Khronos 500px June18
SPIR 500px Nov14

© Copyright 2014-2021 The Khronos Group Inc. All Rights Reserved.

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Khronos Group grants express permission to any current Promoter, Contributor or Adopter member of Khronos to copy and redistribute UNMODIFIED versions of this specification in any fashion, provided that NO CHARGE is made for the specification and the latest available update of the specification for any version of the API is used whenever possible. Such distributed specification may be reformatted AS LONG AS the contents of the specification are not changed in any way. The specification may be incorporated into a product that is sold as long as such product includes significant independent work developed by the seller. A link to the current version of this specification on the Khronos Group website should be included whenever possible with specification distributions.

Khronos Group makes no, and expressly disclaims any, representations or warranties, express or implied, regarding this specification, including, without limitation, any implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose or noninfringement of any intellectual property. Khronos Group makes no, and expressly disclaims any, warranties, express or implied, regarding the correctness, accuracy, completeness, timeliness, and reliability of the specification. Under no circumstances will the Khronos Group, or any of its Promoters, Contributors or Members or their respective partners, officers, directors, employees, agents, or representatives be liable for any damages, whether direct, indirect, special or consequential damages for lost revenues, lost profits, or otherwise, arising from or in connection with these materials.

Khronos, SYCL, SPIR, WebGL, EGL, COLLADA, StreamInput, OpenVX, OpenKCam, glTF, OpenKODE, OpenVG, OpenWF, OpenSL ES, OpenMAX, OpenMAX AL, OpenMAX IL and OpenMAX DL are trademarks and WebCL is a certification mark of the Khronos Group Inc. OpenCL is a trademark of Apple Inc. and OpenGL and OpenML are registered trademarks and the OpenGL ES and OpenGL SC logos are trademarks of Silicon Graphics International used under license by Khronos. All other product names, trademarks, and/or company names are used solely for identification and belong to their respective owners.

Contributors and Acknowledgments

  • Yaxun Liu, AMD

  • Brian Sumner, AMD

  • Ben Ashbaugh, Intel

  • Alexey Bader, Intel

  • Raun Krisch, Intel

  • John Kessenich, Google

  • David Neto, Google

  • Neil Henning, Codeplay

  • Kerch Holt, Nvidia

1. Introduction

This is the specification of DebugInfo extended instruction set.

The library is imported into a SPIR-V module in the following manner:

<extinst-id> OpExtInstImport "DebugInfo"

The instructions below are capable to convey debug information of the source program.

The design guide lines for these instructions are:

  • Sufficient for a backend to generate DWARF4 debug info for OpenCL C/C++ kernels

  • Easy translation between SPIR-V/LLVM

  • Clear

  • Concise

  • Extendable for other languages

  • Capable of representing debug information for optimized IR

2. Binary Form

This section contains the semantics of the debug info extended instructions using the OpExtInst instruction.

All Name operands are id of OpString instruction, which represents the name of the entry (type, variable, function. etc) as it appears in the source program.

Result Type of all instructions bellow is id of OpTypeVoid

Set operand in all instructions bellow is the result of an OpExtInstImport instruction.

All instructions in this extended set has no semantic impact and can be safely removed from the module all at once. Or a single debugging instruction can be removed from the module if all references, to the Result <id> of this instruction are replaced with id of DebugInfoNone instruction.

DebugScope, DebugNoScope, DebugDeclare, DebugValue instructions can interleave with instructions within a function body. All other debugging instructions should be located between section 9 (All type declarations (OpTypeXXX instructions), all constant instructions, and all global variable declarations …​) and section 10 (All function declaration) per the core SPIR-V specification.

Debug info for source language opaque types is represented by DebugTypeComposite without Members operands. Size of the composite must be DebugInfoNone and Name must start with @ symbol to avoid clashes with user defined names.

3. Enumerations

3.2. Debug Info Flags

Value Flag Name

1 << 0


1 << 1


1<<1 | 1<<0


1 << 2


1 << 3


1 << 4


1 << 5


1 << 6


1 << 7


1 << 8


1 << 9


1 << 10


1 << 11


1 << 12


1 << 13


3.3. Base Type Attribute Encodings

Used by DebugTypeBasic

Encoding code name

















3.4. Composite Types

Tag code name







3.5. Type Qualifiers

Qualifier tag code name







3.6. Debug Operations

Used by DebugExpression

Operation encodings No. of Operands




























4. Instructions

4.1. Absent Debugging Information


Other instructions can refer to this one in case the debugging information is unknown, not available or not applicable.

Result Type must be OpTypeVoid



Result Type

Result <id>

<id> Set


4.2. Compilation Unit


Describe compilation unit.

Result Type must be OpTypeVoid

Source is an OpSource providing text of the primary source program this module was derived from.

Version is version of SPIRV debug information specification.

DWARF Version is version of DWARF standard this specification is compatible with.



Result Type

Result <id>

<id> Set


<id> Source

Literal Number Version

Literal Number DWARF version

4.3. Type instructions


Describe basic data types.

Result Type must be OpTypeVoid

Name represents the name of the type as it appears in the source program. May be empty.

Size is an OpConstant with integral type and its value is amount of storage in bits, needed to hold an instance of the type.

Encoding describes how the base type is encoded.



Result Type

Result <id>

<id> Set


<id> Name

<id> Size



Describe pointer or reference data types.

Result Type must be OpTypeVoid

Base Type is <id> of debugging instruction which represents the pointee type.

Storage Class is the class of the memory where the pointed object is allocated. Possible values of this operand are described in the "Storage Class" section of the core SPIR-V specification.

Flags is a single word literal formed by bitwise OR-ing values from the Debug Info Flags table.



Result Type

Result <id>

<id> Set


<id> Base Type

Storage Class

Literal Flags


Describe const, volatile and restrict qualified data types. Types with multiple qualifiers are represented as a sequence of single qualified types.

Result Type must be OpTypeVoid

Base Type is debug instruction which represents the type being qualified.

Type Qaulifier is a literal value from the TypeQualifiers table.



Result Type

Result <id>

<id> Set


<id> Base Type

Type Qaulifier


Describe array data types

Result Type must be OpTypeVoid

Base Type is debugging instruction which describes type of element of the array

Component Count is an OpConstant with integral result type, and its value is the number of elements in the corresponding dimension of the array. Number and order of Component Count operands must match with number and order of array dimensions as they appear in the source program.



Result Type

Result <id>

<id> Set


<id> Base Type

<id> Component Count, …​


Describe vector data types

Result Type must be OpTypeVoid

Base Type is id of debugging instruction which describes type of element of the vector

Component Count is a single word literal denoting number of elements in the vector.



Result Type

Result <id>

<id> Set


<id> Base Type

Literal Number
Component Count


Describe a C and C++ typedef declaration

Result Type must be OpTypeVoid

Name is OpString which is represents a new name for the Base Type

Base Type is a debugging instruction representing the type for which a new name is being declared

Source is an OpSource providing text of the primary source program this module was derived from.

Line is a single word literal denoting the source line number at which the declaration appears in the Source

Column is a single word literal denoting column number at which the first character of the declaration appears on the Line.

Parent is a debug instruction which represents the parent lexical scope of the declaration.



Result Type

Result <id>

<id> Set


<id> Name

<id> Base Type

<id> Source

Literal Number Line

Literal Number Column

<id> Parent


Describe a function type

Result Type must be OpTypeVoid

Return Type is a debug instruction which represents type of return value of the function. If the function has no return value, this operand is OpTypeVoid

Parameter Types are debug instructions which describe type of parameters of the function



Result Type

Result <id>

<id> Set


<id> Return Type

<id>, <id>, …​ Parameter Types


Describe enumeration types

Result Type must be OpTypeVoid

Name is an OpString holding the name of the enumeration as it appears in the source program.

Underlying Type is a debbuging instruction which describes the underlying type of the enum in the source program. If the underlying type is not specified in the source program, this operand must refer to DebugInfoNone.

Source is an OpSource providing text of the primary source program this module was derived from.

Line is a single word literal denoting the source line number at which the enumeration declaration appears in the Source.

Column is a single word literal denoting column number at which the first character of the enumeration declaration appears on the Line.

Parent is a debug instruction which represents a parent lexical scope.

Size is an OpConstant with integral result type, and its value is the number of bits required to hold an instance of the enumeration.

Flags is a single word literal formed by bitwise OR-ing values from the Debug Info Flags table.

Enumerators are encoded as trailing pairs of Value and corresponding Name. Values must be id of OpConstant instruction, with integer result type. Name must be id of OpString instruction.



Result Type

Result <id>

<id> Set


<id> Name

<id> Underlying Type

<id> Source

Literal Number Line

Literal Number Column

<id>, Parent

<id> Size

Literal Flags

<id> Value,
<id> Name,
<id> Value,
<id> Name, …​


Describe structure, class and union data types

Result Type must be OpTypeVoid

Tag specifies the kind of composite type

Name is an OpString holding the name of the type as it appears in the source program

Source is an OpSource providing text of the primary source program this module was derived from.

Line is a single word literal denoting the source line number at which the type declaration appears in the Source

Column is a single word literal denoting column number at which the first character of the declaration appears on the Line

Parent is a debug instruction which represents parent lexical scope. Must be one of the following: DebugCompilationUnit, DebugFunction, DebugLexicalBlock or other DebugTypeComposite

Size is an OpConstant with integral type and its value is the number of bits required to hold an instance of the composite type.

Flags is a single word literal formed by bitwise OR-ing values from the Debug Info Flags table.

Members must be ids of DebugTypeMember, DebugFunction or DebugTypeInheritance.

Note: To represent a source language opaque type this instruction must have no Members operands, Size operand must be DebugInfoNone and Name must start with @ symbol to avoid clashes with user defined names.



Result Type

Result <id>

<id> Set


<id> Name


<id> Source

Literal Number Line

Literal Number Column

<id> Parent

<id> Size

Literal Flags

<id>, <id>, …​ Members


Describe a data member of a structure, class or union.

Result Type must be OpTypeVoid

Name is an OpString holding the name of the member as it appears in the source program

Type is a debug type instruction which represents type of the member

Source is an OpSource providing text of the primary source program this module was derived from.

Line is a single word literal denoting the source line number at which the member declaration appears in the Source

Column is a single word literal denoting column number at which the firs t character of the member declaration appears on the Line

Parent is a debug instruction which represents a composite type containing this member.

Offset is an OpConstant with integral type and its value is offset in bits from the beginning of the Containig Type.

Size is an OpConstant with integral type and its value is the number of bits the Base type occupies within the Containig Type.

Flags is a single word literal formed by bitwise OR-ing values from the Debug Info Flags table.

Value is an OpConstant representing initialization value in case of const static qualified member in C++.



Result Type

Result <id>

<id> Set


<id> Name

<id> Type

<id> Source

Literal Number Line

Literal Number Column

<id> Parent

<id> Offset

<id> Size


Optional <id> Value


Describe inheritance relationship with a parent class or structure. Result of this instruction should be used as a member of a composite type

Result Type must be OpTypeVoid

Child is a debug instruction representing a derived class or struct in C++.

Parent is a debug instruction representing a class or structure the Child Type is derived from.

Offset is an OpConstant with integral type and its value is offset of the Parent Type in bits in layout of the Child Type

Size is an OpConstant with integral type and its value is the number of bits the Parent type occupies within the Child Type.

Flags is a single word literal formed by bitwise OR-ing values from the Debug Info Flags table.



Result Type

Result <id>

<id> Set


<id> Child

<id> Parent

<id> Offset

<id> Size



Describe a type of an object that is a pointer to a structure or class member

Result Type must be OpTypeVoid

Member Type is a debug instruction representing the type of the member

Parent is a debug instruction, representing a structure or class type.



Result Type

Result <id>

<id> Set


<id> Member Type

<id> Parent

4.4. Templates


Describe an instantiated template of class, struct or function in C++.

Result Type must be OpTypeVoid

Target is a debug instruction representing class, struct or function which has template parameter(s).

Parameters are debug instructions representing the template parameters for this particular instantiation.



Result Type

Result <id>

<id> Set


<id> Target

<id>…​ Parameters


Describe a formal parameter of a C++ template instantiation.

Result Type must be OpTypeVoid

Name is an OpString holding the name of the template parameter

Actual Type is a debug instruction representing the actual type of the formal parameter for this particular instantiation.

If this instruction describes a template value parameter, the Value is represented by an OpConstant with integer result type. For template type parameter Value operand must not be used

Source is an OpSource providing text of the primary source program this module was derived from.

Line is a single word literal denoting the source line number at which the template parameter declaration appears in the Source

Column is a single word literal denoting column number at which the first character of the template parameter declaration appears on the Line



Result Type

Result <id>

<id> Set


<id> Name

<id> Actual Type

<id> Value

<id> Source

Literal Number Line

Literal Number Column


Describe a template template parameter of a C++ template instantiation.

Result Type must be OpTypeVoid

Name is an OpString holding the name of the template template parameter

Template Name is an OpString holding the name of the template used as template parameter in this particular instantiation.

Source is an OpSource providing text of the primary source program this module was derived from.

Line is a single word literal denoting the source line number at which the template template parameter declaration appears in the Source

Column is a single word literal denoting column number at which the first character of the template template parameter declaration appears on the Line



Result Type

Result <id>

<id> Set


<id> Name

<id> Template Name

<id> Source

Literal Number Line

Literal Number Column


Describe expanded template parameter pack in a variadic template instantiation in C++

Result Type must be OpTypeVoid

Name is an OpString holding the name of the template parameter pack

Source is an OpSource providing text of the primary source program this module was derived from.

Line is a single word literal denoting the source line number at which the template parameter pack declaration appears in the Source

Column is a single word literal denoting column number at which the first character of the template parameter pack declaration appears on the Line

Template parameters are DebugTypeTemplateParameters describing the expanded parameter pack in the variadic template instantiation



Result Type

Result <id>

<id> Set


<id> Name

<id> Source

Literal Number Line

Literal Number Column

<id>…​ Template parameters

4.5. Global Variables


Describe a global variable.

Result Type must be OpTypeVoid

Name is an OpString, holding the name of the variable as it appears in the source program

Type is a debug instruction which represents type of the variable.

Source is an OpSource providing text of the primary source program this module was derived from.

Line is a single word literal denoting the source line number at which the global variable declaration appears in the Source

Column is a single word literal denoting column number at which the first character of the global variable declaration appears on the Line

Parent is a debug instruction which represents parent lexical scope. Must be one of the following: DebugCompilationUnit, DebugFunction, DebugLexicalBlock or DebugTypeComposite

Linkage Name is an OpString, holding the linkage name of the variable.

Variable is id of the global variable or constant which is described by this instruction. If the variable is optimized out, this operand must be DebugInfoNone.

Flags is a single word literal formed by bitwise OR-ing values from the Debug Info Flags table.

If the global variable represents a defining declaration for C++ static data member of a structure, class or union, the optional Static Member Declaration operand refers to the debugging type of the previously declared variable, i.e. DebugTypeMember



Result Type

Result <id>

<id> Set


<id> Name

<id> Type

<id> Source

Literal Number Line

Literal Number Column

<id> Parent

<id> Linkage Name

<id> Variable


Optional <id> Static Member Declaration

4.6. Functions


Describe function or method declaration.

Result Type must be OpTypeVoid

Name is an OpString, holding the name of the function as it appears in the source program

Type is an DebugTypeFunction instruction which represents type of the function.

Source is an OpSource providing text of the primary source program this module was derived from.

Line is a single word literal denoting the source line number at which the function declaration appears in the Source

Column is a single word literal denoting column number at which the first character of the function declaration appears on the Line

Parent is a debug instruction which represents parent lexical scope.

Linkage Name is an OpString, holding the linkage name of the function

Flags is a single word literal formed by bitwise OR-ing values from the Debug Info Flags table.



Result Type

Result <id>

<id> Set


<id> Name

<id> Type

<id> Source

Literal Number Line

Literal Number Column

<id> Parent

<id> Linkage Name



Describe function or method definition or declaration.

Result Type must be OpTypeVoid

Name is an OpString, holding the name of the function as it appears in the source program

Type is an DebugTypeFunction instruction which represents type of the function.

Source is an OpSource providing text of the primary source program this module was derived from.

Line is a single word literal denoting the source line number at which the function declaration appears in the Source

Column is a single word literal denoting column number at which the first character of the function declaration appears on the Line

Parent is a debug instruction which represents parent lexical scope.

Linkage Name is an OpString, holding the linkage name of the function

Flags is a single word literal formed by bitwise OR-ing values from the Debug Info Flags table.

Scope Line a single word literal denoting line number in the source program at which the function scope begins.

Function is an OpFunction which is described by this instruction.

Declaration is DebugFunctionDeclaration which represents non-defining declaration of the function.



Result Type

Result <id>

<id> Set


<id> Name

<id> Type

<id> Source

Literal Number Line

Literal Number Column

<id> Parent

<id> Linkage Name


Literal Number Scope Line

<id> Function

Optional <id> Declaration

4.7. Location Information


Describe a lexical block in the source program.

Result Type must be OpTypeVoid

Source is an OpSource providing text of the primary source program this module was derived from.

Line is a single word literal denoting the source line number at which the lexical block begins in the Source

Column is a single word literal denoting column number at which the lexical block begins.

Parent is a debug instructions describing the scope containing the current scope. Entities in the global scope should have Parent referring to DebugCompilationUnit.

Presence of the Name operand indicates that this instruction represents a C++ namespace. This operand refers to OpString holding the name of the namespace. For anonymous C++ namespaces the name must be an empty string.



Result Type

Result <id>

<id> Set


<id> Source

Literal Number Line

Literal Number Column

<id> Parent

Optional <id> Name


Distinguish lexical blocks on a single line in the source program.

Result Type must be OpTypeVoid

Source is an OpSource providing text of the primary source program this module was derived from.

Parent is a debug instructions describing the scope containing the current scope.

Discriminator is a single word literal denoting DWARF discriminator value for instructions in the lexical block.



Result Type

Result <id>

<id> Set


<id> Source

Literal Number Discriminator

<id> Parent


Provide information about source-level scope. This scope information applies to the instructions physically following this instruction, up to the first occurrence of any of the following: the next end of block, the next DebugScope instruction, or the next DebugNoScope instruction.

Result Type must be OpTypeVoid

Scope is a debugging instruction which describes source-level scope.

Inlined is an DebugInlinedAt instruction, which represents source-level scope and line number at which all instructions from the current scope were inlined.



Result Type

Result <id>

<id> Set


<id> Scope

<id> Inlined At


Discontinue previously declared by DebugScope source-level scope.

Result Type must be OpTypeVoid



Result Type

Result <id>

<id> Set



Represent source-level scope and line number for the range of inlined instructions grouped together by an DebugScope instruction.

Result Type must be OpTypeVoid

Line is a single word literal denoting the line number in the source file where the range of instructions were inlined.

Scope is a debug instruction representing a source-level scope at which the range of instructions were inlined.

Inlined is a debug instruction representing the next level of inlining in case of recursive inlining.



Result Type

Result <id>

<id> Set


Literal Number Line

<id> Scope

Optional <id> Inlined

4.8. Local Variables


Describe a local variable.

Result Type must be OpTypeVoid

Name is an OpString, holding the name of the variable as it appears in the source program

Type is a debugging instruction which represents type of the local variable.

Source is an OpSource providing text of the primary source program this module was derived from.

Line is a single word literal denoting the source line number at which the local variable declaration appears in the Source

Column is a single word literal denoting column number at which the first character of the local variable declaration appears on the Line

Parent id of a debug instruction which represents parent lexical scope.

If ArgNumber operand presents, this instruction represents a function formal parameter.



Result Type

Result <id>

<id> Set


<id> Name

<id> Type

<id> Source

Literal Number Line

Literal Number Column

<id> Parent

Optional Literal Number ArgNumber


Describe an inlined local variable.

Result Type must be OpTypeVoid

Variable is a debug instruction representing a local variable which is inlined.

Inlined is an DebugInlinedAt instruction representing the inline location.



Result Type

Result <id>

<id> Set


<id> Variable

<id> Inlined


Define point of declaration of a local variable.

Result Type must be OpTypeVoid

Local Variable must be an id of DebugLocalVariable

Variable must be an id of OpVariable instruction which defines the local variable.

Expression must be an id of a DebugExpression instruction.



Result Type

Result <id>

<id> Set


<id> Local Variable

<id> Variable

<id> Expression


Represent changing of value of a local variable.

Result Type must be OpTypeVoid

Local Variable must be an id of DebugLocalVariable

Value is id of instruction, result of which is the new value of the Local Variable.

Expression is id of an DebugExpression instruction.

Indexes have the same semantics as corresponding operand(s) of OpAccessChain.



Result Type

Result <id>

<id> Set


<id> Local Variable

<id> Value

<id> Expression

<id>, <id>, …​ Indexes


Represent DWARF operation, that operate on a stack of values.

Result Type must be OpTypeVoid

Operation is a DWARF operation from the DWARF Operations table.

Operands are zero or more single word literals the Operation operates on.



Result Type

Result <id>

<id> Set



Optional Literal Operands …​


Represent DWARF expressions, which describe how to compute a value or name location during debugging of a program. They are expressed in terms of DWARF operations that operate on a stack of values.

Result Type must be OpTypeVoid

Operation is zero or more ids of DebugOperation.



Result Type

Result <id>

<id> Set


Optional <id>…​ Operation

4.9. Macros


Represents a macro definition

Result Type must be OpTypeVoid

Source is id of OpString, which contains the name of the file which contains definition of the macro.

Line is line number in the source file at which the macro is defined. If Line is zero the macro definition is provided by compiler’s command line argument.

Name is id of OpString, which contains the name of the macro as it appears in the source program. In the case of a function-like macro definition, no whitespace characters appear between the name of the defined macro and the following left parenthesis. Formal parameters are separated by a comma without any whitespace. Right parenthesis terminates the formal parameter list

Value is id of OpString, which contians text with definition of the macro.



Result Type

Result <id>

<id> Set


<id> Source

Literal Number Line

<id> Name

Optional Value


Discontinue previous macro definition.

Result Type must be OpTypeVoid

Source is id of OpString, which contains the name of the file in which the macro is undefined

Line is line number in the source program at which the macro is rendered as undefined

Macro is id of DebugMacroDef which represent the macro to be undefined



Result Type

Result <id>

<id> Set


<id> Source

Literal Number Line

<id> Macro

5. Validation Rules


6. Issues

  1. Does the ABI used for the OpenCL C 2.0 blocks feature have to be declared somewhere else in the module?

    RESOLVED: No. Block ABI is out of scope for this specification.

7. Revision History

Rev Date Author Changes

0.99 Rev 1


Alexey Sotkin

Initial revision

0.99 Rev 2


Alexey Sotkin

Added details for the type instructions

0.99 Rev 3


Alexey Sotkin

Added details for the rest of instructions

0.99 Rev 4


Alexey Sotkin

Applied comments after review

0.99 Rev 5


Alexey Sotkin

Format the specification as extended instruction set

0.99 Rev 6


Alexey Sotkin

Adding File and Line operands

0.99 Rev 7


Alexey Sotkin

Moving Flags to operands. Adding several new instructions.

0.99 Rev 8


Alexey Sotkin

Replacing File operand by Source operand. Fixing typos. Formatting

0.99 Rev 9


Alexey Sotkin

Clarifying representation of opaque types

0.99 Rev 10


Alexey Sotkin

Support of multidimensional arrays. Adding DebugFunctionDeclaration. Updating debug operations.

0.99 Rev 11


Alexey Sotkin

Removing "Op" prefix

0.99 Rev 12


Alexey Sotkin

Changing style of enum tokens to CamelCase

1.00 Rev 1


David Neto

Approved by SPIR WG on 2017-09-22. Change to 1.00 Rev 1