Name NDS_projective_geometry Name Strings VG_NDS_projective_geometry Contributors Ray Taylor James Walker Contacts James Walker, NDS (jwalker 'at' Version Revision 3 (March 7, 2008) Number OpenVG Extension #7 Status Published Dependencies Requires OpenVG version 1.0 or later. This extension is written against the wording of the OpenVG 1.0 Specification. IP Status No known IP issues Overview This extension is designed to support projective transformations for path geometries, stroke paints, and fill paints. OpenVG 1.0 supports projective transformation for the image-user-to-surface matrix used by vgDrawImage, but not for the path-user-to-surface, fill-paint-to-user, or stroke-paint-to-user matrices. Rendering a path to an image, and then using vgDrawImage to achieve a projective transform is inefficient and substantially increases memory footprint and memory bandwidth, and may also produce a lowering in quality. OpenVG 1.0 also places restrictions on multiply and stencil draw image modes. If a projective matrix is provided for the image-user-to-surface matrix, the image mode is ignored and the "normal" image mode is used. This removes the need for projective paint look up and simplifies implementation, but reduces the flexibility of OpenVG. This extension addresses the above problems in a manor which allows backwards compatibility with the wording of the OpenVG 1.0 specification. New Procedures and Functions VG_API_CALL void vgProjectiveMatrixNDS(VGboolean enable) ; VGU_API_CALL VGUErrorCode vguTransformClipLineNDS( const VGfloat Ain, const VGfloat Bin, const VGfloat Cin, const VGfloat* matrix, const VGboolean inverse, VGfloat* Aout, VGfloat* Bout, VGfloat* Cout); New Tokens VG_CLIP_MODE_NDS 0x1180 VG_CLIP_LINES_NDS 0x1181 VG_MAX_CLIP_LINES_NDS 0x1182 New Datatypes The VGClipModeNds enumeration is defined as follows: VG_CLIPMODE_NONE_NDS 0x3000 VG_CLIPMODE_CLIP_CLOSED_NDS 0x3001 VG_CLIPMODE_CLIP_OPEN_NDS 0x3002 VG_CLIPMODE_CULL_NDS 0x3003 New Values for Existing Enumerated Datatypes The VGPathSegment enumeration is extended as follows: VG_RQUAD_TO_NDS ( 13 << 1 ) VG_RCUBIC_TO_NDS ( 14 << 1 ) The VGPathCommand enumeration is extended as follows: VG_RQUAD_TO_ABS_NDS (VG_RQUAD_TO_NDS | VG_ABSOLUTE) VG_RQUAD_TO_REL_NDS (VG_RQUAD_TO_NDS | VG_RELATIVE) VG_RCUBIC_TO_ABS_NDS (VG_RCUBIC_TO_NDS | VG_ABSOLUTE) VG_RCUBIC_TO_REL_NDS (VG_RCUBIC_TO_NDS | VG_RELATIVE) Modifications to Chapter 2 of the OpenVG 1.0 Specification (The OpenVG Pipeline) Within Figure 1: The OpenVG Pipeline, change Stage 3: "Stage 3: Transformation" to "Stage 3: Clipping and Transformation" change Stage 5: "Stage 5: Clipping and Masking" to "Stage 5: Scissoring and Masking" Within Section 2.3 Stage 3: Transformation: change section title: "Stage 3: Transformation" to "Stage 3: Clipping and Transformation" before paragraph beginning: "The current path-user-to-surface transformation ..." insert paragraph "If clip mode is not VG_CLIPMODE_NONE_NDS the geometry of the current path is clipped or culled by the current set of clipping lines. For an image, the outline of the image is clipped or culled. change sentence: "The current path-user-to-surface transformation is applied to the geometry of the current path, producing drawing surface coordinates." to: "The current path-user-to-surface transformation is applied to the clipped geometry of the current path, producing drawing surface coordinates." change sentence: "For an image, the outline of the image is transformed using the image-user-to-surface transformation." to: "For an image, the clipped outline of the image is transformed using the image-user-to-surface transformation." Within Section 2.5 Stage 5: Clipping and Masking: change section title: "Stage 5: Clipping and Masking" to "Stage 5: Scissoring and Masking" Modifications to Chapter 4 of the OpenVG 1.0 Specification (The Drawing Context) Within Table 3: State Elements of a Context: following entry "Scissoring | Current scissoring rectangles and enable/disable" insert entry: "Clipping | Current clipping lines and clipping mode" Modifications to Chapter 5 of the OpenVG 1.0 Specification (5 Setting API Parameters) Within Section 5.1 Context Parameter Types within: "VGParamType enumeration" insert entries: "VG_CLIP_MODE_NDS = 0x1180, "VG_CLIP_LINES_NDS = 0x1181, "VG_MAX_CLIP_LINES_NDS = 0x1182," Within Section 5.2.1 Default Context Parameter Values Within Table 4: Default Parameter Values for a Context after entry: "VG_SCISSOR_RECTS | VGint * | { } (array of length 0)" insert entry: "VG_CLIP_LINES_NDS | VGfloat * | { } (array of length 0)" after entry: "VG_SCISSORING | VGboolean | { } VG_FALSE (disabled)" insert entry: "VG_CLIP_MODE_NDS | VGClipModeNds | { } VG_CLIPMODE_NONE_NDS (disabled)" change sentence: "The read-only parameter values VG_MAX_SCISSOR_RECTS, VG_MAX_DASH_COUNT, VG_MAX_KERNEL_SIZE, VG_MAX_SEPARABLE_KERNEL_SIZE, VG_MAX_GAUSSIAN_STD_DEVIATION, VG_MAX_COLOR_RAMP_STOPS, VG_MAX_IMAGE_WIDTH, VG_MAX_IMAGE_HEIGHT, VG_MAX_IMAGE_PIXELS, VG_MAX_IMAGE_BYTES, and VG_MAX_FLOAT are initialized to implementation-defined values." to: "The read-only parameter values VG_MAX_SCISSOR_RECTS, VG_MAX_CLIP_LINES_NDS, VG_MAX_DASH_COUNT, VG_MAX_KERNEL_SIZE, VG_MAX_SEPARABLE_KERNEL_SIZE, VG_MAX_GAUSSIAN_STD_DEVIATION, VG_MAX_COLOR_RAMP_STOPS, VG_MAX_IMAGE_WIDTH, VG_MAX_IMAGE_HEIGHT, VG_MAX_IMAGE_PIXELS, VG_MAX_IMAGE_BYTES, and VG_MAX_FLOAT are initialized to implementation-defined values." Modifications to Chapter 6 of the OpenVG 1.0 Specification (Rendering Quality and Antialiasing) Within Section 6.5.1 Homogeneous Coordinates: change sentence: "Homogeneous coordinates are used in order to allow translation factors to be included in the affine matrix formulation, as well as to allow perspective effects for images." to: "Homogeneous coordinates are used in order to allow translation factors to be included in the affine matrix formulation, as well as to allow perspective effects for images, paints and paths (paints and paths subject to vgProjectiveMatrixNDS)." Within Figure 3: Coordinates, Transformation, Clipping, and Scissoring change title: "Coordinates, Transformation, Clipping, and Scissoring" to: "Coordinates, Clipping/Culling, Transformation, and Scissoring" change label: "Tu" to: "Clipping/Culling and Transform(Tu)" change label: "Clipping and scissoring" to: "Scissoring" Within Section 6.5.2 Affine Transformations: change sentence: "Gradients and patterns are subject to an additional affine transformation mapping the coordinate system used to specify the gradient parameters into user coordinates. The path-user-to-surface transformation is then applied to yield surface coordinates." to: "Gradients and patterns are subject to an additional affine or projective (subject to vgProjectiveMatrixNDS) transformation mapping the coordinate system used to specify the gradient parameters into user coordinates. The path-user-to-surface transformation is then applied to yield surface coordinates." Within Section 6.5.3 Projective (Perspective) Transformations: change sentence: "The vgDrawImage function uses a 3x3 projective (or perspective) transformation matrix (representing the image-user-to-surface transformation) with the following entries to transform from user coordinates to surface coordinates:" to: "The vgDrawImage function and vgDrawPath function (vgDrawPath subject to vgProjectiveMatrixNDS) uses a 3x3 projective (or perspective) transformation matrix (representing the image-user-to-surface transformation) with the following entries to transform from user coordinates to surface coordinates:" change sentence: "Although OpenVG does not provide support for three-dimensional coordinates, proper setting of the w matrix entries can simulate the effect of placement of images in three dimensions, as well as other warping effects." to: "Although OpenVG does not provide support for three-dimensional coordinates, proper setting of the w matrix entries can simulate the effect of placement of images and paths in three dimensions, as well as other warping effects." after last paragraph add: "Unlike affine transformation, projective transformations of Bézier splines and elliptic arcs do not result in curves of the same type. Bézier splines and elliptic arcs must first be converted to rational Bézier splines, or decomposed into straight line segments, prior to transformation. The projective transformation of a rational Bézier spline will result in a rational Bézier spline of equal order." Within Section 6.6 Matrix Manipulation: within vgLoadMatrix change sentence: "However, if the targeted matrix is affine (i.e., the matrix mode is not VG_MATRIX_IMAGE_USER_TO_SURFACE), the values { w0, w1, w2 } are ignored and replaced by the values { 0, 0, 1 }, resulting in the affine matrix:" to: "However, if the targeted matrix is affine (i.e., the matrix mode is not VG_MATRIX_IMAGE_USER_TO_SURFACE and vgProjectiveMatrixNDS has not enabled projective matrices), the values { w0, w1, w2 } are ignored and replaced by the values { 0, 0, 1 }, resulting in the affine matrix:" within vgMultMatrix change sentence: "However, if the targeted matrix is affine (i.e., the matrix mode is not VG_MATRIX_IMAGE_USER_TO_SURFACE), the values { w0, w1, w2 } are ignored and replaced by the values { 0, 0, 1 } prior to multiplication." to: "However, if the targeted matrix is affine (i.e., the matrix mode is not VG_MATRIX_IMAGE_USER_TO_SURFACE and vgProjectiveMatrixNDS has not enabled projective matrices), the values { w0, w1, w2 } are ignored and replaced by the values { 0, 0, 1 } prior to multiplication." Within Section 6.6 Matrix Manipulation, and the following below the vgRotate entry: vgProjectiveMatrixNDS The vgProjectiveMatrixNDS enables, or disables, support for projective matrices and modifies the behaviour of associated functions. If the enable parameter is set to VG_FALSE, subsequent vgDrawImage, vgDrawPath, vgLoadMatrix and vgMultMatrix function calls related to the matrix currently specified by the matrix mode shall comply with the text of OpenVG 1.0 specification. If the matrix mode is VG_MATRIX_IMAGE_USER_TO_SURFACE, and the enable parameter set to VG_TRUE, vgDrawImage shall respect the draw image mode for all matrices, affine and projective. If the matrix mode is VG_MATRIX_PATH_USER_TO_SURFACE, VG_MATRIX_FILL_PAINT_TO_USER or VG_MATRIX_STROKE_PAINT_TO_USER, subsequent vgDrawImage, vgDrawPath, vgLoadMatrix and vgMultMatrix function calls related to the matrix currently specified by the matrix mode, shall treat the matrix as projective. This implies that vgLoadMatrix and vgMultMatrix function shall not overwrite the values of w0, w1, or w2. The enable parameter only applies to the matrix specified by matrix mode, and not to all matrices. This implies that an implementation must store the value of enable for each matrix. Errors: None. Within Section 7 Scissoring, Masking, and Clearing: change title: "7 Scissoring, Masking, and Clearing" to: "7 Clipping/Culling, Scissoring, Masking, and Clearing" before paragraph beginning: "All drawing is clipped (restricted) to the bounds ..." insert paragraph: "All drawing may be clipped or culled by a set of clipping lines after transformation, but prior to projective divide by w. Clipping lines are defined in homogeneous surface coordinate system." before section 7.1 Scissoring insert following section: " 7.a Clipping/Culling Drawing may be clipped or culled by a set of clipping lines during transformation. Clipping is enabled when the parameter VG_CLIP_MODE_NDS has the value VG_CLIPMODE_CLIP_CLOSED_NDS or VG_CLIPMODE_CLIP_OPEN_NDS. Culling is enabled if parameter VG_CLIP_MODE_NDS has the value VG_CLIPMODE_CULL_NDS. Clipping may be disabled by either calling vgSeti with a paramType argument of VG_CLIPPING_NDS and a value of VG_CLIPMODE_NONE_NDS, or by specifying no clipping lines through VG_CLIP_LINES_NDS. VG_MAX_CLIP_LINES_NDS The VG_MAX_CLIP_LINES_NDS parameter contains the maximum number of clipping lines that may be supplied for the VG_CLIP_LINES_NDS parameter. All implementations must support at least 6 clipping lines. If there is no implementation-defined limit, a value of VG_MAXINT may be returned. The value may be retrieved by calling vgGeti with a paramType argument of VG_MAX_CLIP_LINES_NDS: VGint maxClippingLines = vgGeti(VG_MAX_CLIP_LINES_NDS); Specifying Clipping Lines Each clipping line is specified as an float triple of the form (a, b, c). The clipping lines are specified in the homogeneous surface coordinate system and are defined by the equation: a*w.x + b*w.y + c*w >= 0 Clipping and culling are applied to geometry post transform, but prior to divide by w. If VG_CLIP_MODE_NDS has the value VG_CLIPMODE_CLIP_CLOSED_NDS all geometry not satisfying this equation is clipped (removed). Segments crossing the clipping line should be subdivided such that the unclipped section of the segment is unaffected. Clipped geometry is removed, but must not affect filling of pixels within the non-clipped half-space. This may require path segments clipped by a clipping line to be replaced with a line segment running along the clipping line to maintain correct fill rule winding. This mode is most appropriate for clipping during vgDrawPath and vgDrawImage. It is also appropriate for vgTransformPath when the resulting path is to be filled. It may not be appropriate for vgTransformPath when the resulting path is to be stroked, as visible artefacts may appear along the clipping lines. If VG_CLIP_MODE_NDS has the value VG_CLIPMODE_CLIP_OPEN_NDS vgDrawPath and vgDrawImage will apply clipping as if the value were VG_CLIPMODE_CLIP_CLOSED_NDS. If vgTransformPath is called and VG_CLIP_MODE_NDS has the value VG_CLIPMODE_CLIP_OPEN_NDS all geometry not satisfying this equation is clipped (removed). Segments crossing the clipping line should be subdivided such that the unclipped section of the segment is unaffected. All clipped sections are removed and are not replaced. This mode is appropriate for vgTransformPath when the resulting path is to be stroked, as no artefacts will appear along the clipping lines. It may not be appropriate for vgTransformPath when the resulting path is to be filled, as implicit closure of clipped paths may affect application of fill rules. If VG_CLIP_MODE_NDS has the value VG_CLIPMODE_CULL_NDS culling is applied. If any part of the path geometry lies in the clipped half -space then the entire path is culled (removed). In some implementations culling may be considerably faster than clipping, but can have a much greater visual impact. If clipping or culling is enabled and no valid clipping lines are present, no clipping or culling occurs and drawing proceeds as if VG_CLIP_MODE_NDS were set to VG_CLIPMODE_NONE_NDS. If more than VG_MAX_CLIP_LINES_NDS clipping lines are specified, those beyond the first VG_MAX_CLIP_LINES_NDS are discarded immediately (and will not be returned by vgGet). Clipping and culling conceptually occur post user to surface transform prior to projective divide by w in homogeneous surface space, and can be used in conjunction with projective transformations to prevent w <= 0 conditions or implementing viewing volume or window clipping. #define NUM_CLIP_LINES 2 /* { a, b, c } Triples */ VGfloat params[3*NUM_CLIP_LINES] = { 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 100.0}; vgSetiv(VG_CLIP_LINES_NDS, 3*NUM_CLIP_LINES, params); " Within Section 7.2 Alpha Masking change sentence: "The mask alpha values are multiplied by the corresponding coverage values of each primitive being drawn in the clipping and masking stage (stage 5) of the rendering pipeline (see Section 2.5)." to: "The mask alpha values are multiplied by the corresponding coverage values of each primitive being drawn in the scissoring and masking stage (stage 5) of the rendering pipeline (see Section 2.5)." Within Section 8 Paths: change sentence: "Each segment command in the standard format may specify a move, a straight line segment, a quadratic or cubic Bézier segment, or an elliptical arc." to: "Each segment command in the standard format may specify a move, a straight line segment, a quadratic or cubic Bézier segment, an elliptical arc or a quadratic or cubic rational Bézier segment." Modifications to Chapter 8 of the OpenVG 1.0 Specification (Path) following below the 8.4 Elliptical Arcs entry: 8.4a Rational Bézier Curves Rational Bézier curves are related to Bézier curves, but use homogeneous control point of the form {w(i)*x(i), w(i)*y(i), w(i)}. Control points are not specified in this homogeneous form, but as a triple value of {x(i), y(i), w(i)} and are converted to homogeneous form for transformation and evaluation. The w(i) value is known as the weight of the control point, and affect the contribution the control point makes to the spline. Rational Bézier curves can be projectively transformed by multiplying the homogeneous control points by the projective matrix. Rational Bézier curves posses all the properties of Bézier curves with the exception that the convex-hull property only applies if all weight values are non-negative. As such the convex-hull property cannot be relied upon for calculation of bounding boxes. Instead the maxima and minima of the partial derivatives dx(t)/dt and dy(t)/dt can be used to determine values of t for which x(t) and y(t) are at a maxima or minima. 8.4a.1 Conversion from Bézier curves Bézier curves can be represented by rational Bézier curve of equal order by simply specifying a value of one for the weight (w(i)) of each control point. This allows the Bézier curve to be projectively transformed. 8.4a.2 Conversion from Elliptical Arcs Unlike Bézier curves, rational Bézier curves can exactly represent elliptical arcs. To convert from an elliptical arc, the arc should be translated onto a unit circle. Let: ux(0) = x coordinate of the translated elliptic arc start point. uy(0) = y coordinate of the translated elliptic arc start point. ux(1) = x coordinate of the translated elliptic arc end point. uy(1) = y coordinate of the translated elliptic arc end point. alpha = angle swept by arc. For alpha not equal to PI, the quadratic rational Bézier representation of the translated arc is given by: qx(0) = ux(0) qy(0) = uy(0) qw(0) = 1 qx(1) = (uy(1)-uy(0))/(ux(0)*uy(1) - uy(0)*ux(1)) qy(1) = (ux(1)-ux(0))/(uy(0)*ux(1) - ux(0)*uy(1)) qw(1) = cos(alpha/2) for alpha < PI -cos(alpha/2) for alpha > PI qx(2) = ux(1) qy(2) = uy(1) qw(2) = 1 where: cos(alpha/2) = sqrt((ux(0).ux(1) + uy(0).uy(1) + 1)/2) The cubic rational Bézier representation of the translated arc is derived using degree elevation, and is given by: cx(0) = qx(0) cy(0) = qy(0) cw(0) = qw(0) cx(1) = (qw(0)*qx(0) + 2*qw(1)*qx(1))/(qw(0) + 2*qw(1)) cy(1) = (qw(0)*qy(0) + 2*qw(1)*qy(1))/(qw(0) + 2*qw(1)) cw(1) = (qw(0) + 2*qw(1))/3 cx(2) = (2*qw(1)*qx(1) + qw(2)*qx(2))/(2*qw(1) + qw(2)) cy(2) = (2*qw(1)*qy(1) + qw(2)*qy(2))/(2*qw(1) + qw(2)) cw(2) = (2*qw(1) + qw(2))/3 cx(3) = qx(2) cy(3) = qy(2) cw(3) = qw(2) The case where alpha exactly equals PI cannot be represented by a quadratic rational Bézier as the control point coordinates tend to infinity. However a cubic rational Bézier can be used, and is given by: if clockwise arc tx = (uy(0)-uy(1)) ty = (ux(1)-ux(0)) else is anti-clockwise arc tx = (uy(1)-uy(0)) ty = (ux(0)-ux(1)) cx(0) = qx(0) cy(0) = qy(0) cw(0) = qw(0) cx(1) = (ux(0) + tx) cy(1) = (uy(0) + ty) cw(1) = 1/3 cx(2) = (tx + ux(1)) cy(2) = (ty + uy(1)) cw(2) = 1/3 cx(3) = qx(2) cy(3) = qy(2) cw(3) = qw(2) To constrain the coordinates of the control points it is recommended that quadratic rational Bézier not be used to represent elliptical arcs where alpha exceeds PI/2. For alpha larger than PI/2 the intermediate control point coordinates will become very large and could result in overflow, or mathematical inaccuracies. 8.4a.3 Quadratic Rational Bézier Curves A quadratic rational Bézier is defined by three control points, {x(0), y(0), w(0)} , {x(1), y(1), w(1)} and {x(2), y(2), w(2)}. The curve starts at {x(0), y(0)} and ends at {x(2), y(2)}. The shape of the curve is influenced by the placement of the internal control point {x(1), y(1)}, but the curve does not usually pass through that point. The weight values of the control points, w0, w1 and w2 affect also affect the shape of the curve, by controlling the contribution/weight of a control point. Assuming non- coincident control points, the tangent of the curve at the initial point {x(0), y(0)} is aligned with and has the same direction as the vector {w(1)*(x(1)-x(0))/w(0), w(1)*(y(1)-y(0))/w(0)}, and the tangent at the final point {x(2), y(2)} is aligned with and has the same direction as {w(1)*(x(2)-x(1))/w(2), w(1)*(y(2)-y(1))/w(2)}. The curve is defined by the set of points {x(t), y(t)} as t varies from 0 to 1, where: x(t) = (w(0)*x(0)*(1-t)*(1-t) + 2*w(1)*x(1)*(1-t)*t + w(2)*x(2)*t*t) / (w(0)*(1-t)*(1-t) + 2*w(1)*(1-t)*t + w(2)*t*t) y(t) = (w(0)*y(0)*(1-t)*(1-t) + 2*w(1)*y(1)*(1-t)*t + w(2)*y(2)*t*t) / (w(0)*(1-t)*(1-t) + 2*w(1)*(1-t)*t + w(2)*t*t) 8.4a.4 Cubic Rational Bézier Curves A cubic rational Bézier is defined by three control points, {x(0), y(0), w(0)}, {x(1), y(1), w(1)}, {x(2), y(2), w(2)} and {x(3), y(3), w(3)}. The curve starts at {x(0), y(0)} and ends at {x(3), y(3)}. The shape of the curve is influenced by the placement of the internal control points {x(1), y(1)} and {x(2), y(2)}, but the curve does not usually pass through these points. The weight values of the control points, w0, w1 w2, and w3 affect also affect the shape of the curve, by controlling the contribution/weight of a control point. Assuming non-coincident control points, the tangent of the curve at the initial point {x(0), y(0)} is aligned with and has the same direction as the vector {w(1)*(x(1)-x(0))/w(0), w(1)*(y(1)-y(0))/w(0)}, and the tangent at the final point {x(3), y(3)} is aligned with and has the same direction as {w(2)*(x(3)-x(2))/w(3), w(2)*(y(3)-y(2))/w(3)}. The curve is defined by the set of points {x(t), y(t)} as t varies from 0 to 1, where: x(t) = (w(0)*x(0)*(1-t)*(1-t)*(1-t) + 3*w(1)*x(1)*(1-t)*(1-t)*t + 3*w(2)*x(2)*(1-t)*t*t + w(3)*x(3)*t*t*t) / (w(0)*(1-t)*(1-t)*(1-t) + 3*w(1)*(1-t)*(1-t)*t + 3*w(2)*(1-t)*t*t + w(3)*t*t*t) y(t) = (w(0)*y(0)*(1-t)*(1-t)*(1-t) + 3*w(1)*y(1)*(1-t)*(1-t)*t + 3*w(2)*y(2)*(1-t)*t*t + w(3)*y(3)*t*t*t) / (w(0)*(1-t)*(1-t)*(1-t) + 3*w(1)*(1-t)*(1-t)*t + 3*w(2)*(1-t)*t*t + w(3)*t*t*t) Within Section 8.5.1 Path Segment Command Side Effect: change sentence: "Ellipse rh, rv, and rot parameters are unaffected by the use of relative coordinates." to: "Ellipse rh, rv, and rot and rational Bézier w(0), w(1), w(2) and w(3) parameters are unaffected by the use of relative coordinates." Within Section 8.5.2 Segment Commands: append to table: Type | Command | Coordinates | Values | Implicit | Side | | | | Points | Effects ================================================================================ Rational | RQUAD_TO | w(0),x(1),y(1), | | | (px,py)=(ox,oy) Quadratic | | w(1),x(2),y(2), | 7 | | =(x2,y2) | | w(2) | | | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rational | RCUBIC_TO | w(0),x(1),y(1), | | | (px,py)=(ox,oy) Cubic | | w(1),x(2),y(2), | 10 | | =(x2,y2) | | w(2),x(3),y(3), | | | | | w(3) | | | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Within Section 8.6.7 Modifying Path Data: after sentence: "In these cases, the path will have been subject to the segment promotion rules as specified in those functions." insert sentence: "Paths that have been transformed using vgTransformPath with clipping enabled should not be passed to vgModifyPathCoords, as path segments could have been removed or changed. Within Section 8.6.8 Transform a Path: change sentence: "The appended path is equivalent to the results of applying the current path-user-to-surface transformation (VG_MATRIX_PATH_USER_TO_SURFACE) to srcPath." to: "The appended path is equivalent to the results of applying the current path-user-to-surface transformation (VG_MATRIX_PATH_USER_TO_SURFACE) to srcPath, taking into account whether the matrix has been configured as projective or affine, via vgProjectiveMatrixNDS. " After paragraph beginning: "The appended path is equivalent to the results..." insert paragraphs: " If VG_CLIP_MODE_NDS is set to VG_CLIPMODE_NONE_NDS no clipping or culling occurs. If VG_CLIP_MODE_NDS is set to VG_CLIPMODE_CLIP_CLOSED_NDS, clipped segments are replaced by line segments along the clip line so that winding rules would be unaffected if the clipped path were drawn filled. The number of line segments and coordinates are implementation dependent but will ensure correct winding. Complete paths may be removed if they are completely clipped. This clipping mode would normally be used if the transformed path is to be filled. Stroking the returned path segments may result in artefacts along the clipping lines. If VG_CLIP_MODE_NDS is set to VG_CLIPMODE_CLIP_OPEN_NDS, partially clipped segments are replaced by one or more segments of the same type. Completely clipped segments are removed. This clipping mode would normally be used if the transformed path is to be stroked. Filling the returned path may result in areas being filled, or not filled, unexpectedly. If VG_CLIP_MODE_NDS is set to VG_CLIPMODE_CULL_NDS, all segments of the path are removed if any segment of the path crosses into the clipping half-space. For some implementations culling may be considerably quicker than clipping, but can have greater visual impact. " following paragraph beginning "Any *ARC_TO...." insert: If the path-user-to-surface transformation is projective, that is the projective matrix has been enabled via vgProjectiveMatrixNDS, and row {w0, w1, w2} is not {0, 0, 1} then the following rules are applied. QUAD_TO segments are converted to RQUAD_TO segments prior to applying the transform. CUBIC_TO segments are converted to RCUBIC_TO segments prior to applying the transform. *ARC_TO segments are converted to RQUAD_TO or RCUBIC_TO to segments as appropriate, prior to applying the transform. The original copies of these segments in srcPath remain unchanged. Within section 8.6.9 Interpolating Between Paths: following bullet point "Converting (S)QUAD...." insert bullet: . Converting all RQUAD_TO_* segments to RCUBIC_TO form before paragraph: " Overflow may occur silently if the datatype of dstPath has insufficient range to store an interpolated coordinate value." insert paragraph: " Paths that have been transformed using vgTransformPath with clipping enabled should not be passed to vgInterpolatePath, as path segments could have been removed or changed. Within section 8.7.6 Non-Scaling Strokes: change sentence: "If the current user-to-surface transformation consists only of uniform scaling, rotation, and translation (i.e., no shearing or non-uniform scaling), then the stroke width may be set to the desired stroke width in drawing surface coordinates, divided by the scaling factor introduced by the transformation." to: "If the current user-to-surface transformation consists only of uniform scaling, rotation, and translation (i.e., no shearing, non-uniform scaling, and no projection {w0,w1,w2} = {0,0,1}), then the stroke width may be set to the desired stroke width in drawing surface coordinates, divided by the scaling factor introduced by the transformation." Within section 10.8 Draw Images to the Drawing Surface change sentence: "When a projective transformation is used (i.e., the bottom row of the image-user-to-surface transformation contains values [ w0 w1 w2 ] different from [ 0 0 1 ]), each corner point (x, y) of the image must result in a positive value of d = (x*w0 + y*w1 + w2), or else nothing is drawn." to: "When a projective transformation is used (i.e., the bottom row of the image-user-to-surface transformation contains values [ w0 w1 w2 ] different from [ 0 0 1 ]), each vertex of the clipped outline of the image must result in a positive value of d = (x*w0 + y*w1 + w2), or else nothing is drawn." change sentence: "When a projective transformation is used, the value of the VG_IMAGE_MODE parameter is ignored and the behaviour of VG_DRAW_IMAGE_NORMAL is substituted. This avoids the need to generate paint pixels in perspective." to: "When a projective transformation is used, and projective image modes have not been enabled via vgProjectiveMatrixNDS for the image-user-to- surface matrix, the value of the VG_IMAGE_MODE parameter is ignored and the behaviour of VG_DRAW_IMAGE_NORMAL is substituted. This avoids the need to generate paint pixels in perspective. If vgProjectiveMatrixNDS has been called to enable projective image modes for the image-user-to- surface matrix, then VG_IMAGE_MODE remains unmodified, and if the matrix is projective (i.e. {w0,w1,w2} is not {0,0,1}) paint pixels shall be generated in perspective." change sentence: "When a projective transformation is used, this mode is used regardless of the setting of the VG_IMAGE_MODE parameter." to: "When a projective transformation is used and projective image modes have not been enabled via vgProjectiveMatrixNDS for the image-user-to- surface matrix, this mode is used regardless of the setting of the VG_IMAGE_MODE parameter." Within Section 17 The VGU Utility Library: Rename section 17.2 Image Warping to: "Section 17.2 Image and Path Warping" Within Section 17.2 Image and Path Warping: after heading vguComputeWarpQuadToQuad: insert paragraph: "vguTransformClipLineNDS The vguTransformClipLineNDS function sets the coefficients {Aout, Bout, Cout} of the clip line to the transformed line defined by coefficients {Ain, Bin, Cin}. The transform is defined by the matrix and inverse parameters. If inverse has the value VG_FALSE the transform is specified directly by matrix. If inverse has the value VG_TRUE the transform is specified by the inverse of matrix. The forward transformed clip line, inverse == VG_FALSE, is defined as: (Aout) ( T)-1 (Ain) (Bout) = (matrix ) .(Bin) (Cout) ( ) (Cin) The inverse transformed clip line, inverse == VG_TRUE, is defined as: (Aout) ( T) (Ain) (Bout) = (matrix ).(Bin) (Cout) ( ) (Cin) where: T M is the transpose of matrix M -1 M is the inverse of matrix M Note that the forward transform requires the inversion of matrix, but the inverse transform does not. If inverse has the value VG_FALSE, and the inverse of matrix is degenerate, VGU_BAD_WARP_ERROR is returned and Aout, Bout and Cout remain unchanged. VGU_API_CALL VGUErrorCode vguTransformClipLineNDS( const VGfloat Ain, const VGfloat Bin, const VGfloat Cin, const VGfloat* matrix, const VGboolean inverse, VGfloat* Aout, VGfloat* Bout, VGfloat* Cout); ERRORS VGU_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR - if matrix, Aout, Bout or Cout are NULL - if matrix, Aout, Bout or Cout are not properly aligned VGU_BAD_WARP_ERROR - if inverse == VG_FALSE, and the inverse of matrix is degenerate New State None Issues Revision History Revision 1 (September 14, 2007) - Original Release Revision 2 (January 14, 2008) - Added path clipping Revision 3 (March 7, 2008) - Added path culling, and VGU line transform helper function.