C Specification

Secondary command buffers must not be directly submitted to a queue. To record a secondary command buffer to execute as part of a primary command buffer, call:

// Provided by VK_VERSION_1_0
void vkCmdExecuteCommands(
    VkCommandBuffer                             commandBuffer,
    uint32_t                                    commandBufferCount,
    const VkCommandBuffer*                      pCommandBuffers);


  • commandBuffer is a handle to a primary command buffer that the secondary command buffers are executed in.

  • commandBufferCount is the length of the pCommandBuffers array.

  • pCommandBuffers is a pointer to an array of commandBufferCount secondary command buffer handles, which are recorded to execute in the primary command buffer in the order they are listed in the array.


If any element of pCommandBuffers was not recorded with the VK_COMMAND_BUFFER_USAGE_SIMULTANEOUS_USE_BIT flag, and it was recorded into any other primary command buffer which is currently in the executable or recording state, that primary command buffer becomes invalid.

If the nestedCommandBuffer feature is enabled it is valid usage for vkCmdExecuteCommands to also be recorded to a secondary command buffer.

Valid Usage
  • VUID-vkCmdExecuteCommands-pCommandBuffers-00088
    Each element of pCommandBuffers must have been allocated with a level of VK_COMMAND_BUFFER_LEVEL_SECONDARY

  • VUID-vkCmdExecuteCommands-pCommandBuffers-00089
    Each element of pCommandBuffers must be in the pending or executable state

  • VUID-vkCmdExecuteCommands-pCommandBuffers-00091
    If any element of pCommandBuffers was not recorded with the VK_COMMAND_BUFFER_USAGE_SIMULTANEOUS_USE_BIT flag, it must not be in the pending state

  • VUID-vkCmdExecuteCommands-pCommandBuffers-00092
    If any element of pCommandBuffers was not recorded with the VK_COMMAND_BUFFER_USAGE_SIMULTANEOUS_USE_BIT flag, it must not have already been recorded to commandBuffer

  • VUID-vkCmdExecuteCommands-pCommandBuffers-00093
    If any element of pCommandBuffers was not recorded with the VK_COMMAND_BUFFER_USAGE_SIMULTANEOUS_USE_BIT flag, it must not appear more than once in pCommandBuffers

  • VUID-vkCmdExecuteCommands-pCommandBuffers-00094
    Each element of pCommandBuffers must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family as the VkCommandPool from which commandBuffer was allocated

  • VUID-vkCmdExecuteCommands-pCommandBuffers-00096
    If vkCmdExecuteCommands is being called within a render pass instance, each element of pCommandBuffers must have been recorded with the VK_COMMAND_BUFFER_USAGE_RENDER_PASS_CONTINUE_BIT

  • VUID-vkCmdExecuteCommands-pCommandBuffers-00099
    If vkCmdExecuteCommands is being called within a render pass instance, and any element of pCommandBuffers was recorded with VkCommandBufferInheritanceInfo::framebuffer not equal to VK_NULL_HANDLE, that VkFramebuffer must match the VkFramebuffer used in the current render pass instance

  • VUID-vkCmdExecuteCommands-contents-06018
    If vkCmdExecuteCommands is being called within a render pass instance begun with vkCmdBeginRenderPass, its contents parameter must have been set to VK_SUBPASS_CONTENTS_SECONDARY_COMMAND_BUFFERS , or VK_SUBPASS_CONTENTS_INLINE_AND_SECONDARY_COMMAND_BUFFERS_EXT

  • VUID-vkCmdExecuteCommands-pCommandBuffers-06019
    If vkCmdExecuteCommands is being called within a render pass instance begun with vkCmdBeginRenderPass, each element of pCommandBuffers must have been recorded with VkCommandBufferInheritanceInfo::subpass set to the index of the subpass which the given command buffer will be executed in

  • VUID-vkCmdExecuteCommands-pBeginInfo-06020
    If vkCmdExecuteCommands is being called within a render pass instance begun with vkCmdBeginRenderPass, the render passes specified in the pBeginInfo->pInheritanceInfo->renderPass members of the vkBeginCommandBuffer commands used to begin recording each element of pCommandBuffers must be compatible with the current render pass

  • VUID-vkCmdExecuteCommands-pNext-02865
    If vkCmdExecuteCommands is being called within a render pass instance that included VkRenderPassTransformBeginInfoQCOM in the pNext chain of VkRenderPassBeginInfo, then each element of pCommandBuffers must have been recorded with VkCommandBufferInheritanceRenderPassTransformInfoQCOM in the pNext chain of VkCommandBufferBeginInfo

  • VUID-vkCmdExecuteCommands-pNext-02866
    If vkCmdExecuteCommands is being called within a render pass instance that included VkRenderPassTransformBeginInfoQCOM in the pNext chain of VkRenderPassBeginInfo, then each element of pCommandBuffers must have been recorded with VkCommandBufferInheritanceRenderPassTransformInfoQCOM::transform identical to VkRenderPassTransformBeginInfoQCOM::transform

  • VUID-vkCmdExecuteCommands-pNext-02867
    If vkCmdExecuteCommands is being called within a render pass instance that included VkRenderPassTransformBeginInfoQCOM in the pNext chain of VkRenderPassBeginInfo, then each element of pCommandBuffers must have been recorded with VkCommandBufferInheritanceRenderPassTransformInfoQCOM::renderArea identical to VkRenderPassBeginInfo::renderArea

  • VUID-vkCmdExecuteCommands-pCommandBuffers-00100
    If vkCmdExecuteCommands is not being called within a render pass instance, each element of pCommandBuffers must not have been recorded with the VK_COMMAND_BUFFER_USAGE_RENDER_PASS_CONTINUE_BIT

  • VUID-vkCmdExecuteCommands-commandBuffer-00101
    If the inheritedQueries feature is not enabled, commandBuffer must not have any queries active

  • VUID-vkCmdExecuteCommands-commandBuffer-00102
    If commandBuffer has a VK_QUERY_TYPE_OCCLUSION query active, then each element of pCommandBuffers must have been recorded with VkCommandBufferInheritanceInfo::occlusionQueryEnable set to VK_TRUE

  • VUID-vkCmdExecuteCommands-commandBuffer-00103
    If commandBuffer has a VK_QUERY_TYPE_OCCLUSION query active, then each element of pCommandBuffers must have been recorded with VkCommandBufferInheritanceInfo::queryFlags having all bits set that are set for the query

  • VUID-vkCmdExecuteCommands-commandBuffer-00104
    If commandBuffer has a VK_QUERY_TYPE_PIPELINE_STATISTICS query active, then each element of pCommandBuffers must have been recorded with VkCommandBufferInheritanceInfo::pipelineStatistics having all bits set that are set in the VkQueryPool the query uses

  • VUID-vkCmdExecuteCommands-pCommandBuffers-00105
    Each element of pCommandBuffers must not begin any query types that are active in commandBuffer

  • VUID-vkCmdExecuteCommands-commandBuffer-07594
    commandBuffer must not have any queries other than VK_QUERY_TYPE_OCCLUSION and VK_QUERY_TYPE_PIPELINE_STATISTICS active

  • VUID-vkCmdExecuteCommands-commandBuffer-01820
    If commandBuffer is a protected command buffer and protectedNoFault is not supported, each element of pCommandBuffers must be a protected command buffer

  • VUID-vkCmdExecuteCommands-commandBuffer-01821
    If commandBuffer is an unprotected command buffer and protectedNoFault is not supported, each element of pCommandBuffers must be an unprotected command buffer

  • VUID-vkCmdExecuteCommands-None-02286
    This command must not be recorded when transform feedback is active

  • VUID-vkCmdExecuteCommands-commandBuffer-06533
    If vkCmdExecuteCommands is being called within a render pass instance and any recorded command in commandBuffer in the current subpass will write to an image subresource as an attachment, commands recorded in elements of pCommandBuffers must not read from the memory backing that image subresource in any other way

  • VUID-vkCmdExecuteCommands-commandBuffer-06534
    If vkCmdExecuteCommands is being called within a render pass instance and any recorded command in commandBuffer in the current subpass will read from an image subresource used as an attachment in any way other than as an attachment, commands recorded in elements of pCommandBuffers must not write to that image subresource as an attachment

  • VUID-vkCmdExecuteCommands-pCommandBuffers-06535
    If vkCmdExecuteCommands is being called within a render pass instance and any recorded command in a given element of pCommandBuffers will write to an image subresource as an attachment, commands recorded in elements of pCommandBuffers at a higher index must not read from the memory backing that image subresource in any other way

  • VUID-vkCmdExecuteCommands-pCommandBuffers-06536
    If vkCmdExecuteCommands is being called within a render pass instance and any recorded command in a given element of pCommandBuffers will read from an image subresource used as an attachment in any way other than as an attachment, commands recorded in elements of pCommandBuffers at a higher index must not write to that image subresource as an attachment

  • VUID-vkCmdExecuteCommands-pCommandBuffers-06021
    If pCommandBuffers contains any suspended render pass instances, there must be no action or synchronization commands between that render pass instance and any render pass instance that resumes it

  • VUID-vkCmdExecuteCommands-pCommandBuffers-06022
    If pCommandBuffers contains any suspended render pass instances, there must be no render pass instances between that render pass instance and any render pass instance that resumes it

  • VUID-vkCmdExecuteCommands-variableSampleLocations-06023
    If the variableSampleLocations limit is not supported, and any element of pCommandBuffers contains any suspended render pass instances, where a graphics pipeline has been bound, any pipelines bound in the render pass instance that resumes it, or any subsequent render pass instances that resume from that one and so on, must use the same sample locations

  • VUID-vkCmdExecuteCommands-flags-06024
    If vkCmdExecuteCommands is being called within a render pass instance begun with vkCmdBeginRendering, its VkRenderingInfo::flags parameter must have included VK_RENDERING_CONTENTS_SECONDARY_COMMAND_BUFFERS_BIT

  • VUID-vkCmdExecuteCommands-pBeginInfo-06025
    If vkCmdExecuteCommands is being called within a render pass instance begun with vkCmdBeginRendering, the render passes specified in the pBeginInfo->pInheritanceInfo->renderPass members of the vkBeginCommandBuffer commands used to begin recording each element of pCommandBuffers must be VK_NULL_HANDLE

  • VUID-vkCmdExecuteCommands-flags-06026
    If vkCmdExecuteCommands is being called within a render pass instance begun with vkCmdBeginRendering, the flags member of the VkCommandBufferInheritanceRenderingInfo structure included in the pNext chain of VkCommandBufferBeginInfo::pInheritanceInfo used to begin recording each element of pCommandBuffers must be equal to the VkRenderingInfo::flags parameter to vkCmdBeginRendering, excluding VK_RENDERING_CONTENTS_SECONDARY_COMMAND_BUFFERS_BIT

  • VUID-vkCmdExecuteCommands-colorAttachmentCount-06027
    If vkCmdExecuteCommands is being called within a render pass instance begun with vkCmdBeginRendering, the colorAttachmentCount member of the VkCommandBufferInheritanceRenderingInfo structure included in the pNext chain of VkCommandBufferBeginInfo::pInheritanceInfo used to begin recording each element of pCommandBuffers must be equal to the VkRenderingInfo::colorAttachmentCount parameter to vkCmdBeginRendering

  • VUID-vkCmdExecuteCommands-imageView-06028
    If vkCmdExecuteCommands is being called within a render pass instance begun with vkCmdBeginRendering, if the imageView member of an element of the VkRenderingInfo::pColorAttachments parameter to vkCmdBeginRendering is not VK_NULL_HANDLE, the corresponding element of the pColorAttachmentFormats member of the VkCommandBufferInheritanceRenderingInfo structure included in the pNext chain of VkCommandBufferBeginInfo::pInheritanceInfo used to begin recording each element of pCommandBuffers must be equal to the format used to create that image view

  • VUID-vkCmdExecuteCommands-imageView-07606
    If vkCmdExecuteCommands is being called within a render pass instance begun with vkCmdBeginRendering, if the imageView member of an element of the VkRenderingInfo::pColorAttachments parameter to vkCmdBeginRendering is VK_NULL_HANDLE, the corresponding element of the pColorAttachmentFormats member of the VkCommandBufferInheritanceRenderingInfo structure included in the pNext chain of VkCommandBufferBeginInfo::pInheritanceInfo used to begin recording each element of pCommandBuffers must be VK_FORMAT_UNDEFINED

  • VUID-vkCmdExecuteCommands-pDepthAttachment-06029
    If vkCmdExecuteCommands is being called within a render pass instance begun with vkCmdBeginRendering, if the VkRenderingInfo::pDepthAttachment->imageView parameter to vkCmdBeginRendering is not VK_NULL_HANDLE, the value of the depthAttachmentFormat member of the VkCommandBufferInheritanceRenderingInfo structure included in the pNext chain of VkCommandBufferBeginInfo::pInheritanceInfo used to begin recording each element of pCommandBuffers must be equal to the format used to create that image view

  • VUID-vkCmdExecuteCommands-pStencilAttachment-06030
    If vkCmdExecuteCommands is being called within a render pass instance begun with vkCmdBeginRendering, if the VkRenderingInfo::pStencilAttachment->imageView parameter to vkCmdBeginRendering is not VK_NULL_HANDLE, the value of the stencilAttachmentFormat member of the VkCommandBufferInheritanceRenderingInfo structure included in the pNext chain of VkCommandBufferBeginInfo::pInheritanceInfo used to begin recording each element of pCommandBuffers must be equal to the format used to create that image view

  • VUID-vkCmdExecuteCommands-pDepthAttachment-06774
    If vkCmdExecuteCommands is being called within a render pass instance begun with vkCmdBeginRendering and the VkRenderingInfo::pDepthAttachment->imageView parameter to vkCmdBeginRendering was VK_NULL_HANDLE, the value of the depthAttachmentFormat member of the VkCommandBufferInheritanceRenderingInfo structure included in the pNext chain of VkCommandBufferBeginInfo::pInheritanceInfo used to begin recording each element of pCommandBuffers must be VK_FORMAT_UNDEFINED

  • VUID-vkCmdExecuteCommands-pStencilAttachment-06775
    If vkCmdExecuteCommands is being called within a render pass instance begun with vkCmdBeginRendering and the VkRenderingInfo::pStencilAttachment->imageView parameter to vkCmdBeginRendering was VK_NULL_HANDLE, the value of the stencilAttachmentFormat member of the VkCommandBufferInheritanceRenderingInfo structure included in the pNext chain of VkCommandBufferBeginInfo::pInheritanceInfo used to begin recording each element of pCommandBuffers must be VK_FORMAT_UNDEFINED

  • VUID-vkCmdExecuteCommands-viewMask-06031
    If vkCmdExecuteCommands is being called within a render pass instance begun with vkCmdBeginRendering, the viewMask member of the VkCommandBufferInheritanceRenderingInfo structure included in the pNext chain of VkCommandBufferBeginInfo::pInheritanceInfo used to begin recording each element of pCommandBuffers must be equal to the VkRenderingInfo::viewMask parameter to vkCmdBeginRendering

  • VUID-vkCmdExecuteCommands-pNext-06032
    If vkCmdExecuteCommands is being called within a render pass instance begun with vkCmdBeginRendering and the pNext chain of VkCommandBufferInheritanceInfo includes a VkAttachmentSampleCountInfoAMD or VkAttachmentSampleCountInfoNV structure, if the imageView member of an element of the VkRenderingInfo::pColorAttachments parameter to vkCmdBeginRendering is not VK_NULL_HANDLE, the corresponding element of the pColorAttachmentSamples member of the VkAttachmentSampleCountInfoAMD or VkAttachmentSampleCountInfoNV structure included in the pNext chain of VkCommandBufferBeginInfo::pInheritanceInfo used to begin recording each element of pCommandBuffers must be equal to the sample count used to create that image view

  • VUID-vkCmdExecuteCommands-pNext-06033
    If vkCmdExecuteCommands is being called within a render pass instance begun with vkCmdBeginRendering and the pNext chain of VkCommandBufferInheritanceInfo includes a VkAttachmentSampleCountInfoAMD or VkAttachmentSampleCountInfoNV structure, if the VkRenderingInfo::pDepthAttachment->imageView parameter to vkCmdBeginRendering is not VK_NULL_HANDLE, the value of the depthStencilAttachmentSamples member of the VkAttachmentSampleCountInfoAMD or VkAttachmentSampleCountInfoNV structure included in the pNext chain of VkCommandBufferBeginInfo::pInheritanceInfo used to begin recording each element of pCommandBuffers must be equal to the sample count used to create that image view

  • VUID-vkCmdExecuteCommands-pNext-06034
    If vkCmdExecuteCommands is being called within a render pass instance begun with vkCmdBeginRendering and the pNext chain of VkCommandBufferInheritanceInfo includes a VkAttachmentSampleCountInfoAMD or VkAttachmentSampleCountInfoNV structure, if the VkRenderingInfo::pStencilAttachment->imageView parameter to vkCmdBeginRendering is not VK_NULL_HANDLE, the value of the depthStencilAttachmentSamples member of the VkAttachmentSampleCountInfoAMD or VkAttachmentSampleCountInfoNV structure included in the pNext chain of VkCommandBufferBeginInfo::pInheritanceInfo used to begin recording each element of pCommandBuffers must be equal to the sample count used to create that image view

  • VUID-vkCmdExecuteCommands-pNext-06035
    If vkCmdExecuteCommands is being called within a render pass instance begun with vkCmdBeginRendering and the pNext chain of VkCommandBufferInheritanceInfo does not include a VkAttachmentSampleCountInfoAMD or VkAttachmentSampleCountInfoNV structure, if the imageView member of an element of the VkRenderingInfo::pColorAttachments parameter to vkCmdBeginRendering is not VK_NULL_HANDLE, the value of VkCommandBufferInheritanceRenderingInfo::rasterizationSamples must be equal to the sample count used to create that image view

  • VUID-vkCmdExecuteCommands-pNext-06036
    If vkCmdExecuteCommands is being called within a render pass instance begun with vkCmdBeginRendering and the pNext chain of VkCommandBufferInheritanceInfo does not include a VkAttachmentSampleCountInfoAMD or VkAttachmentSampleCountInfoNV structure, if the VkRenderingInfo::pDepthAttachment->imageView parameter to vkCmdBeginRendering is not VK_NULL_HANDLE, the value of VkCommandBufferInheritanceRenderingInfo::rasterizationSamples must be equal to the sample count used to create that image view

  • VUID-vkCmdExecuteCommands-pNext-06037
    If vkCmdExecuteCommands is being called within a render pass instance begun with vkCmdBeginRendering and the pNext chain of VkCommandBufferInheritanceInfo does not include a VkAttachmentSampleCountInfoAMD or VkAttachmentSampleCountInfoNV structure, if the VkRenderingInfo::pStencilAttachment->imageView parameter to vkCmdBeginRendering is not VK_NULL_HANDLE, the value of VkCommandBufferInheritanceRenderingInfo::rasterizationSamples must be equal to the sample count used to create that image view

  • VUID-vkCmdExecuteCommands-pNext-09299
    If vkCmdExecuteCommands is being called within a render pass instance begun with vkCmdBeginRendering, with any color attachment using a resolve mode of VK_RESOLVE_MODE_EXTERNAL_FORMAT_DOWNSAMPLE_ANDROID, the pNext chain of VkCommandBufferInheritanceInfo used to create each element of pCommandBuffers must include a VkExternalFormatANDROID structure with an externalFormat matching that used to create the resolve attachment in the render pass

  • VUID-vkCmdExecuteCommands-pNext-09300
    If vkCmdExecuteCommands is being called within a render pass instance begun with vkCmdBeginRendering with any color attachment using a resolve mode of VK_RESOLVE_MODE_EXTERNAL_FORMAT_DOWNSAMPLE_ANDROID, and the pNext chain of VkCommandBufferInheritanceInfo does not include a VkAttachmentSampleCountInfoAMD or VkAttachmentSampleCountInfoNV structure, the value of VkCommandBufferInheritanceRenderingInfo::rasterizationSamples must be VK_SAMPLE_COUNT_1_BIT

  • VUID-vkCmdExecuteCommands-commandBuffer-09375
    commandBuffer must not be a secondary command buffer unless the nestedCommandBuffer feature is enabled

  • VUID-vkCmdExecuteCommands-nestedCommandBuffer-09376
    If the nestedCommandBuffer feature is enabled, the command buffer nesting level of each element of pCommandBuffers must be less than maxCommandBufferNestingLevel

  • VUID-vkCmdExecuteCommands-nestedCommandBufferRendering-09377
    If the nestedCommandBufferRendering feature is not enabled, and commandBuffer is a secondary command buffer, commandBuffer must not have been recorded with VK_COMMAND_BUFFER_USAGE_RENDER_PASS_CONTINUE_BIT

  • VUID-vkCmdExecuteCommands-nestedCommandBufferSimultaneousUse-09378
    If the nestedCommandBufferSimultaneousUse feature is not enabled, and commandBuffer is a secondary command buffer, each element of pCommandBuffers must not have been recorded with VK_COMMAND_BUFFER_USAGE_SIMULTANEOUS_USE_BIT

  • VUID-vkCmdExecuteCommands-pCommandBuffers-09504
    If vkCmdExecuteCommands is being called within a render pass instance begun with vkCmdBeginRendering, the color attachment mapping state specified by VkRenderingAttachmentLocationInfoKHR in the inheritance info of each element of pCommandBuffers and in the current state of commandBuffer must match

  • VUID-vkCmdExecuteCommands-pCommandBuffers-09505
    If vkCmdExecuteCommands is being called within a render pass instance begun with vkCmdBeginRendering, the input attachment mapping state specified by VkRenderingInputAttachmentIndexInfoKHR in the inheritance info of each element of pCommandBuffers and in the current state of commandBuffer must match

Valid Usage (Implicit)
  • VUID-vkCmdExecuteCommands-commandBuffer-parameter
    commandBuffer must be a valid VkCommandBuffer handle

  • VUID-vkCmdExecuteCommands-pCommandBuffers-parameter
    pCommandBuffers must be a valid pointer to an array of commandBufferCount valid VkCommandBuffer handles

  • VUID-vkCmdExecuteCommands-commandBuffer-recording
    commandBuffer must be in the recording state

  • VUID-vkCmdExecuteCommands-commandBuffer-cmdpool
    The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support transfer, graphics, or compute operations

  • VUID-vkCmdExecuteCommands-videocoding
    This command must only be called outside of a video coding scope

  • VUID-vkCmdExecuteCommands-commandBufferCount-arraylength
    commandBufferCount must be greater than 0

  • VUID-vkCmdExecuteCommands-commonparent
    Both of commandBuffer, and the elements of pCommandBuffers must have been created, allocated, or retrieved from the same VkDevice

Host Synchronization
  • Host access to commandBuffer must be externally synchronized

  • Host access to the VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must be externally synchronized

Command Properties
Command Buffer Levels Render Pass Scope Video Coding Scope Supported Queue Types Command Type






See Also

Document Notes

For more information, see the Vulkan Specification

This page is extracted from the Vulkan Specification. Fixes and changes should be made to the Specification, not directly.

Copyright 2014-2024 The Khronos Group Inc.

SPDX-License-Identifier: CC-BY-4.0