C Specification

To create acceleration structures, call:

// Provided by VK_NV_ray_tracing
VkResult vkCreateAccelerationStructureNV(
    VkDevice                                    device,
    const VkAccelerationStructureCreateInfoNV*  pCreateInfo,
    const VkAllocationCallbacks*                pAllocator,
    VkAccelerationStructureNV*                  pAccelerationStructure);


  • device is the logical device that creates the buffer object.

  • pCreateInfo is a pointer to a VkAccelerationStructureCreateInfoNV structure containing parameters affecting creation of the acceleration structure.

  • pAllocator controls host memory allocation as described in the Memory Allocation chapter.

  • pAccelerationStructure is a pointer to a VkAccelerationStructureNV handle in which the resulting acceleration structure object is returned.


Similarly to other objects in Vulkan, the acceleration structure creation merely creates an object with a specific “shape” as specified by the information in VkAccelerationStructureInfoNV and compactedSize in pCreateInfo.

Once memory has been bound to the acceleration structure using vkBindAccelerationStructureMemoryNV, that memory is populated by calls to vkCmdBuildAccelerationStructureNV and vkCmdCopyAccelerationStructureNV.

Acceleration structure creation uses the count and type information from the geometries, but does not use the data references in the structures.

Valid Usage (Implicit)
  • VUID-vkCreateAccelerationStructureNV-device-parameter
    device must be a valid VkDevice handle

  • VUID-vkCreateAccelerationStructureNV-pCreateInfo-parameter
    pCreateInfo must be a valid pointer to a valid VkAccelerationStructureCreateInfoNV structure

  • VUID-vkCreateAccelerationStructureNV-pAllocator-parameter
    If pAllocator is not NULL, pAllocator must be a valid pointer to a valid VkAllocationCallbacks structure

  • VUID-vkCreateAccelerationStructureNV-pAccelerationStructure-parameter
    pAccelerationStructure must be a valid pointer to a VkAccelerationStructureNV handle

Return Codes
On success, this command returns

On failure, this command returns

See Also

Document Notes

For more information, see the Vulkan Specification

This page is extracted from the Vulkan Specification. Fixes and changes should be made to the Specification, not directly.

Copyright 2014-2024 The Khronos Group Inc.

SPDX-License-Identifier: CC-BY-4.0