

Decorating a variable with the Layer built-in decoration will make that variable contain the select layer of a multi-layer framebuffer attachment.

In a mesh, vertex, tessellation evaluation, or geometry shader, any variable decorated with Layer can be written with the framebuffer layer index to which the primitive produced by that shader will be directed.

The last active pre-rasterization shader stage (in pipeline order) controls the Layer that is used. Outputs in previous shader stages are not used, even if the last stage fails to write the Layer.

If the last active pre-rasterization shader stage shader entry point’s interface does not include a variable decorated with Layer, then the first layer is used. If a pre-rasterization shader stage shader entry point’s interface includes a variable decorated with Layer, it must write the same value to Layer for all output vertices of a given primitive. If the Layer value is less than 0 or greater than or equal to the number of layers in the framebuffer, then primitives may still be rasterized, fragment shaders may be executed, and the framebuffer values for all layers are undefined. In a mesh shader this also applies when the Layer value is greater than or equal to the maxMeshOutputLayers limit.

If a variable with the Layer decoration is also decorated with ViewportRelativeNV, then the ViewportIndex is added to the layer that is used for rendering and that is made available in the fragment shader.

If the shader writes to a variable decorated ViewportMaskNV, then the layer selected has a different value for each viewport a primitive is rendered to.

In a fragment shader, a variable decorated with Layer contains the layer index of the primitive that the fragment invocation belongs to.

Valid Usage
  • VUID-Layer-Layer-04272
    The Layer decoration must be used only within the MeshEXT, MeshNV, Vertex, TessellationEvaluation, Geometry, or Fragment Execution Model

  • VUID-Layer-Layer-04273
    If the shaderOutputLayer feature is not enabled then the Layer decoration must be used only within the Geometry or Fragment Execution Model

  • VUID-Layer-Layer-04274
    The variable decorated with Layer within the MeshEXT, MeshNV, Vertex, TessellationEvaluation, or Geometry Execution Model must be declared using the Output Storage Class

  • VUID-Layer-Layer-04275
    The variable decorated with Layer within the Fragment Execution Model must be declared using the Input Storage Class

  • VUID-Layer-Layer-04276
    The variable decorated with Layer must be declared as a scalar 32-bit integer value

  • VUID-Layer-Layer-07039
    The variable decorated with Layer within the MeshEXT Execution Model must also be decorated with the PerPrimitiveEXT decoration

See Also

No cross-references are available

Document Notes

For more information, see the Vulkan Specification

This page is extracted from the Vulkan Specification. Fixes and changes should be made to the Specification, not directly.

Copyright 2014-2024 The Khronos Group Inc.

SPDX-License-Identifier: CC-BY-4.0