C Specification

The individual divisor values per binding are specified using the VkVertexInputBindingDivisorDescriptionEXT structure which is defined as:

// Provided by VK_EXT_vertex_attribute_divisor
typedef struct VkVertexInputBindingDivisorDescriptionEXT {
    uint32_t    binding;
    uint32_t    divisor;
} VkVertexInputBindingDivisorDescriptionEXT;


  • binding is the binding number for which the divisor is specified.

  • divisor is the number of successive instances that will use the same value of the vertex attribute when instanced rendering is enabled. For example, if the divisor is N, the same vertex attribute will be applied to N successive instances before moving on to the next vertex attribute. The maximum value of divisor is implementation-dependent and can be queried using VkPhysicalDeviceVertexAttributeDivisorPropertiesEXT::maxVertexAttribDivisor. A value of 0 can be used for the divisor if the vertexAttributeInstanceRateZeroDivisor feature is enabled. In this case, the same vertex attribute will be applied to all instances.


If this structure is not used to define a divisor value for an attribute, then the divisor has a logical default value of 1.

Valid Usage
  • VUID-VkVertexInputBindingDivisorDescriptionEXT-binding-01869
    binding must be less than VkPhysicalDeviceLimits::maxVertexInputBindings

  • VUID-VkVertexInputBindingDivisorDescriptionEXT-vertexAttributeInstanceRateZeroDivisor-02228
    If the vertexAttributeInstanceRateZeroDivisor feature is not enabled, divisor must not be 0

  • VUID-VkVertexInputBindingDivisorDescriptionEXT-vertexAttributeInstanceRateDivisor-02229
    If the vertexAttributeInstanceRateDivisor feature is not enabled, divisor must be 1

  • VUID-VkVertexInputBindingDivisorDescriptionEXT-divisor-01870
    divisor must be a value between 0 and VkPhysicalDeviceVertexAttributeDivisorPropertiesEXT::maxVertexAttribDivisor, inclusive

  • VUID-VkVertexInputBindingDivisorDescriptionEXT-inputRate-01871
    VkVertexInputBindingDescription::inputRate must be of type VK_VERTEX_INPUT_RATE_INSTANCE for this binding

See Also

Document Notes

For more information, see the Vulkan Specification

This page is extracted from the Vulkan Specification. Fixes and changes should be made to the Specification, not directly.

Copyright 2014-2023 The Khronos Group Inc.

SPDX-License-Identifier: CC-BY-4.0