C Specification

The VkPhysicalDeviceFloatControlsProperties structure is defined as:

// Provided by VK_VERSION_1_2
typedef struct VkPhysicalDeviceFloatControlsProperties {
    VkStructureType                      sType;
    void*                                pNext;
    VkShaderFloatControlsIndependence    denormBehaviorIndependence;
    VkShaderFloatControlsIndependence    roundingModeIndependence;
    VkBool32                             shaderSignedZeroInfNanPreserveFloat16;
    VkBool32                             shaderSignedZeroInfNanPreserveFloat32;
    VkBool32                             shaderSignedZeroInfNanPreserveFloat64;
    VkBool32                             shaderDenormPreserveFloat16;
    VkBool32                             shaderDenormPreserveFloat32;
    VkBool32                             shaderDenormPreserveFloat64;
    VkBool32                             shaderDenormFlushToZeroFloat16;
    VkBool32                             shaderDenormFlushToZeroFloat32;
    VkBool32                             shaderDenormFlushToZeroFloat64;
    VkBool32                             shaderRoundingModeRTEFloat16;
    VkBool32                             shaderRoundingModeRTEFloat32;
    VkBool32                             shaderRoundingModeRTEFloat64;
    VkBool32                             shaderRoundingModeRTZFloat16;
    VkBool32                             shaderRoundingModeRTZFloat32;
    VkBool32                             shaderRoundingModeRTZFloat64;
} VkPhysicalDeviceFloatControlsProperties;


  • sType is a VkStructureType value identifying this structure.

  • pNext is NULL or a pointer to a structure extending this structure.


  • denormBehaviorIndependence is a VkShaderFloatControlsIndependence value indicating whether, and how, denorm behavior can be set independently for different bit widths.

  • roundingModeIndependence is a VkShaderFloatControlsIndependence value indicating whether, and how, rounding modes can be set independently for different bit widths.

  • shaderSignedZeroInfNanPreserveFloat16 is a boolean value indicating whether sign of a zero, Nans and can be preserved in 16-bit floating-point computations. It also indicates whether the SignedZeroInfNanPreserve execution mode can be used for 16-bit floating-point types.

  • shaderSignedZeroInfNanPreserveFloat32 is a boolean value indicating whether sign of a zero, Nans and can be preserved in 32-bit floating-point computations. It also indicates whether the SignedZeroInfNanPreserve execution mode can be used for 32-bit floating-point types.

  • shaderSignedZeroInfNanPreserveFloat64 is a boolean value indicating whether sign of a zero, Nans and can be preserved in 64-bit floating-point computations. It also indicates whether the SignedZeroInfNanPreserve execution mode can be used for 64-bit floating-point types.

  • shaderDenormPreserveFloat16 is a boolean value indicating whether denormals can be preserved in 16-bit floating-point computations. It also indicates whether the DenormPreserve execution mode can be used for 16-bit floating-point types.

  • shaderDenormPreserveFloat32 is a boolean value indicating whether denormals can be preserved in 32-bit floating-point computations. It also indicates whether the DenormPreserve execution mode can be used for 32-bit floating-point types.

  • shaderDenormPreserveFloat64 is a boolean value indicating whether denormals can be preserved in 64-bit floating-point computations. It also indicates whether the DenormPreserve execution mode can be used for 64-bit floating-point types.

  • shaderDenormFlushToZeroFloat16 is a boolean value indicating whether denormals can be flushed to zero in 16-bit floating-point computations. It also indicates whether the DenormFlushToZero execution mode can be used for 16-bit floating-point types.

  • shaderDenormFlushToZeroFloat32 is a boolean value indicating whether denormals can be flushed to zero in 32-bit floating-point computations. It also indicates whether the DenormFlushToZero execution mode can be used for 32-bit floating-point types.

  • shaderDenormFlushToZeroFloat64 is a boolean value indicating whether denormals can be flushed to zero in 64-bit floating-point computations. It also indicates whether the DenormFlushToZero execution mode can be used for 64-bit floating-point types.

  • shaderRoundingModeRTEFloat16 is a boolean value indicating whether an implementation supports the round-to-nearest-even rounding mode for 16-bit floating-point arithmetic and conversion instructions. It also indicates whether the RoundingModeRTE execution mode can be used for 16-bit floating-point types.

  • shaderRoundingModeRTEFloat32 is a boolean value indicating whether an implementation supports the round-to-nearest-even rounding mode for 32-bit floating-point arithmetic and conversion instructions. It also indicates whether the RoundingModeRTE execution mode can be used for 32-bit floating-point types.

  • shaderRoundingModeRTEFloat64 is a boolean value indicating whether an implementation supports the round-to-nearest-even rounding mode for 64-bit floating-point arithmetic and conversion instructions. It also indicates whether the RoundingModeRTE execution mode can be used for 64-bit floating-point types.

  • shaderRoundingModeRTZFloat16 is a boolean value indicating whether an implementation supports the round-towards-zero rounding mode for 16-bit floating-point arithmetic and conversion instructions. It also indicates whether the RoundingModeRTZ execution mode can be used for 16-bit floating-point types.

  • shaderRoundingModeRTZFloat32 is a boolean value indicating whether an implementation supports the round-towards-zero rounding mode for 32-bit floating-point arithmetic and conversion instructions. It also indicates whether the RoundingModeRTZ execution mode can be used for 32-bit floating-point types.

  • shaderRoundingModeRTZFloat64 is a boolean value indicating whether an implementation supports the round-towards-zero rounding mode for 64-bit floating-point arithmetic and conversion instructions. It also indicates whether the RoundingModeRTZ execution mode can be used for 64-bit floating-point types.

If the VkPhysicalDeviceFloatControlsProperties structure is included in the pNext chain of the VkPhysicalDeviceProperties2 structure passed to vkGetPhysicalDeviceProperties2, it is filled in with each corresponding implementation-dependent property.

Valid Usage (Implicit)
  • VUID-VkPhysicalDeviceFloatControlsProperties-sType-sType

See Also

Document Notes

For more information, see the Vulkan Specification

This page is extracted from the Vulkan Specification. Fixes and changes should be made to the Specification, not directly.

Copyright 2014-2023 The Khronos Group Inc.

SPDX-License-Identifier: CC-BY-4.0