR, VG_AVERAGE_BLUR_DIMENSION_RESOLUTION_KHR and VG_MAX_AVERAGE_BLUR_ITERATIONS_KHR as follows: M = VG_MAX_AVERAGE_BLUR_DIMENSION_KHR R = VG_AVERAGE_BLUR_DIMENSION_RESOLUTION_KHR I = VG_MAX_AVERAGE_BLUR_ITERATIONS_KHR iterative' = min(iterative, I) if(R == -1) dimX' = min(dimX, M) dimY' = min(dimY, M) else dimX' = min((round(dimX*pow(1.0,R))/pow(1.0,R)), M) dimY' = min((round(dimY*pow(1.0,R))/pow(1.0,R)), M) The z-transform IA (dim', iterative') of the separable iterative z averaging filter, where dim is the filter dimension and iterative is the number of iterations to perform, is defined as: -- i iterative' IA (dim', iterative') = ( > tap(i).z ) z -- -nrad<=i<=nrad where: rad = (dim' - 1) / 2 nrad = trunc(1 + rad) if ((i < -nrad) || (i > nrad)) tap(i) = 0 if ((i == -nrad) || (i == nrad)) tap(i) = frac(rad) if ((i > -nrad) && (i < nrad)) tap(i) = 1 The iterative average blur is functionally equivalent to calling vgSeparableConvolve function with the following parameters: kernelWidth = 1 + pow(nradx, iterative') kernelheight = 1 + pow(nrady, iterative') shiftX = nradx shiftY = nrady scale = 1/((iterative' . dimX') . (iterative' . dimY')) bias = 0 kernelX[i] = zcoef(IA (dimX', iterative'), i - nradx) z kernelY[i] = zcoef(IA (dimY', iterative'), i - nrady) z where: i zcoef(P (), i) returns the coefficient of z for polynomial P () z z nradx = trunc(1 + (dimX' - 1) / 2) nrady = trunc(1 + (dimY' - 1) / 2) Source pixels outside the source image bounds are defined by tilingMode, which takes a value from the VGTilingMode enumeration (see Section 9.4.1) Alternatively, a computationally more efficient implementation may be achieved by applying a rolling average implementation of tap(i) iterative times. The resulting intermediate pixel, I(x), of each individual pass in a single axis is given by: T(x) = T(x - 1) + (frac(rad) . p(x + nrad)) + ((1 - frac(rad)) . p(x + (nrad - 1))) - ((1 - frac(rad)) . p(x - nrad)) - (frac(rad) . p(x - (nrad + 1))) I(x) = T(x) / dim where: T(x) is the rolling average prior to division by the blurs dimension. p(x) is the value of the xth pixel in the row or column of the tiled src image for the first iteration, or the output of the previous iteration for subsequent iterations. Using this approach tiling is applied prior to filtering. Logically this is achieved by expanding the src image by (iterative . nradx) pixels on the left and right, and (iterative . nrady) pixels on the top and bottom. These additional pixels are filled according to tilingMode (see Section 9.4.1). Errors: VG_BAD_HANDLE_ERROR If either dst or src is not a valid image handle, or is not shared with the current context. VG_IMAGE_IN_USE_ERROR If either dst or src is currently a rendering target. VG_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR If src and dst overlap. If tilingMode is not one of the values from the VGTilingMode enumeration. If dimX < 0 or dimY < 0 If dimX > VG_MAX_AVERAGE_BLUR_DIMENSION_KHR or dimY > VG_MAX_AVERAGE_BLUR_DIMENSION_KHR If iterative > VG_MAX_AVERAGE_BLUR_ITERATIONS_KHR New Errors None New State VG_MAX_AVERAGE_BLUR_DIMENSION_KHR The read-only VG_MAX_AVERAGE_BLUR_DIMENSION_KHR context parameter defines the maximum dimension achievable by the vgIterativeAverageBlurKHR function. Dimensions greater than VG_MAX_AVERAGE_BLUR_DIMENSION_KHR are clamped to VG_MAX_AVERAGE_BLUR_DIMENSION_KHR. All implementations must support a dimension of at least 128. VG_AVERAGE_BLUR_DIMENSION_RESOLUTION_KHR The read-only VG_AVERAGE_BLUR_DIMENSION_RESOLUTION_KHR context parameter defines the resolution in bits of the fractional part of dimensions implemented by the vgIterativeAverageBlurKHR function. All implementations must support a resolution of at least 1 fractional bit for dimensions. The value -1 indicates the vgIterativeAverageBlurKHR function has been implemented with full floating point dimensions (i.e. as a VGfloat type). VG_MAX_AVERAGE_BLUR_ITERATIONS_KHR The read-only VG_MAX_AVERAGE_BLUR_ITERATIONS_KHR context parameter defines the maximum value for the iterative parameter supported by the vgIterativeAverageBlurKHR function. All implementations must support at least 3 iterations Issues Revision History Revision 3 (January 30, 2008) - Correction for tilingMode Revision 2 (January 28, 2008) - Promote to KHR from NDS Revision 1 (August 1, 2007) - Original Release