C Specification

XrVisibilityMaskTypeKHR identifies the different types of mask specification that is supported. The application may request a view mask in any of the formats identified by these types.

typedef enum XrVisibilityMaskTypeKHR {
} XrVisibilityMaskTypeKHR;


Enumerant Descriptions
  • XR_VISIBILITY_MASK_TYPE_HIDDEN_TRIANGLE_MESH_KHR refers to a two dimensional triangle mesh on the view surface which may not be drawn to by the application. XrVisibilityMaskKHR refers to a set of triangles identified by vertices and vertex indices. The index count will thus be a multiple of three. The triangle vertices will be returned in counter-clockwise order as viewed from the user perspective.

  • XR_VISIBILITY_MASK_TYPE_VISIBLE_TRIANGLE_MESH_KHR refers to a two dimensional triangle mesh on the view surface which should be drawn to by the application. XrVisibilityMaskKHR refers to a set of triangles identified by vertices and vertex indices. The index count will thus be a multiple of three. The triangle vertices will be returned in counter-clockwise order as viewed from the user perspective.

  • XR_VISIBILITY_MASK_TYPE_LINE_LOOP_KHR refers to a single multi-segmented line loop on the view surface which encompasses the view area which should be drawn by the application. It is the border that exists between the visible and hidden meshes identified by XR_VISIBILITY_MASK_TYPE_HIDDEN_TRIANGLE_MESH_KHR and XR_VISIBILITY_MASK_TYPE_VISIBLE_TRIANGLE_MESH_KHR. The line is counter-clockwise, contiguous, and non-self crossing, with the last point implicitly connecting to the first point. There is one vertex per point, the index count will equal the vertex count, and the indices will refer to the vertices.

See Also

Document Notes

For more information, see the OpenXR Specification at URL

This page is extracted from the OpenXR Specification. Fixes and changes should be made to the Specification, not directly.

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