C Specification

// Flag bits for XrRenderModelFlagsFB
static const XrRenderModelFlagsFB XR_RENDER_MODEL_SUPPORTS_GLTF_2_0_SUBSET_1_BIT_FB = 0x00000001;
static const XrRenderModelFlagsFB XR_RENDER_MODEL_SUPPORTS_GLTF_2_0_SUBSET_2_BIT_FB = 0x00000002;


Flag Descriptions
  • XR_RENDER_MODEL_SUPPORTS_GLTF_2_0_SUBSET_1_BIT_FB — Minimal level of support. Can only contain a single mesh. Can only contain a single texture. Can not contain transparency. Assumes unlit rendering. Requires Extension KHR_texturebasisu.

  • XR_RENDER_MODEL_SUPPORTS_GLTF_2_0_SUBSET_2_BIT_FB — All of XR_RENDER_MODEL_SUPPORTS_GLTF_2_0_SUBSET_1_BIT_FB support plus: Multiple meshes. Multiple Textures. Texture Transparency.

Render Model Support Levels: An application should request a model of a certain complexity via the XrRenderModelCapabilitiesRequestFB on the structure chain of XrRenderModelPropertiesFB passed into xrGetRenderModelPropertiesFB. The flags on the XrRenderModelCapabilitiesRequestFB are an acknowledgement of the application’s ability to render such a model. Multiple values of XrRenderModelFlagBitsFB can be set on this variable to indicate acceptance of different support levels. The flags parameter on the XrRenderModelPropertiesFB will indicate what capabilities the model in the runtime actually requires. It will be set to a single value of XrRenderModelFlagBitsFB.

See Also

Document Notes

For more information, see the OpenXR Specification

This page is extracted from the OpenXR Specification. Fixes and changes should be made to the Specification, not directly.

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