C Specification

To retrieve diagnostic information about faults that may have caused device loss, call:

// Provided by VK_EXT_device_fault
VkResult vkGetDeviceFaultInfoEXT(
    VkDevice                                    device,
    VkDeviceFaultCountsEXT*                     pFaultCounts,
    VkDeviceFaultInfoEXT*                       pFaultInfo);


  • device is the logical device from which to query the diagnostic fault information.

  • pFaultCounts is a pointer to a VkDeviceFaultCountsEXT structure in which counts for structures describing additional fault information are returned.

  • pFaultInfo is NULL or a pointer to a VkDeviceFaultInfoEXT structure in which fault information is returned.


If pFaultInfo is NULL, then the counts of corresponding additional fault information structures available are returned in the addressInfoCount and vendorInfoCount members of pFaultCounts. Additionally, the size of any vendor-specific binary crash dump is returned in the vendorBinarySize member of pFaultCounts.

If pFaultInfo is not NULL, pFaultCounts must point to a VkDeviceFaultCountsEXT structure with each structure count or size member (addressInfoCount, vendorInfoCount, vendorBinarySize) set by the user to the number of elements in the corresponding output array member of pFaultInfo (pAddressInfos and pVendorInfos), or to the size of the output buffer in bytes (pVendorBinaryData). On return, each structure count member is overwritten with the number of structures actually written to the corresponding output array member of pFaultInfo. Similarly, vendorBinarySize is overwritten with the number of bytes actually written to the pVendorBinaryData member of pFaultInfo.

If the vendor-specific crash dumps feature is not enabled, then implementations must set pFaultCounts->vendorBinarySize to zero and must not modify pFaultInfo->pVendorBinaryData.

If any pFaultCounts structure count member is less than the number of corresponding fault properties available, at most structure count (addressInfoCount, vendorInfoCount) elements will be written to the associated pFaultInfo output array. Similarly, if vendorBinarySize is less than the size in bytes of the available crash dump data, at most vendorBinarySize elements will be written to pVendorBinaryData.

If pFaultInfo is NULL, then subsequent calls to vkGetDeviceFaultInfoEXT for the same device must return identical values in the addressInfoCount, vendorInfoCount and vendorBinarySize members of pFaultCounts.

If pFaultInfo is not NULL, then subsequent calls to vkGetDeviceFaultInfoEXT for the same device must return identical values in the output members of pFaultInfo (pAddressInfos, pVendorInfos, pVendorBinaryData), up to the limits described by the structure count and buffer size members of pFaultCounts (addressInfoCount, vendorInfoCount, vendorBinarySize). If the sizes of the output members of pFaultInfo increase for a subsequent call to vkGetDeviceFaultInfoEXT, then supplementary information may be returned in the additional available space.

If any pFaultCounts structure count member is smaller than the number of corresponding fault properties available, or if pFaultCounts->vendorBinarySize is smaller than the size in bytes of the generated binary crash dump data, VK_INCOMPLETE will be returned instead of VK_SUCCESS, to indicate that not all the available properties were returned.

If pFaultCounts->vendorBinarySize is less than what is necessary to store the binary crash dump header, nothing will be written to pFaultInfo->pVendorBinaryData and zero will be written to pFaultCounts->vendorBinarySize.

Valid Usage
  • VUID-vkGetDeviceFaultInfoEXT-device-07336
    device must be in the lost state

  • VUID-vkGetDeviceFaultInfoEXT-pFaultCounts-07337
    If the value referenced by pFaultCounts->addressInfoCount is not 0, and pFaultInfo->pAddressInfos is not NULL, pFaultInfo->pAddressInfos must be a valid pointer to an array of pFaultCounts->addressInfoCount VkDeviceFaultAddressInfoEXT structures

  • VUID-vkGetDeviceFaultInfoEXT-pFaultCounts-07338
    If the value referenced by pFaultCounts->vendorInfoCount is not 0, and pFaultInfo->pVendorInfos is not NULL, pFaultInfo->pVendorInfos must be a valid pointer to an array of pFaultCounts->vendorInfoCount VkDeviceFaultVendorInfoEXT structures

  • VUID-vkGetDeviceFaultInfoEXT-pFaultCounts-07339
    If the value referenced by pFaultCounts->vendorBinarySize is not 0, and pFaultInfo->pVendorBinaryData is not NULL, pFaultInfo->pVendorBinaryData must be a valid pointer to an array of pFaultCounts->vendorBinarySize bytes

Valid Usage (Implicit)
  • VUID-vkGetDeviceFaultInfoEXT-device-parameter
    device must be a valid VkDevice handle

  • VUID-vkGetDeviceFaultInfoEXT-pFaultCounts-parameter
    pFaultCounts must be a valid pointer to a VkDeviceFaultCountsEXT structure

  • VUID-vkGetDeviceFaultInfoEXT-pFaultInfo-parameter
    If pFaultInfo is not NULL, pFaultInfo must be a valid pointer to a VkDeviceFaultInfoEXT structure

Return Codes
On success, this command returns


On failure, this command returns

See Also

Document Notes

For more information, see the Vulkan Specification

This page is extracted from the Vulkan Specification. Fixes and changes should be made to the Specification, not directly.

Copyright 2014-2024 The Khronos Group Inc.

SPDX-License-Identifier: CC-BY-4.0