C Specification

The VkCommandBufferInheritanceRenderingInfo structure is defined as:

// Provided by VK_VERSION_1_3
typedef struct VkCommandBufferInheritanceRenderingInfo {
    VkStructureType          sType;
    const void*              pNext;
    VkRenderingFlags         flags;
    uint32_t                 viewMask;
    uint32_t                 colorAttachmentCount;
    const VkFormat*          pColorAttachmentFormats;
    VkFormat                 depthAttachmentFormat;
    VkFormat                 stencilAttachmentFormat;
    VkSampleCountFlagBits    rasterizationSamples;
} VkCommandBufferInheritanceRenderingInfo;

or the equivalent

// Provided by VK_KHR_dynamic_rendering
typedef VkCommandBufferInheritanceRenderingInfo VkCommandBufferInheritanceRenderingInfoKHR;


  • sType is a VkStructureType value identifying this structure.

  • pNext is NULL or a pointer to a structure extending this structure

  • flags is a bitmask of VkRenderingFlagBits used by the render pass instance.

  • viewMask is the view mask used for rendering.

  • colorAttachmentCount is the number of color attachments specified in the render pass instance.

  • pColorAttachmentFormats is a pointer to an array of VkFormat values defining the format of color attachments.

  • depthAttachmentFormat is a VkFormat value defining the format of the depth attachment.

  • stencilAttachmentFormat is a VkFormat value defining the format of the stencil attachment.

  • rasterizationSamples is a VkSampleCountFlagBits specifying the number of samples used in rasterization.


If the pNext chain of VkCommandBufferInheritanceInfo includes a VkCommandBufferInheritanceRenderingInfo structure, then that structure controls parameters of dynamic render pass instances that the VkCommandBuffer can be executed within. If VkCommandBufferInheritanceInfo::renderPass is not VK_NULL_HANDLE, or VK_COMMAND_BUFFER_USAGE_RENDER_PASS_CONTINUE_BIT is not specified in VkCommandBufferBeginInfo::flags, parameters of this structure are ignored.

If colorAttachmentCount is 0 and the variableMultisampleRate feature is enabled, rasterizationSamples is ignored.

If depthAttachmentFormat, stencilAttachmentFormat, or any element of pColorAttachmentFormats is VK_FORMAT_UNDEFINED, it indicates that the corresponding attachment is unused within the render pass and writes to those attachments are discarded.

Valid Usage
  • VUID-VkCommandBufferInheritanceRenderingInfo-colorAttachmentCount-06004
    If colorAttachmentCount is not 0, rasterizationSamples must be a valid VkSampleCountFlagBits value

  • VUID-VkCommandBufferInheritanceRenderingInfo-variableMultisampleRate-06005
    If the variableMultisampleRate feature is not enabled, rasterizationSamples must be a valid VkSampleCountFlagBits value

  • VUID-VkCommandBufferInheritanceRenderingInfo-depthAttachmentFormat-06540
    If depthAttachmentFormat is not VK_FORMAT_UNDEFINED, it must be a format that includes a depth component

  • VUID-VkCommandBufferInheritanceRenderingInfo-depthAttachmentFormat-06007
    If depthAttachmentFormat is not VK_FORMAT_UNDEFINED, it must be a format with potential format features that include VK_FORMAT_FEATURE_DEPTH_STENCIL_ATTACHMENT_BIT

  • VUID-VkCommandBufferInheritanceRenderingInfo-pColorAttachmentFormats-06492
    If any element of pColorAttachmentFormats is not VK_FORMAT_UNDEFINED, it must be a format with potential format features that include VK_FORMAT_FEATURE_COLOR_ATTACHMENT_BIT , or VK_FORMAT_FEATURE_2_LINEAR_COLOR_ATTACHMENT_BIT_NV if the linearColorAttachment feature is enabled

  • VUID-VkCommandBufferInheritanceRenderingInfo-stencilAttachmentFormat-06541
    If stencilAttachmentFormat is not VK_FORMAT_UNDEFINED, it must be a format that includes a stencil aspect

  • VUID-VkCommandBufferInheritanceRenderingInfo-stencilAttachmentFormat-06199
    If stencilAttachmentFormat is not VK_FORMAT_UNDEFINED, it must be a format with potential format features that include VK_FORMAT_FEATURE_DEPTH_STENCIL_ATTACHMENT_BIT

  • VUID-VkCommandBufferInheritanceRenderingInfo-depthAttachmentFormat-06200
    If depthAttachmentFormat is not VK_FORMAT_UNDEFINED and stencilAttachmentFormat is not VK_FORMAT_UNDEFINED, depthAttachmentFormat must equal stencilAttachmentFormat

  • VUID-VkCommandBufferInheritanceRenderingInfo-multiview-06008
    If the multiview feature is not enabled, viewMask must be 0

  • VUID-VkCommandBufferInheritanceRenderingInfo-viewMask-06009
    The index of the most significant bit in viewMask must be less than maxMultiviewViewCount

Valid Usage (Implicit)
  • VUID-VkCommandBufferInheritanceRenderingInfo-sType-sType

  • VUID-VkCommandBufferInheritanceRenderingInfo-flags-parameter
    flags must be a valid combination of VkRenderingFlagBits values

  • VUID-VkCommandBufferInheritanceRenderingInfo-pColorAttachmentFormats-parameter
    If colorAttachmentCount is not 0, pColorAttachmentFormats must be a valid pointer to an array of colorAttachmentCount valid VkFormat values

  • VUID-VkCommandBufferInheritanceRenderingInfo-depthAttachmentFormat-parameter
    depthAttachmentFormat must be a valid VkFormat value

  • VUID-VkCommandBufferInheritanceRenderingInfo-stencilAttachmentFormat-parameter
    stencilAttachmentFormat must be a valid VkFormat value

  • VUID-VkCommandBufferInheritanceRenderingInfo-rasterizationSamples-parameter
    If rasterizationSamples is not 0, rasterizationSamples must be a valid VkSampleCountFlagBits value

See Also

Document Notes

For more information, see the Vulkan Specification

This page is extracted from the Vulkan Specification. Fixes and changes should be made to the Specification, not directly.

Copyright 2014-2024 The Khronos Group Inc.

SPDX-License-Identifier: CC-BY-4.0