
WebGL OES_vertex_array_object Khronos Ratified Extension Specification




WebGL working group (public_webgl 'at' khronos.org)


Members of the WebGL working group


Last modified date: July 09, 2022
Revision: 12


WebGL extension #5


Written against the WebGL API 1.0 specification.

Promoted to core and no longer available as an extension in WebGL API 2.0 specification.


This extension exposes the OES_vertex_array_object functionality to WebGL.

There are no WebGL-specific behavioral changes.

Consult the above extension for documentation, issues and new functions and enumerants.


[Exposed=(Window,Worker), LegacyNoInterfaceObject]
interface WebGLVertexArrayObjectOES : WebGLObject {

[Exposed=(Window,Worker), LegacyNoInterfaceObject]
interface OES_vertex_array_object {
    const GLenum VERTEX_ARRAY_BINDING_OES = 0x85B5;

    WebGLVertexArrayObjectOES? createVertexArrayOES();
    undefined deleteVertexArrayOES(WebGLVertexArrayObjectOES? arrayObject);
    [WebGLHandlesContextLoss] GLboolean isVertexArrayOES(WebGLVertexArrayObjectOES? arrayObject);
    undefined bindVertexArrayOES(WebGLVertexArrayObjectOES? arrayObject);

New Functions

WebGLVertexArrayObjectOES? createVertexArrayOES()
Create a WebGLVertexArrayObjectOES object and initialize it with a vertex array object name as if by calling glGenVertexArraysOES.
undefined deleteVertexArrayOES(WebGLVertexArrayObjectOES? arrayObject)

If arrayObject was generated by a different WebGLRenderingContext than this one, generates an INVALID_OPERATION error.

Mark for deletion the vertex array object contained in the passed arrayObject, as if by calling glDeleteVertexArraysOES.

If the object has already been marked for deletion, the call has no effect. Note that underlying GL object will be automatically marked for deletion when the JS object is destroyed, however this method allows authors to mark an object for deletion early.

GLboolean isVertexArrayOES(WebGLVertexArrayObjectOES? arrayObject)

Returns true if the passed arrayObject is valid and false otherwise.

Returns false if the vertex array was generated by a different WebGLRenderingContext than this one.

Returns false if the vertex array's invalidated flag is set.

undefined bindVertexArrayOES(WebGLVertexArrayObjectOES? arrayObject)

If arrayObject was generated by a different WebGLRenderingContext than this one, generates an INVALID_OPERATION error.

Bind the given WebGLVertexArrayObjectOES object. If arrayObject is null, the default vertex array provided by the context is bound. An attempt to bind a deleted vertex array will generate a INVALID_OPERATION error, and the current binding will remain untouched.


The OES_vertex_array_object spec does not make it clear what happens to buffers that are deleted when they are referenced by vertex array objects. It is inferred that all buffers are reference counted.

Before OES_vertex_array_object there was no way to use a deleted buffer in a single context as the spec states it would be unbound from all bind points. After OES_vertex_array_object it is now possible to use deleted buffers.

Furthermore, the OpenGL ES 2.0 spec specifies that using a deleted buffer has undefined results including possibly corrupt rendering and generating GL errors. Undefined behavior is unacceptable for WebGL.

Revision History

Revision 1, 2011/01/27

Revision 2, 2011/11/12

Revision 3, 2011/12/06

Revision 4, 2011/12/07

Revision 5, 2012/01/03

Revision 6, 2012/09/24

Revision 7, 2012/10/16

Revision 8, 2013/05/08

Revision 9, 2013/05/14

Revision 10, 2013/05/15

Revision 11, 2014/07/15

Revision 12, 2022/07/09