The OpenVX Specification  dba1aa3
Vision Functions

Detailed Description

These are the base vision functions supported in OpenVX 1.1.

These functions were chosen as a subset of a larger pool of possible functions that fall under the following criteria:


 Absolute Difference
 Computes the absolute difference between two images. The output image dimensions should be the same as the dimensions of the input images.
 Accumulates an input image into output image. The accumulation image dimensions should be the same as the dimensions of the input image.
 Accumulate Squared
 Accumulates a squared value from an input image to an output image. The accumulation image dimensions should be the same as the dimensions of the input image.
 Data Object Copy
 Copy a data object to another.
 Accumulate Weighted
 Accumulates a weighted value from an input image to an output image. The accumulation image dimensions should be the same as the dimensions of the input image.
 Arithmetic Addition
 Performs addition between two images. The output image dimensions should be the same as the dimensions of the input images.
 Arithmetic Subtraction
 Performs subtraction between two images. The output image dimensions should be the same as the dimensions of the input images.
 Bitwise AND
 Performs a bitwise AND operation between two VX_DF_IMAGE_U8 images. The output image dimensions should be the same as the dimensions of the input images.
 Performs a bitwise EXCLUSIVE OR (XOR) operation between two VX_DF_IMAGE_U8 images. The output image dimensions should be the same as the dimensions of the input images.
 Performs a bitwise INCLUSIVE OR operation between two VX_DF_IMAGE_U8 images. The output image dimensions should be the same as the dimensions of the input images.
 Bitwise NOT
 Performs a bitwise NOT operation on a VX_DF_IMAGE_U8 input image. The output image dimensions should be the same as the dimensions of the input image.
 Box Filter
 Computes a Box filter over a window of the input image. The output image dimensions should be the same as the dimensions of the input image.
 Non-Maxima Suppression
 Find local maxima in an image, or otherwise suppress pixels that are not local maxima.
 Canny Edge Detector
 Provides a Canny edge detector kernel. The output image dimensions should be the same as the dimensions of the input image.
 Channel Combine
 Implements the Channel Combine Kernel.
 Channel Extract
 Implements the Channel Extraction Kernel.
 Color Convert
 Implements the Color Conversion Kernel. The output image dimensions should be the same as the dimensions of the input image.
 Convert Bit depth
 Converts image bit depth. The output image dimensions should be the same as the dimensions of the input image.
 Custom Convolution
 Convolves the input with the client supplied convolution matrix. The output image dimensions should be the same as the dimensions of the input image.
 Dilate Image
 Implements Dilation, which grows the white space in a VX_DF_IMAGE_U8 Boolean image. The output image dimensions should be the same as the dimensions of the input image.
 Equalize Histogram
 Equalizes the histogram of a grayscale image. The output image dimensions should be the same as the dimensions of the input image.
 Erode Image
 Implements Erosion, which shrinks the white space in a VX_DF_IMAGE_U8 Boolean image. The output image dimensions should be the same as the dimensions of the input image.
 Fast Corners
 Computes the corners in an image using a method based upon FAST9 algorithm suggested in [3] and with some updates from [4] with modifications described below.
 Gaussian Filter
 Computes a Gaussian filter over a window of the input image. The output image dimensions should be the same as the dimensions of the input image.
 Non Linear Filter
 Computes a non-linear filter over a window of the input image. The output image dimensions should be the same as the dimensions of the input image.
 Harris Corners
 Computes the Harris Corners of an image.
 Generates a distribution from an image.
 Gaussian Image Pyramid
 Computes a Gaussian Image Pyramid from an input image.
 Laplacian Image Pyramid
 Computes a Laplacian Image Pyramid from an input image.
 Reconstruction from a Laplacian Image Pyramid
 Reconstructs the original image from a Laplacian Image Pyramid.
 Integral Image
 Computes the integral image of the input. The output image dimensions should be the same as the dimensions of the input image.
 Implements the Gradient Magnitude Computation Kernel. The output image dimensions should be the same as the dimensions of the input images.
 Mean and Standard Deviation
 Computes the mean pixel value and the standard deviation of the pixels in the input image (which has a dimension width and height).
 Median Filter
 Computes a median pixel value over a window of the input image. The output image dimensions should be the same as the dimensions of the input image.
 Min, Max Location
 Finds the minimum and maximum values in an image and a location for each.
 Implements a pixel-wise minimum kernel. The output image dimensions should be the same as the dimensions of the input image.
 Implements a pixel-wise maximum kernel. The output image dimensions should be the same as the dimensions of the input image.
 Optical Flow Pyramid (LK)
 Computes the optical flow using the Lucas-Kanade method between two pyramid images.
 Implements the Gradient Phase Computation Kernel. The output image dimensions should be the same as the dimensions of the input images.
 Pixel-wise Multiplication
 Performs element-wise multiplication between two images and a scalar value. The output image dimensions should be the same as the dimensions of the input images.
 Maps output pixels in an image from input pixels in an image.
 Scale Image
 Implements the Image Resizing Kernel.
 Sobel 3x3
 Implements the Sobel Image Filter Kernel. The output images dimensions should be the same as the dimensions of the input image.
 Implements the Table Lookup Image Kernel. The output image dimensions should be the same as the dimensions of the input image.
 Thresholds an input image and produces an output Boolean image. The output image dimensions should be the same as the dimensions of the input image.
 Warp Affine
 Performs an affine transform on an image.
 Warp Perspective
 Performs a perspective transform on an image.
 Bilateral Filter
 The function applies bilateral filtering to the input tensor.
 Compares an image template against overlapped image regions.
 Extracts LBP image from an input image. The output image dimensions should be the same as the dimensions of the input image.
 Extracts Histogram of Oriented Gradients features from the input grayscale image.
 Finds the Probabilistic Hough Lines detected in the input binary image.
 Tensor Multiply
 Performs element wise multiplications on element values in the input tensor data with a scale.
 Tensor Add
 Performs arithmetic addition on element values in the input tensor data.
 Tensor Subtract
 Performs arithmetic subtraction on element values in the input tensor data.
 Tensor TableLookUp
 Performs LUT on element values in the input tensor data.
 Tensor Transpose
 Performs transpose on the input tensor.
 Tensor Convert Bit-Depth
 Creates a bit-depth conversion node.
 Tensor Matrix Multiply
 Creates a generalized matrix multiplication node.