Khronos Sample Registry

The Sample registry contains the formatted Khronos Sample Specification. The registry also links to the GitHub repository where the sources for these documents can be found.

Note that the Sample Specification is not ratified and is not a formal Khronos product. The Specification documents best practices for, and the underlying repository provides a reference point for, starting new Khronos standards repositories.

Index to the Sample Registry page content:

Sample Specification

We publish the Sample Specification in PDF and HTML forms.

Sample GitHub Repository

The Sample-Docs repository contains the Asciidoctor source for the Sample Specification.

Providing Feedback on the Registry

Khronos welcomes comments and bug reports. To provide feedback on the Sample registry itself (such as reporting missing content, bad links, etc.), file an issue in the Sample-Registry Github project.

For the Sample Specification or other documentation and tools, file an Issue on the GitHub Repository.