C Specification

// Provided by XR_FB_scene
// Flag bits for XrSemanticLabelsSupportFlagsFB
static const XrSemanticLabelsSupportFlagsFB XR_SEMANTIC_LABELS_SUPPORT_MULTIPLE_SEMANTIC_LABELS_BIT_FB = 0x00000001;
static const XrSemanticLabelsSupportFlagsFB XR_SEMANTIC_LABELS_SUPPORT_ACCEPT_DESK_TO_TABLE_MIGRATION_BIT_FB = 0x00000002;
static const XrSemanticLabelsSupportFlagsFB XR_SEMANTIC_LABELS_SUPPORT_ACCEPT_INVISIBLE_WALL_FACE_BIT_FB = 0x00000004;


Flag Descriptions
  • XR_SEMANTIC_LABELS_SUPPORT_MULTIPLE_SEMANTIC_LABELS_BIT_FB — If set, and the runtime reports the extensionVersion as 2 or greater, the runtime may return multiple semantic labels separated by a comma without spaces. Otherwise, the runtime must return a single semantic label.

  • XR_SEMANTIC_LABELS_SUPPORT_ACCEPT_DESK_TO_TABLE_MIGRATION_BIT_FB — If set, and the runtime reports the extensionVersion as 3 or greater, the runtime must return "TABLE" instead of "DESK" as a semantic label to the application. Otherwise, the runtime must return "DESK" instead of "TABLE" as a semantic label to the application, when applicable.

  • XR_SEMANTIC_LABELS_SUPPORT_ACCEPT_INVISIBLE_WALL_FACE_BIT_FB — If set, and the runtime reports the extensionVersion as 4 or greater, the runtime may return "INVISIBLE_WALL_FACE" instead of "WALL_FACE" as a semantic label to the application in order to represent an invisible wall used to conceptually separate a space (e.g., separate a living space from a kitchen space in an open floor plan house even though there is no real wall between the two spaces) instead of a real wall. Otherwise, the runtime must return "WALL_FACE" as a semantic label to the application in order to represent both an invisible and real wall, when applicable.

See Also

Document Notes

For more information, see the OpenXR Specification

This page is extracted from the OpenXR Specification. Fixes and changes should be made to the Specification, not directly.

Copyright 2014-2024, The Khronos Group Inc.