C Specification

The XrSceneMarkerMSFT structure is defined as:

// Provided by XR_MSFT_scene_marker
typedef struct XrSceneMarkerMSFT {
    XrSceneMarkerTypeMSFT    markerType;
    XrTime                   lastSeenTime;
    XrOffset2Df              center;
    XrExtent2Df              size;
} XrSceneMarkerMSFT;


Member Descriptions
  • markerType is an XrSceneMarkerTypeMSFT indicating the type of the marker.

  • lastSeenTime is an XrTime indicating when the marker was seen last.

  • center is an XrOffset2Df structure representing the location of the center of the axis-aligned bounding box of the marker in the XY plane of the marker’s coordinate system.

  • size is an XrExtent2Df structure representing the width and height of the axis-aligned bounding box of the marker in the XY plane of the marker’s coordinate system.


The XrSceneMarkerMSFT structure is an element in the array of XrSceneMarkersMSFT::sceneMarkers.

Refer to the QR code convention for an example of marker’s center and size in the context of a QR code.

When the runtime updates the location or properties of an observed marker, the runtime must set the XrSceneMarkerMSFT::lastSeenTime to the new timestamp of the update.

When the runtime cannot observe a previously observed XrSceneMarkerMSFT, the runtime must keep the previous lastSeenTime for the marker. Hence, the application can use the lastSeenTime to know how fresh the tracking information is for a given marker.

The center and size are measured in meters, relative to the XrPosef of the marker for the visual bound of the marker in XY plane, regardless of the marker type.

Valid Usage (Implicit)

See Also

Document Notes

For more information, see the OpenXR Specification

This page is extracted from the OpenXR Specification. Fixes and changes should be made to the Specification, not directly.

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