C Specification

Then, the application can provide reprojection mode for the projection composition layer to inform the runtime that the XR experience may benefit from the provided reprojection mode.

An XrCompositionLayerReprojectionInfoMSFT structure can be added to the next chain of XrCompositionLayerProjection structure when calling xrEndFrame.

// Provided by XR_MSFT_composition_layer_reprojection
typedef struct XrCompositionLayerReprojectionInfoMSFT {
    XrStructureType           type;
    const void*               next;
    XrReprojectionModeMSFT    reprojectionMode;
} XrCompositionLayerReprojectionInfoMSFT;


Parameter Descriptions
  • type is the XrStructureType of this structure.

  • next is NULL or a pointer to the next structure in a structure chain.

  • reprojectionMode is an XrReprojectionModeMSFT enum providing a hint to the reprojection mode to the corresponding projection layer.


Valid Usage (Implicit)

When the application chained this structure when calling xrEndFrame, the reprojectionMode must be one of the supported XrReprojectionModeMSFT returned by xrEnumerateReprojectionModesMSFT function for the corresponding XrViewConfigurationType. Otherwise, the runtime must return error XR_ERROR_REPROJECTION_MODE_UNSUPPORTED_MSFT on the xrEndFrame function.

The runtime must only use the given information for the corresponding frame in xrEndFrame function, and it must not affect other frames.

See Also

Document Notes

For more information, see the OpenXR Specification

This page is extracted from the OpenXR Specification. Fixes and changes should be made to the Specification, not directly.

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