The OpenVX Specification  a73e458
Image Type Constants

Detailed Description

Based on the VX_DF_IMAGE definition.

Use vx_df_image to contain these values.


#define VX_DF_IMAGE_IYUV   (VX_DF_IMAGE('I','Y','U','V'))
 A 3 plane of 8-bit 4:2:0 sampled Y, U, V planes. This uses the BT709 full range by default.
#define VX_DF_IMAGE_NV12   (VX_DF_IMAGE('N','V','1','2'))
 A 2-plane YUV format of Luma (Y) and interleaved UV data at 4:2:0 sampling. This uses the BT709 full range by default.
#define VX_DF_IMAGE_NV21   (VX_DF_IMAGE('N','V','2','1'))
 A 2-plane YUV format of Luma (Y) and interleaved VU data at 4:2:0 sampling. This uses the BT709 full range by default.
#define VX_DF_IMAGE_RGB   (VX_DF_IMAGE('R','G','B','2'))
 A single plane of 24-bit pixel as 3 interleaved 8-bit units of R then G then B data. This uses the BT709 full range by default.
#define VX_DF_IMAGE_RGBX   (VX_DF_IMAGE('R','G','B','A'))
 A single plane of 32-bit pixel as 4 interleaved 8-bit units of R then G then B data, then a don't care byte. This uses the BT709 full range by default.
#define VX_DF_IMAGE_S16   (VX_DF_IMAGE('S','0','1','6'))
 A single plane of signed 16-bit data. The range of data is not specified, as it may be extracted from a YUV or generated.
#define VX_DF_IMAGE_S32   (VX_DF_IMAGE('S','0','3','2'))
 A single plane of unsigned 32-bit data. The range of data is not specified, as it may be extracted from a YUV or generated.
#define VX_DF_IMAGE_U16   (VX_DF_IMAGE('U','0','1','6'))
 A single plane of unsigned 16-bit data. The range of data is not specified, as it may be extracted from a YUV or generated.
#define VX_DF_IMAGE_U32   (VX_DF_IMAGE('U','0','3','2'))
 A single plane of unsigned 32-bit data. The range of data is not specified, as it may be extracted from a YUV or generated.
#define VX_DF_IMAGE_U8   (VX_DF_IMAGE('U','0','0','8'))
 A single plane of unsigned 8-bit data. The range of data is not specified, as it may be extracted from a YUV or generated.
#define VX_DF_IMAGE_UYVY   (VX_DF_IMAGE('U','Y','V','Y'))
 A single plane of 32-bit macro pixel of U0, Y0, V0, Y1 bytes. This uses the BT709 full range by default.
#define VX_DF_IMAGE_VIRT   (VX_DF_IMAGE('V','I','R','T'))
 A virtual image of no defined type.
#define VX_DF_IMAGE_YUV4   (VX_DF_IMAGE('Y','U','V','4'))
 A 3 plane of 8 bit 4:4:4 sampled Y, U, V planes. This uses the BT709 full range by default.
#define VX_DF_IMAGE_YUYV   (VX_DF_IMAGE('Y','U','Y','V'))
 A single plane of 32-bit macro pixel of Y0, U0, Y1, V0 bytes. This uses the BT709 full range by default.