OpenVX RGB June16

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1. The OpenVX Installable Client Driver Loader Extension

1.1. Overview

The vx_khr_icd extension defines a simple mechanism through which the Khronos installable client driver loader (ICD Loader) may expose multiple separate vendor installable client drivers (Vendor ICDs) for OpenVX. An application written against the ICD Loader will be able to access all vx_platform exposed by all vendor implementations with the ICD Loader acting as a demultiplexer.

1.2. Dependencies

OpenVX 1.0.1 or later

1.3. External Interface

The ICD Loader interface can be accessed by application using:

#include <VX/vx_khr_icd.h>

The VX/vx_khr_icd.h includes definition of a new object vx_platform and new functions vxIcdGetPlatforms, vxQueryPlatform, vxCreateContextFromPlatform. An ICD compatible vendor implementation is required to implement the function vxCreateContextFromPlatform. And the implementation of vxIcdGetPlatforms, vxQueryPlatform, and struct _vx_platform will be part of ICD Loader source. See OpenVX ICD Loader API for further details.

1.4. Inferring Vendor ICD Calls from Arguments

At every OpenVX function call, the ICD Loader infers the Vendor ICD function to call from the ICD compatible object that is passed as the first argument. All OpenVX objects are said to be ICD compatible if the struct _vx_reference contains a placeholder for vx_platform as its first field, as shown below:

struct _vx_reference {
    struct _vx_platform * platform;
    // ... remainder of internal data

The structure _vx_platform has a function pointer dispatch table which is used to make direct calls to a particular vendor implementation. All objects created from ICD compatible objects must be ICD compatible.

Functions which do not take ICD compatible object or a pointer to ICD compatible object as its first argument needs to be implemented by ICD Loader. The OpenVX functions that are required for an implementation in ICD Loader source are:

void* vxFormatImagePatchAddress1d(
    void*                                       ptr,
    vx_uint32                                   index,
    const vx_imagepatch_addressing_t*           addr);
void* vxFormatImagePatchAddress2d(
    void*                                       ptr,
    vx_uint32                                   x,
    vx_uint32                                   y,
    const vx_imagepatch_addressing_t*           addr);
vx_context vxCreateContext(void);

The ICD Loader’s vxCreateContext implementation is required to pick the default platform and to call the vendor specific implementation of vxCreateContextFromPlatform.

The ICD Loader’s vxHint implementation is required to check the OpenVX version of the vendor implementation and handle function signature changes between OpenVX 1.0.1 and OpenVX 1.1.

1.5. Vendor Enumerations on Linux

To enumerate vendor ICDs on Linux, the ICD Loader scans the files under /etc/OpenVX/vendors. For each file in this path, the ICD Loader opens the file as a text file. The expected format for the file is a single line of text which specifies the Vendor ICD’s library. If the Vendor ICD comes with a separate library for immediate mode functions (VXU), the expected format for the file is a single line of text with OpenVX and VXU libraries separated by semi-colon(;) in that order.

The ICD Loader will attempt to open that file as a shared object using dlopen(). Note that the library specified may be an absolute path or just a file name.


If the following file exists
and contains the text;
then the ICD Loader will load the libraries "" and ""

1.6. Vendor Enumerations on Android

To enumerate vendor ICDs on Android, the ICD Loader scans the files under /system/vendor/Khronos/OpenVX/vendors/. For each file in this path, the ICD Loader opens the file as a text file. The expected format for the file is a single line of text which specifies the Vendor ICD’s library. If the Vendor ICD comes with a separate library for immediate mode functions (VXU), the expected format for the file is a single line of text with OpenVX and VXU libraries separated by semi-colon(;) in that order.

The ICD Loader will attempt to open that file as a shared object using dlopen(). Note that the library specified may be an absolute path or just a file name.


If the following file exists
and contains the text
then the ICD Loader will load the library ""

1.7. Vendor Enumerations on Windows

To enumerate Vendor ICDs on Windows, the ICD Loader scans the values in the registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Khronos\OpenVX\Vendors. For each value in this key which has DWORD data set to 0, the ICD Loader opens the dynamic link library specified by the name of the value using LoadLibraryA. If the Vendor ICD comes with a separate library for immediate mode functions (VXU), the expected format for the name of the value is a single line of text with OpenVX and VXU libraries separated by semi-colon(;) in that order.


If the registry contains the following value
then the ICD will open the libraries "c:\vendor_a\openvx.dll" and "c:\vendor_a\vxu.dll"

1.8. ICD Compatible Khronos Sample Implementation

To make the sample implementation compatible with ICD implementation, the following two changes are required

1. Add "struct _vx_platform * platform;" as first field to
   "struct _vx_reference"
2. Every derived reference should copy "platform" from it's parent: add
   "ref->platform = context ? context->base.platform : NULL;" statement to
3. Create a new vxCreateContextFromPlatform() which initializes
   context->base.platform with the function argument and performs same
   functionality as vxCreateContext().

1.9. Sample Implementation of ICD Loader

An implementation of ICD Loader is available in vx_khr_icd folder of sample implementation tree. Use cmake to build ICD Loader library to a static library with the name “openvx”. Applications that use ICD Loader library can use any ICD compatible vendor implementation picked during run-time.

Example: Build and Run Conformance Tests using ICD Loader

# Build ICD Loader sample implementation from vx_khr_icd folder
% pushd <path-to-sample-implementation-trunk>
% export OPENVX_DIR=$PWD
% popd
% mkdir -p build/vx_khr_icd
% cd build/vx_khr_icd
% cmake $OPENVX_DIR/vx_khr_icd
% make
% export VX_KHR_ICD_LIB=$PWD
% cd ../..

# Build OpenVX Conformance Tests using ICD Loader
% mkdir -p build/conformance_tests
% cd build/conformance_tests
        -DOPENVX_LIBRARIES=$VX_KHR_ICD_LIB/libopenvx.a\;pthread\;dl\;m \
% make

# Run Conformance Tests
# Note: use of sample implementation requires LD_LIBRARY_PATH to be set properly
% export VX_TEST_DATA_PATH=$OPENVX_DIR/conformance_tests/test_data
% <build binary path>/vx_test_conformance

1.10. Updates to ICD Loader source code

The sample implementation tree has a python script vx_khr_icd/ to update ICD Loader source code from OpenVX header files in include/VX folder.

# To update vx_dispatch.h, vx_dispatch.c, and ../include/VX/vx_khr_icd.h files
# with the API in VX/vx_api.h, VX/vx_nodes.h, VX/vxu.h, and VX/vx_compatibility.h,
# run below command from vx_khr_icd folder
% python \
      ../include/VX/vx_api.h ../include/VX/vx_nodes.h \
      ../include/VX/vxu.h \

# To create ICD Loader source code for OpenVX 1.0.1:
#   - unzip extract openvx_sample_1.0.1.tar.bz2 in openvx_sample folder
#   - copy vx_khr_icd folder into openvx_sample folder
#   - run below command from openvx_sample/vx_khr_icd folder
% python
      ../include/VX/vx_api.h ../include/VX/vx_nodes.h \

1.11. Contributors

2. Module Documentation

2.1. OpenVX ICD Loader API

The OpenVX Installable Client Driver (ICD) Loader API.

The vx_khr_icd extension provides a mechanism for vendors to implement Installable Client Driver (ICD) for OpenVX. The OpenVX ICD Loader API provides a mechanism for applications to access these vendor implementations.



2.1.1. Typedefs


Platform handle of an implementation.

typedef struct _vx_platform *vx_platform;

2.1.2. Functions


Creates a vx_context from a vx_platform.

NOAPI vx_context vxCreateContextFromPlatform(
    vx_platform                                 platform);

This creates a top-level object context for OpenVX from a platform handle.

Returns: The reference to the implementation context vx_context. Any possible errors preventing a successful creation should be checked using vxGetStatus.


Queries list of available platforms.

NOAPI vx_status vxIcdGetPlatforms(
    vx_size                                     capacity,
    vx_platform                                 platform[],
    vx_size*                                    pNumItems);


  • [in] capacity - Maximum number of items that platform[] can hold.

  • [out] platform[] - List of platform handles.

  • [out] pNumItems - Number of platform handles returned.

Returns: A vx_status_e enumeration.

Return Values


Queries the platform for some specific information.

NOAPI vx_status vxQueryPlatform(
    vx_platform                                 platform,
    vx_enum                                     attribute,
    void*                                       ptr,
    vx_size                                     size);


  • [in] platform - The platform handle.

  • [in] attribute - The attribute to query. Use one of the following: VX_CONTEXT_VENDOR_ID, VX_CONTEXT_VERSION, VX_CONTEXT_EXTENSIONS_SIZE, VX_CONTEXT_EXTENSIONS.

  • [out] ptr - The location at which to store the resulting value.

  • [in] size - The size in bytes of the container to which ptr points.

Returns: A vx_status_e enumeration.

Return Values