C Specification

The XrSwapchainStateSamplerOpenGLESFB structure is defined as:

// Provided by XR_FB_swapchain_update_state_opengl_es
typedef struct XrSwapchainStateSamplerOpenGLESFB {
    XrStructureType    type;
    void*              next;
    EGLenum            minFilter;
    EGLenum            magFilter;
    EGLenum            wrapModeS;
    EGLenum            wrapModeT;
    EGLenum            swizzleRed;
    EGLenum            swizzleGreen;
    EGLenum            swizzleBlue;
    EGLenum            swizzleAlpha;
    float              maxAnisotropy;
    XrColor4f          borderColor;
} XrSwapchainStateSamplerOpenGLESFB;


Member Descriptions
  • type is the XrStructureType of this structure.

  • next is NULL or a pointer to the next structure in a structure chain. No such structures are defined in core OpenXR or this extension.

  • minFilter is a valid Android OpenGL ES EGLenum.

  • magFilter is a valid Android OpenGL ES EGLenum.

  • wrapModeS is a valid Android OpenGL ES EGLenum.

  • wrapModeT is a valid Android OpenGL ES EGLenum.

  • swizzleRed is a valid Android OpenGL ES EGLenum.

  • swizzleGreen is a valid Android OpenGL ES EGLenum.

  • swizzleBlue is a valid Android OpenGL ES EGLenum.

  • swizzleAlpha is a valid Android OpenGL ES EGLenum.

  • maxAnisotropy is a valid float used to represent max anisotropy.

  • borderColor is an RGBA color to be used as border texels.


When XrSwapchainStateSamplerOpenGLESFB is specified in the call to xrUpdateSwapchainFB, texture sampler state for all images in the XrSwapchain will be updated for both the application and compositor processes.

For most cases, the sampler state update is only required compositor-side, as that is where the swapchain images are sampled. For completeness, the application-side sampler state is additionally updated to support cases where the application may choose to directly sample the swapchain images.

Applications are expected to handle synchronization of the sampler state update with application-side rendering. Similarly, the compositor will synchronize the sampler state update with rendering of the next compositor frame.

An EGLContext, either the EGLContext bound during XrSwapchain creation or an EGLContext in the same share group, is required to be bound on the application calling thread. Current texture bindings may be altered by the call, including the active texture.

When XrSwapchainStateSamplerOpenGLESFB is specified in the call to xrGetSwapchainStateFB, the sampler state will be populated with the current swapchain sampler state.

To use XrSwapchainStateSamplerOpenGLESFB, XR_USE_GRAPHICS_API_OPENGL_ES must be defined before including openxr_platform.h.

Valid Usage (Implicit)
  • The XR_FB_swapchain_update_state_opengl_es extension must be enabled prior to using XrSwapchainStateSamplerOpenGLESFB


  • next must be NULL or a valid pointer to the next structure in a structure chain

  • minFilter must be a valid EGLenum value

  • magFilter must be a valid EGLenum value

  • wrapModeS must be a valid EGLenum value

  • wrapModeT must be a valid EGLenum value

  • swizzleRed must be a valid EGLenum value

  • swizzleGreen must be a valid EGLenum value

  • swizzleBlue must be a valid EGLenum value

  • swizzleAlpha must be a valid EGLenum value

See Also

Document Notes

For more information, see the OpenXR Specification

This page is extracted from the OpenXR Specification. Fixes and changes should be made to the Specification, not directly.

Copyright 2014-2024, The Khronos Group Inc.