
WebGL WEBGL_lose_context Khronos Ratified Extension Specification






Members of the WebGL working group

Glenn Maynard


Last modified date: February 06, 2020
Revision: 15


WebGL extension #3


Written against the WebGL API 1.0 specification.


This extension exposes new functions which simulate losing and restoring the WebGL context, even on platforms where the context can never be lost. Consult the WebGL specification for documentation about the webglcontextlost and webglcontextrestored events.

When this extension is enabled:

Note that this extension is not disconnected from the WebGLRenderingContext if that object loses its context as described in "The Context Lost Event" of the WebGL specification, either through use of this API or via actual circumstances such as a system failure.

Alias Name Strings (for draft extensions)


[Exposed=(Window,Worker), LegacyNoInterfaceObject]
interface WEBGL_lose_context {
      undefined loseContext();
      undefined restoreContext();

New Functions

undefined loseContext()

When this function is called and the context is not lost, simulate losing the context so as to trigger the steps described in the WebGL spec for handling context lost. The context will remain in the lost state according to the WebGL specification until restoreContext() is called. If the context is already lost when this function is called, generate an INVALID_OPERATION error.

Implementations should destroy the underlying graphics context and all graphics resources when this method is called. This is the recommended mechanism for applications to programmatically halt their use of the WebGL API.

undefined restoreContext()

When this function is called while the context is lost, and the conditions defined by the WebGL specification for restoring the context are met, simulate the context being restored so as to trigger the steps described in the WebGL spec for handling the context being restored. Because this only enqueues the 'webglcontextrestored' event, the context will not be immediately restored after restoreContext(), but rather is first usably restored within the 'webglcontextrestored' event callback. (i.e. ext.restoreContext(), gl.isContextLost() returns true)

If the context is already restored when this function is called, or if the conditions in the WebGL specification for restoring the context are not satisfied, or if the context was not lost via loseContext(), generate an INVALID_OPERATION error.

For example, if e.preventDefault() is not called on the 'webglcontextlost' event, the context will not be marked restorable, and restoreContext() will fail. Additionally, the context is not restorable before the 'webglcontextlost' event is complete: calling restoreContext() before 'webglcontextlost' has completed will fail.

Revision History

Revision 1, 2011/01/11

Revision 2, 2011/04/14

Revision 3, 2011/11/08

Revision 4, 2011/11/11

Revision 5, 2011/12/06

Revision 6, 2011/12/07

Revision 7, 2012/01/03

Revision 8, 2013/01/26

Revision 9, 2013/05/15

Revision 10, 2013/06/05

Revision 11, 2013/08/02

Revision 12, 2014/05/08

Revision 13, 2014/07/15

Revision 14, 2017/02/03

Revision 15, 2020/02/06