C Specification

The XrForceFeedbackCurlApplyLocationMNDX structure is defined as:

// Provided by XR_MNDX_force_feedback_curl
typedef struct XrForceFeedbackCurlApplyLocationMNDX {
    XrForceFeedbackCurlLocationMNDX    location;
    float                              value;
} XrForceFeedbackCurlApplyLocationMNDX;


Member Descriptions
  • location represents the location to apply force feedback to.

  • value is a value from 0-1 representing the amount of force feedback to apply. The range of the value should represent the entire range the location is capable of moving through, with 1 representing making the location incapable of movement, and 0 being fully flexible. For example, in the case of a finger curl, setting value to 1 would prevent the finger from curling at all (fully extended), and 0 would allow the finger to have free range of movement, being able to curl fully.


value is specified as a limit in a single direction. For example, if the value specified is 0.5, a location must have free movement from the point where it would be incapable of movement if value was 1, to 0.5 of the range the location is capable of moving.

Valid Usage (Implicit)

See Also

Document Notes

For more information, see the OpenXR Specification

This page is extracted from the OpenXR Specification. Fixes and changes should be made to the Specification, not directly.

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