

A variable decorated with the RayTmaxKHR decoration will contain the parametric tmax value of the ray being processed. The value is independent of the space in which the ray origin and direction exist. The value is initialized to the parameter passed into OpTraceRayKHR.

The tmax value changes throughout the lifetime of the ray that produced the intersection. In the closest hit shader, the value reflects the closest distance to the intersected primitive. In the any-hit shader, it reflects the distance to the primitive currently being intersected. In the intersection shader, it reflects the distance to the closest primitive intersected so far or the initial value. The value can change in the intersection shader after calling OpReportIntersectionKHR if the corresponding any-hit shader does not ignore the intersection. In a miss shader, the value is identical to the parameter passed into OpTraceRayKHR.

Valid Usage
  • VUID-RayTmaxKHR-RayTmaxKHR-04348
    The RayTmaxKHR decoration must be used only within the IntersectionKHR, AnyHitKHR, ClosestHitKHR, or MissKHR Execution Model

  • VUID-RayTmaxKHR-RayTmaxKHR-04349
    The variable decorated with RayTmaxKHR must be declared using the Input Storage Class

  • VUID-RayTmaxKHR-RayTmaxKHR-04350
    The variable decorated with RayTmaxKHR must be declared as a scalar 32-bit floating-point value

See Also

No cross-references are available

Document Notes

For more information, see the Vulkan Specification

This page is extracted from the Vulkan Specification. Fixes and changes should be made to the Specification, not directly.

Copyright 2014-2023 The Khronos Group Inc.

SPDX-License-Identifier: CC-BY-4.0