C Specification

The XrHandTrackingDataSourceEXT enum describes a hand tracking data source when creating an XrHandTrackerEXT handle.

// Provided by XR_EXT_hand_tracking_data_source
typedef enum XrHandTrackingDataSourceEXT {
} XrHandTrackingDataSourceEXT;


The application can use XrHandTrackingDataSourceEXT with XrHandTrackingDataSourceInfoEXT when calling xrCreateHandTrackerEXT to tell the runtime all supported data sources for the application for the hand tracking inputs.

The application can use it with XrHandTrackingDataSourceStateEXT when calling xrLocateHandJointsEXT to inspect what data source the runtime used for the returned hand joint locations.

If the XR_EXT_hand_joints_motion_range extension is supported by the runtime and the data source is XR_HAND_TRACKING_DATA_SOURCE_CONTROLLER_EXT, then it is expected that application will use that extension when retrieving hand joint poses.

Enumerant Descriptions
  • XR_HAND_TRACKING_DATA_SOURCE_UNOBSTRUCTED_EXT - This data source value indicates that the hand tracking data source supports using individual fingers and joints separately. Examples of such sources include optical hand tracking, data gloves, or motion capture devices.

  • XR_HAND_TRACKING_DATA_SOURCE_CONTROLLER_EXT - This data source value indicates that the hand tracking data source is a motion controller. The runtime must not supply this data source if the controller providing the data is not actively held in the user’s hand, but may still provide data if the runtime is unable to detect if the controller is not in the user’s hand, or a user selected policy changes this behavior. Unless specified otherwise by another extension, data returned from XR_HAND_TRACKING_DATA_SOURCE_CONTROLLER_EXT must behave as XR_HAND_JOINTS_MOTION_RANGE_UNOBSTRUCTED_EXT.

See Also

Document Notes

For more information, see the OpenXR Specification

This page is extracted from the OpenXR Specification. Fixes and changes should be made to the Specification, not directly.

Copyright 2014-2024, The Khronos Group Inc.