C Specification

The XrPassthroughMeshTransformInfoHTC structure is defined as:

// Provided by XR_HTC_passthrough
typedef struct XrPassthroughMeshTransformInfoHTC {
    XrStructureType      type;
    const void*          next;
    uint32_t             vertexCount;
    const XrVector3f*    vertices;
    uint32_t             indexCount;
    const uint32_t*      indices;
    XrSpace              baseSpace;
    XrTime               time;
    XrPosef              pose;
    XrVector3f           scale;
} XrPassthroughMeshTransformInfoHTC;


Member Descriptions
  • type is the XrStructureType of this structure.

  • next is NULL or a pointer to the next structure in a structure chain.

  • vertexCount is the count of vertices array in the mesh.

  • vertices is an array of XrVector3f. The size of the array must be equal to vertexCount.

  • indexCount is the count of indices array in the mesh.

  • indices is an array of triangle indices. The size of the array must be equal to indexCount.

  • baseSpace is the XrSpace that defines the projected passthrough’s base space for transformations.

  • time is the XrTime that defines the time at which the transform is applied.

  • pose is the XrPosef that defines the pose of the mesh

  • scale is the XrVector3f that defines the scale of the mesh


The XrPassthroughMeshTransformInfoHTC structure describes the mesh and transformation.

The application must specify the XrPassthroughMeshTransformInfoHTC in the next chain of XrCompositionLayerPassthroughHTC if the specified form of passthrough layer previously created by xrCreatePassthroughHTC is XR_PASSTHROUGH_FORM_PROJECTED_HTC.

Passing XrPassthroughMeshTransformInfoHTC updates the projected mesh information in the runtime for passthrough layer composition.

If XrPassthroughMeshTransformInfoHTC is not set correctly, runtime must return error XR_ERROR_VALIDATION_FAILURE when xrEndFrame is called with composition layer XrCompositionLayerPassthroughHTC.

Valid Usage (Implicit)
  • The XR_HTC_passthrough extension must be enabled prior to using XrPassthroughMeshTransformInfoHTC


  • next must be NULL or a valid pointer to the next structure in a structure chain

  • vertices must be a pointer to an array of vertexCount XrVector3f structures

  • indices must be a pointer to an array of indexCount uint32_t values

  • baseSpace must be a valid XrSpace handle

  • The vertexCount parameter must be greater than 0

  • The indexCount parameter must be greater than 0

See Also

Document Notes

For more information, see the OpenXR Specification

This page is extracted from the OpenXR Specification. Fixes and changes should be made to the Specification, not directly.

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