C Specification

To query the performance characteristics of a subpass resolve operation for an attachment with a VkFormat, add a VkSubpassResolvePerformanceQueryEXT structure to the pNext chain of VkFormatProperties2.

The VkSubpassResolvePerformanceQueryEXT structure is defined as:

// Provided by VK_EXT_multisampled_render_to_single_sampled
typedef struct VkSubpassResolvePerformanceQueryEXT {
    VkStructureType    sType;
    void*              pNext;
    VkBool32           optimal;
} VkSubpassResolvePerformanceQueryEXT;


  • sType is a VkStructureType value identifying this structure.

  • pNext is NULL or a pointer to a structure extending this structure.

  • optimal specifies that a subpass resolve operation is optimally performed.


If optimal is VK_FALSE for a VkFormat, using a subpass resolve operation on a multisampled attachment with this format can incur additional costs, including additional memory bandwidth usage and a higher memory footprint. If an attachment with such a format is used in a multisampled-render-to-single-sampled subpass, the additional memory and memory bandwidth usage can nullify the benefits of using the VK_EXT_multisampled_render_to_single_sampled extension.

Valid Usage (Implicit)
  • VUID-VkSubpassResolvePerformanceQueryEXT-sType-sType

See Also

Document Notes

For more information, see the Vulkan Specification

This page is extracted from the Vulkan Specification. Fixes and changes should be made to the Specification, not directly.

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SPDX-License-Identifier: CC-BY-4.0