C Specification

The VkVideoEncodeRateControlInfoKHR structure is defined as:

// Provided by VK_KHR_video_encode_queue
typedef struct VkVideoEncodeRateControlInfoKHR {
    VkStructureType                                sType;
    const void*                                    pNext;
    VkVideoEncodeRateControlFlagsKHR               flags;
    VkVideoEncodeRateControlModeFlagBitsKHR        rateControlMode;
    uint32_t                                       layerCount;
    const VkVideoEncodeRateControlLayerInfoKHR*    pLayers;
    uint32_t                                       virtualBufferSizeInMs;
    uint32_t                                       initialVirtualBufferSizeInMs;
} VkVideoEncodeRateControlInfoKHR;


  • sType is a VkStructureType value identifying this structure.

  • pNext is NULL or a pointer to a structure extending this structure.

  • flags is reserved for future use.

  • rateControlMode is a VkVideoEncodeRateControlModeFlagBitsKHR value specifying the rate control mode.

  • layerCount specifies the number of rate control layers to use.

  • pLayers is a pointer to an array of layerCount VkVideoEncodeRateControlLayerInfoKHR structures, each specifying the rate control configuration of the corresponding rate control layer.

  • virtualBufferSizeInMs is the size in milliseconds of the virtual buffer used by the implementation’s rate control algorithm for the leaky bucket model, with respect to the average bitrate of the stream calculated by summing the values of the averageBitrate members of the elements of the pLayers array.

  • initialVirtualBufferSizeInMs is the initial occupancy in milliseconds of the virtual buffer used by the implementation’s rate control algorithm for the leaky bucket model.


If layerCount is zero then the values of virtualBufferSizeInMs and initialVirtualBufferSizeInMs are ignored.

This structure can be specified in the following places:

Including this structure in the pNext chain of VkVideoCodingControlInfoKHR and including VK_VIDEO_CODING_CONTROL_ENCODE_RATE_CONTROL_BIT_KHR in VkVideoCodingControlInfoKHR::flags enables updating the rate control configuration of the bound video session. This replaces the entire rate control configuration of the bound video session and may reset the state of all enabled rate control layers to an initial state according to the codec-specific rate control semantics defined in the corresponding sections listed below.

When layerCount is greater than one, multiple rate control layers are configured, and each rate control layer is applied to the corresponding video coding layer identified by the index of the corresponding element of pLayer.

  • If the video session was created with the video codec operation VK_VIDEO_CODEC_OPERATION_ENCODE_H264_BIT_KHR, then this index specifies the H.264 temporal layer ID of the video coding layer the rate control layer is applied to.

  • If the video session was created with the video codec operation VK_VIDEO_CODEC_OPERATION_ENCODE_H265_BIT_KHR, then this index specifies the H.265 temporal ID of the video coding layer the rate control layer is applied to.

Additional structures providing codec-specific rate control parameters can be included in the pNext chain of VkVideoCodingControlInfoKHR depending on the video profile the bound video session was created. For further details see:

The new rate control configuration takes effect when the corresponding vkCmdControlVideoCodingKHR is executed on the device, and only impacts video encode operations that follow in execution order.

Valid Usage
  • VUID-VkVideoEncodeRateControlInfoKHR-rateControlMode-08248

  • VUID-VkVideoEncodeRateControlInfoKHR-rateControlMode-08275
    If rateControlMode is VK_VIDEO_ENCODE_RATE_CONTROL_MODE_CBR_BIT_KHR or VK_VIDEO_ENCODE_RATE_CONTROL_MODE_VBR_BIT_KHR, then layerCount must be greater than 0

  • VUID-VkVideoEncodeRateControlInfoKHR-rateControlMode-08244
    If rateControlMode is not VK_VIDEO_ENCODE_RATE_CONTROL_MODE_DEFAULT_KHR, then it must specify one of the bits included in VkVideoEncodeCapabilitiesKHR::rateControlModes, as returned by vkGetPhysicalDeviceVideoCapabilitiesKHR for the used video profile

  • VUID-VkVideoEncodeRateControlInfoKHR-layerCount-08245
    layerCount member must be less than or equal to VkVideoEncodeCapabilitiesKHR::maxRateControlLayers, as returned by vkGetPhysicalDeviceVideoCapabilitiesKHR for the used video profile

  • VUID-VkVideoEncodeRateControlInfoKHR-pLayers-08276
    For each element of pLayers, its averageBitrate member must be between 1 and VkVideoEncodeCapabilitiesKHR::maxBitrate, as returned by vkGetPhysicalDeviceVideoCapabilitiesKHR for the used video profile

  • VUID-VkVideoEncodeRateControlInfoKHR-pLayers-08277
    For each element of pLayers, its maxBitrate member must be between 1 and VkVideoEncodeCapabilitiesKHR::maxBitrate, as returned by vkGetPhysicalDeviceVideoCapabilitiesKHR for the used video profile

  • VUID-VkVideoEncodeRateControlInfoKHR-rateControlMode-08356
    If rateControlMode is VK_VIDEO_ENCODE_RATE_CONTROL_MODE_CBR_BIT_KHR, then for each element of pLayers, its averageBitrate member must equal its maxBitrate member

  • VUID-VkVideoEncodeRateControlInfoKHR-rateControlMode-08278
    If rateControlMode is VK_VIDEO_ENCODE_RATE_CONTROL_MODE_VBR_BIT_KHR, then for each element of pLayers, its averageBitrate member must be less than or equal to its maxBitrate member

  • VUID-VkVideoEncodeRateControlInfoKHR-layerCount-08357
    If layerCount is not zero, then virtualBufferSizeInMs must be greater than zero

  • VUID-VkVideoEncodeRateControlInfoKHR-layerCount-08358
    If layerCount is not zero, then initialVirtualBufferSizeInMs must be less than virtualBufferSizeInMs

  • VUID-VkVideoEncodeRateControlInfoKHR-videoCodecOperation-07022
    If the videoCodecOperation of the used video profile is VK_VIDEO_CODEC_OPERATION_ENCODE_H264_BIT_KHR, the pNext chain this structure is included in also includes an instance of the VkVideoEncodeH264RateControlInfoKHR structure, and layerCount is greater than 1, then layerCount must equal VkVideoEncodeH264RateControlInfoKHR::temporalLayerCount

  • VUID-VkVideoEncodeRateControlInfoKHR-videoCodecOperation-07025
    If the videoCodecOperation of the used video profile is VK_VIDEO_CODEC_OPERATION_ENCODE_H265_BIT_KHR, the pNext chain this structure is included in also includes an instance of the VkVideoEncodeH265RateControlInfoKHR structure, and layerCount is greater than 1, then layerCount must equal VkVideoEncodeH265RateControlInfoKHR::subLayerCount

Valid Usage (Implicit)
  • VUID-VkVideoEncodeRateControlInfoKHR-sType-sType

  • VUID-VkVideoEncodeRateControlInfoKHR-flags-zerobitmask
    flags must be 0

  • VUID-VkVideoEncodeRateControlInfoKHR-rateControlMode-parameter
    If rateControlMode is not 0, rateControlMode must be a valid VkVideoEncodeRateControlModeFlagBitsKHR value

  • VUID-VkVideoEncodeRateControlInfoKHR-pLayers-parameter
    If layerCount is not 0, pLayers must be a valid pointer to an array of layerCount valid VkVideoEncodeRateControlLayerInfoKHR structures

See Also

Document Notes

For more information, see the Vulkan Specification

This page is extracted from the Vulkan Specification. Fixes and changes should be made to the Specification, not directly.

Copyright 2014-2024 The Khronos Group Inc.

SPDX-License-Identifier: CC-BY-4.0