Name KHR_parametric_filter Name Strings VG_KHR_parametric_filter Contributors Ray Taylor James Walker Contacts James Walker, NDS (jwalker 'at' Version Revision 3 (January 28, 2008) Number OpenVG Extension #5 Status Published Dependencies Requires OpenVG version 1.0 or later. This extension relies on use of the existing OpenVG convolution filters to generate blurred versions of image assets. Alternatively, the KHR_iterative_average_blur extension may be used to perform asset blurring. This extension is written against the wording of the OpenVG 1.0 Specification. IP Status No known IP issues Overview This extension is designed to enable the single pass generation of many common blur effects including glow, drop shadow, and bevel. It is possible to implement these effects using OpenVG 1.0 functions, but this can result in high memory bandwidth and usage, and multiple flushes on the graphics pipeline. New Procedures and Functions VG_API_CALL void vgParametricFilterKHR( VGImage dst, VGImage src, VGImage blur, VGfloat strength, VGfloat offsetX, VGfloat offsetY, VGbitfield filterFlags, VGPaint highlightPaint, VGPaint shadowPaint) ; VGU_API_CALL VGUErrorCode vguDropShadowKHR( VGImage dst, VGImage src, VGfloat dimX, VGfloat dimY, VGuint iterative, VGfloat strength, VGfloat distance, VGfloat angle, VGbitfield filterFlags, VGbitfield allowedQuality, VGuint shadowColorRGBA) ; VGU_API_CALL VGUErrorCode vguGlowKHR( VGImage dst, VGImage src, VGfloat dimX, VGfloat dimY, VGuint iterative, VGfloat strength, VGbitfield filterFlags, VGbitfield allowedQuality, VGuint glowColorRGBA) ; VGU_API_CALL VGUErrorCode vguBevelKHR( VGImage dst, VGImage src, VGfloat dimX, VGfloat dimY, VGuint iterative, VGfloat strength, VGfloat distance, VGfloat angle, VGbitfield filterFlags, VGbitfield allowedQuality, VGuint highlightColorRGBA, VGuint shadowColorRGBA) ; VGU_API_CALL VGUErrorCode vguGradientGlowKHR( VGImage dst, VGImage src, VGfloat dimX, VGfloat dimY, VGuint iterative, VGfloat strength, VGfloat distance, VGfloat angle, VGbitfield filterFlags, VGbitfield allowedQuality, VGuint stopsCount, const VGfloat* glowColorRampStops) ; VGU_API_CALL VGUErrorCode vguGradientBevelKHR( VGImage dst, VGImage src, VGfloat dimX, VGfloat dimY, VGuint iterative, VGfloat strength, VGfloat distance, VGfloat angle, VGbitfield filterFlags, VGbitfield allowedQuality, VGuint stopsCount, const VGfloat* bevelColorRampStops) ; New Tokens None New Datatypes The VGPfTypeKHR enumeration is defined as follows: VG_PF_OBJECT_VISIBLE_FLAG_KHR (1 << 0) VG_PF_KNOCKOUT_FLAG_KHR (1 << 1) VG_PF_OUTER_FLAG_KHR (1 << 2) VG_PF_INNER_FLAG_KHR (1 << 3) New Values for Existing Enumerated Datatypes The VGUErrorCode enumeration is extended as follows: VGU_IMAGE_IN_USE_ERROR 0xF010 Additions to Chapter 11 of the OpenVG 1.0 Specification (Image Filters) After Section 11.5 Lookup Tables, add the following section: "vgParametricFilterKHR The vgParametricFilterKHR function follows all the OpenVG format normalization rules defined in Section 11.1 of the OpenVG 1.0.1 specification. VG_FILTER_FORMAT_PREMULTIPLIED, VG_FILTER_FORMAT_LINEAR, and VG_FORMAT_CHANNEL_MASK parameters are obeyed as with standard OpenVG filters. The vgParametricFilterKHR function defines destination pixels based on a combination of a source image, a blurred image, highlight and shadow colours, offsets and flags. The vgParametricFilterKHR function allows the single pass generation of many common blur effects including glow, drop shadow, and bevel. It is possible to implement the vgParametricFilterKHR function using OpenVG 1.0 functions, but this can result in high memory bandwidth and footprint, and multiple flushes on the graphics pipelines. The vgParametricFilterKHR function Blur effects are generated hierarchically. First highlight and shadow effects are generated from colouring spacially translated alpha values from the blur image. These are then combined with the non-translated src image alpha channel to produce an inner and outer effect. The inner and outer effects are combined with the src image, controlled by inner, outer, knockout, and objectVisible flags, to produce the final effect. highlightPaint and shadowPaint may be VG_INVALID_HANDLE or handles to paint objects having a vgPaintType of VG_PAINT_TYPE_COLOR, or VG_PAINT_TYPE_LINEAR_GRADIENT. Paint objects with other values for vgPaintType are invalid and result in a VG_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR error. If vgPaintType is VG_PAINT_TYPE_LINEAR_GRADIENT then the first gradient stop shall have an alpha value of 0. Otherwise a VG_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR error is generated. Then highlight(alpha) and shadow(alpha) functions are defined as: if highlightPaint = VG_INVALID_HANDLE highlight(alpha) = { 0, 0, 0, 0} else if highlightPaint.vgPaintType = VG_PAINT_TYPE_COLOR highlight(alpha) = Premultiplied(highlightPaint)* (alpha*strength) else if highlightPaint.vgPaintType = VG_PAINT_TYPE_LINEAR_GRADIENT highlight(alpha) = highlightPaint.g(alpha*strength) if shadowPaint = VG_INVALID_HANDLE shadow (alpha) = { 0, 0, 0, 0} else if shadowPaint.vgPaintType = VG_PAINT_TYPE_COLOR shadow (alpha) = Premultiplied(shadowPaint)*(alpha*strength) else if shadowPaint.vgPaintType = VG_PAINT_TYPE_LINEAR_GRADIENT shadow(alpha) = shadowPaint.g(alpha*strength) where: colour1 * alpha is the pre-multiplied components of colour1 multiplied by alpha. paint.g(r) is the value of the color gradient for ratio r. Each destination pixel has an associated highlightPixel and shadowPixel, derived from translations of blur as follows: highlightPixel(x, y) = highlight(max(hblur(x, y) - sblur(x, y), 0)) shadowPixel(x, y) = shadow(max(sblur(x, y) - hblur(x, y), 0)) inverseShadowPixel(x, y) = shadow(1.0 - max(sblur(x, y) - hblur(x, y), 0)) where: hblur(x, y) = blur(x+offsetX, y+offsetY).a sblur(x, y) = blur(x-offsetX, y-offsetY).a and: blur(x, y).a is the alpha channel value of the blur image at offset x, y. From highlightPixel and shadowPixel, the innerEffect and outerEffect are calculated as follows: outerEffect(x, y) = highlightPixel(x, y) + shadowPixel(x, y) if(highlightPaint = VG_INVALID_HANDLE) innerEffect(x, y) = inverseShadowPixel(x, y) else innerEffect (x, y) = highlightPixel(x, y) + shadowPixel(x, y) where: colour1 + colour2 is the additive blend of colour1 and colour2. The alpha multipliers for the innerEffect(x, y), outerEffect(x, y), and src(x, y) values are calculated as follows: if inner = VG_TRUE innerAlpha = src(x, y).a else innerAlpha = 0; if knockout = VG_FALSE and objectVisible = VG_TRUE if inner = VG_TRUE objectAlpha = (1 – InnerEffect(x, y).a); else objectAlpha = 1; else objectAlpha = 0; if outer = VG_TRUE if knockout = VG_TRUE or objectVisible = VG_TRUE outerAlpha = 1 - src(x, y).a else outerAlpha = 1 else outerAlpha = 0 where: image(x, y).a is the alpha channel value of the image at offset x, y. Finally the destination pixel is defined as: dst(x, y) = (innerAlpha x innerEffect(x, y)) + (objectAlpha x src(x, y)) + (outerAlpha x outerEffect(x, y)) where: colour1 + colour2 is the additive blend of colour1 and colour2. colour1 x alpha is the pre-multiplied components of colour1 multiplied by alpha. Errors: VG_BAD_HANDLE_ERROR - If either dst or src is not a valid image handle, or is not shared with the current context. VG_IMAGE_IN_USE_ERROR - If either dst or src is currently a rendering target. VG_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR - If src and dst overlap. - If tilingMode is not one of the values from the VGTilingMode enumeration. - highlightPaint or shadowPaint is not VG_INVALID_HANDLE and has a vgPaintType other than VG_PAINT_TYPE_COLOR, or VG_PAINT_TYPE_LINEAR_GRADIENT - highlightPaint or shadowPaint is not VG_INVALID_HANDLE and has a vgPaintType of VG_PAINT_TYPE_LINEAR_GRADIENT and the first stop color has an alpha value other than 0. " Additions to Chapter 16 of the OpenVG 1.0 Specification (The VGU Utility Library) After Section 16.2 Image Warping, add the following section: "16.3 Image Filtering vguDropShadowEXT The vguDropShadowEXT function applies a drop shadow effect to the VGImage src, and writes the result to VGImage dst. This is equivalent to the following pseudo-code: vgGetError(); //clear the error state dx = distance*cos(angle); dy = distance*sin(angle); VGPaint paintSH = vgCreatePaint(); vgSetColor(paintSH, shadowColorRGBA); width = vgGetParameteri(src, VG_IMAGE_WIDTH); height = vgGetParameteri(src, VG_IMAGE_HEIGHT); VGImage blur = vgCreateImage(VG_A_8, width, height, allowedQuality); vgIterativeAverageBlurKHR(blur, src, dimX, dimY, iterative, VG_TILE_PAD); vgParametricFilterKHR( dst, src, blur, strength, dx, dy, filterFlags, VG_INVALID_HANDLE, paintSH); vgDestroyImage(blur); vgDestroyPaint(paintSH); VGErrorCode error = vgGetError(); if(error == VG_BAD_HANDLE_ERROR) return VGU_BAD_HANDLE_ERROR; if(error == VG_IMAGE_IN_USE_ERROR) return (VGUErrorCode)VGU_IMAGE_IN_USE_ERROR; if(error == VG_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR) return VGU_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR; return VGU_NO_ERROR; where: vgIterativeAverageBlurKHR is as defined in KHR extension KHR_iterative_average_blur or is implemented by appropriate calls to existing OpenVG convolution filters. Errors: VGU_BAD_HANDLE_ERROR - If either dst or src is not a valid image handle, or is not shared with the current context. VGU_IMAGE_IN_USE_ERROR - If either dst or src is currently a rendering target. VGU_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR - If src and dst overlap. - If tilingMode is not one of the values from the VGTilingMode enumeration. vguGlowEXT The vguGlowEXT function applies a glow effect to the VGImage src, and writes the result to VGImage dst. This is equivalent to the following pseudo-code: vgGetError(); //clear the error state VGPaint paintGlow = vgCreatePaint(); vgSetColor(paintGlow, glowColorRGBA); width = vgGetParameteri(src, VG_IMAGE_WIDTH); height = vgGetParameteri(src, VG_IMAGE_HEIGHT); VGImage blur = vgCreateImage(VG_A_8, width, height, allowedQuality); vgIterativeAverageBlurKHR(blur, src, dimX, dimY, iterative, VG_TILE_PAD); vgParametricFilterKHR( dst, src, blur, strength, 0, 0, filterFlags, VG_INVALID_HANDLE, paintGlow); vgDestroyImage(blur); vgDestroyPaint(paintGlow); VGErrorCode error = vgGetError(); if(error == VG_BAD_HANDLE_ERROR) return VGU_BAD_HANDLE_ERROR; if(error == VG_IMAGE_IN_USE_ERROR) return (VGUErrorCode)VGU_IMAGE_IN_USE_ERROR; if(error == VG_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR) return VGU_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR; return VGU_NO_ERROR; where: vgIterativeAverageBlurKHR is as defined in KHR extension KHR_iterative_average_blur or is implemented by appropriate calls to existing OpenVG convolution filters. Errors: VGU_BAD_HANDLE_ERROR - If either dst or src is not a valid image handle, or is not shared with the current context. VGU_IMAGE_IN_USE_ERROR - If either dst or src is currently a rendering target. VGU_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR - If src and dst overlap. - If tilingMode is not one of the values from the VGTilingMode enumeration. vguBevelEXT The vguBevelEXT function applies a bevel effect to the VGImage src, and writes the result to VGImage dst. This is equivalent to the following pseudo-code: vgGetError(); //clear the error state dx = distance*cos(angle); dy = distance*sin(angle); VGPaint paintSH = vgCreatePaint(); VGPaint paintHL = vgCreatePaint(); vgSetColor(paintHL, highlightColorRGBA); vgSetColor(paintSH, shadowColorRGBA); width = vgGetParameteri(src, VG_IMAGE_WIDTH); height = vgGetParameteri(src, VG_IMAGE_HEIGHT); VGImage blur = vgCreateImage(VG_A_8, width, height, allowedQuality); vgIterativeAverageBlurKHR(blur, src, dimX, dimY, iterative, VG_TILE_PAD); vgParametricFilterKHR( dst, src, blur, strength, dx, dy, filterFlags, paintHL, paintSH); vgDestroyImage(blur); vgDestroyPaint(paintHL); vgDestroyPaint(paintSH); VGErrorCode error = vgGetError(); if(error == VG_BAD_HANDLE_ERROR) return VGU_BAD_HANDLE_ERROR; if(error == VG_IMAGE_IN_USE_ERROR) return (VGUErrorCode)VGU_IMAGE_IN_USE_ERROR; if(error == VG_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR) return VGU_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR; return VGU_NO_ERROR; where: vgIterativeAverageBlurKHR is as defined in KHR extension KHR_iterative_average_blur or is implemented by appropriate calls to existing OpenVG convolution filters. Errors: VGU_BAD_HANDLE_ERROR - If either dst or src is not a valid image handle, or is not shared with the current context. VGU_IMAGE_IN_USE_ERROR - If either dst or src is currently a rendering target. VGU_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR - If src and dst overlap. - If tilingMode is not one of the values from the VGTilingMode enumeration. vguGradientGlowEXT The vguGradientGlowEXT function applies a graduated glow effect to the VGImage src, and writes the result to VGImage dst. This is equivalent to the following pseudo-code: vgGetError(); //clear the error state dx = distance*cos(angle*PI/180.0f); dy = distance*sin(angle*PI/180.0f); VGPaint paintGlow = vgCreatePaint(); vgSetParameterfv(paintGlow, VG_PAINT_COLOR_RAMP_STOPS, stopsCount*5, glowColorRampStops); vgSetParameteri(paintGlow, VG_PAINT_COLOR_RAMP_SPREAD_MODE, VG_COLOR_RAMP_SPREAD_PAD); vgSetParameteri(paintGlow, VG_PAINT_TYPE, VG_PAINT_TYPE_LINEAR_GRADIENT); vgSetParameteri(paintGlow, VG_PAINT_COLOR_RAMP_PREMULTIPLIED, VG_FALSE); width = vgGetParameteri(src, VG_IMAGE_WIDTH); height = vgGetParameteri(src, VG_IMAGE_HEIGHT); VGImage blur = vgCreateImage(VG_A_8, width, height, allowedQuality); vgIterativeAverageBlurKHR(blur, src, dimX, dimY, iterative, VG_TILE_PAD); vgParametricFilterKHR( dst, src, blur, strength, -(dx), -(dy), filterFlags, paintGlow, VG_INVALID_HANDLE); vgDestroyImage(blur); vgDestroyPaint(paintGlow); VGErrorCode error = vgGetError(); if(error == VG_BAD_HANDLE_ERROR) return VGU_BAD_HANDLE_ERROR; if(error == VG_IMAGE_IN_USE_ERROR) return (VGUErrorCode)VGU_IMAGE_IN_USE_ERROR; if(error == VG_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR) return VGU_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR; return VGU_NO_ERROR; where: vgIterativeAverageBlurKHR is as defined in KHR extension KHR_iterative_average_blur or is implemented by appropriate calls to existing OpenVG convolution filters. Errors: VGU_BAD_HANDLE_ERROR - If either dst or src is not a valid image handle, or is not shared with the current context. VGU_IMAGE_IN_USE_ERROR - If either dst or src is currently a rendering target. VGU_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR - If src and dst overlap. - If tilingMode is not one of the values from the VGTilingMode enumeration. vguGradientBevelEXT The vguGradientBevelEXT function applies a graduated bevel effect to the VGImage src, and writes the result to VGImage dst. This is equivalent to the following pseudo-code: vgGetError(); //clear the error state dx = distance*cos(angle); dy = distance*sin(angle); midPos = 0; bAddStop = false; for (midPos = 0; midPos < (int)stopsCount; midPos++) { if(bevelColorRampStops[5*midPos] == 0.5f) { break; } if(bevelColorRampStops[5*midPos] > 0.5f) { // Ensure that both colour ramps start with transparent black */ bAddStop = true; break; } } VGPaint paintSH = vgCreatePaint(); VGfloat* fStopAndColoursSH = new VGfloat[(midPos+1) * 5]; j = 0; if(bAddStop) { fStopAndColoursSH[5 * j + 0] = 0.0f; fStopAndColoursSH[5 * j + 1] = 0.0f; fStopAndColoursSH[5 * j + 2] = 0.0f; fStopAndColoursSH[5 * j + 3] = 0.0f; fStopAndColoursSH[5 * j + 4] = 0.0f; j++; } for (int i = midPos-(bAddStop ? 1 : 0); i >= 0; i--) { fStopAndColoursSH[5 * j + 0] = 2 * (0.5f - bevelColorRampStops[5 * i + 0]); fStopAndColoursSH[5 * j + 1] = bevelColorRampStops[5 * i + 1]; fStopAndColoursSH[5 * j + 2] = bevelColorRampStops[5 * i + 2]; fStopAndColoursSH[5 * j + 3] = bevelColorRampStops[5 * i + 3]; fStopAndColoursSH[5 * j + 4] = bevelColorRampStops[5 * i + 4]; j++; } vgSetParameterfv(paintSH, VG_PAINT_COLOR_RAMP_STOPS, (midPos+1) * 5, fStopAndColoursSH); vgSetParameteri(paintSH, VG_PAINT_COLOR_RAMP_SPREAD_MODE, VG_COLOR_RAMP_SPREAD_PAD); vgSetParameteri(paintSH, VG_PAINT_TYPE, VG_PAINT_TYPE_LINEAR_GRADIENT); vgSetParameteri(paintSH, VG_PAINT_COLOR_RAMP_PREMULTIPLIED, VG_FALSE); VGPaint paintHL = vgCreatePaint(); VGfloat* fStopAndColoursHL = new VGfloat[((bAddStop ? 1 : 0)+stopsCount-midPos) * 5]; j = 0; if(bAddStop) { fStopAndColoursHL[5 * j + 0] = 0.0f; fStopAndColoursHL[5 * j + 1] = 0.0f; fStopAndColoursHL[5 * j + 2] = 0.0f; fStopAndColoursHL[5 * j + 3] = 0.0f; fStopAndColoursHL[5 * j + 4] = 0.0f; j++; } for (int i = midPos; i < (int)stopsCount; i++) { fStopAndColoursHL[5 * j + 0] = 2 * (bevelColorRampStops[5 * i + 0] - 0.5f); fStopAndColoursHL[5 * j + 1] = bevelColorRampStops[5 * i + 1]; fStopAndColoursHL[5 * j + 2] = bevelColorRampStops[5 * i + 2]; fStopAndColoursHL[5 * j + 3] = bevelColorRampStops[5 * i + 3]; fStopAndColoursHL[5 * j + 4] = bevelColorRampStops[5 * i + 4]; j++; } vgSetParameterfv(paintHL, VG_PAINT_COLOR_RAMP_STOPS, ((bAddStop ? 1 : 0)+stopsCount-midPos) * 5, fStopAndColoursHL); vgSetParameteri(paintHL, VG_PAINT_COLOR_RAMP_SPREAD_MODE, VG_COLOR_RAMP_SPREAD_PAD); vgSetParameteri(paintHL, VG_PAINT_TYPE, VG_PAINT_TYPE_LINEAR_GRADIENT); vgSetParameteri(paintHL, VG_PAINT_COLOR_RAMP_PREMULTIPLIED, VG_FALSE); width = vgGetParameteri(src, VG_IMAGE_WIDTH); height = vgGetParameteri(src, VG_IMAGE_HEIGHT); VGImage blur = vgCreateImage(VG_A_8, width, height, allowedQuality); vgIterativeAverageBlurKHR(blur, src, dimX, dimY, iterative, VG_TILE_PAD); vgParametricFilterKHR( dst, src, blur, strength, dx, dy, filterFlags, paintHL, paintSH); vgDestroyImage(blur); vgDestroyPaint(paintHL); vgDestroyPaint(paintSH); delete[] fStopAndColoursSH; delete[] fStopAndColoursHL; VGErrorCode error = vgGetError(); if(error == VG_BAD_HANDLE_ERROR) return VGU_BAD_HANDLE_ERROR; if(error == VG_IMAGE_IN_USE_ERROR) return (VGUErrorCode)VGU_IMAGE_IN_USE_ERROR; if(error == VG_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR) return VGU_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR; return VGU_NO_ERROR; where: vgIterativeAverageBlurKHR is as defined in KHR extension KHR_iterative_average_blur or is implemented by appropriate calls to existing OpenVG convolution filters. Errors: VGU_BAD_HANDLE_ERROR - If either dst or src is not a valid image handle, or is not shared with the current context. VGU_IMAGE_IN_USE_ERROR - If either dst or src is currently a rendering target. VGU_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR - If src and dst overlap. - If tilingMode is not one of the values from the VGTilingMode enumeration. " New State None Issues Revision History Revision 3 (January 28, 2008) - Update dependencies Revision 2 (January 28, 2008) - Promote to KHR from NDS Revision 1 (September 14, 2007) - Original Release