C Specification

XrSceneDeserializeInfoMSFT is an input structure that describes the array of serialized scene fragments that will be deserialized by the xrDeserializeSceneMSFT function.

// Provided by XR_MSFT_scene_understanding_serialization
typedef struct XrSceneDeserializeInfoMSFT {
    XrStructureType                          type;
    const void*                              next;
    uint32_t                                 fragmentCount;
    const XrDeserializeSceneFragmentMSFT*    fragments;
} XrSceneDeserializeInfoMSFT;


Member Descriptions


If the scene fragments are not in the same order as returned by xrGetSceneComponentsMSFT or the runtime failed to deserialized the binary data then xrGetSceneComputeStateMSFT must return XR_SCENE_COMPUTE_STATE_COMPLETED_WITH_ERROR_MSFT.

Valid Usage (Implicit)

See Also

Document Notes

For more information, see the OpenXR Specification

This page is extracted from the OpenXR Specification. Fixes and changes should be made to the Specification, not directly.

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