C Specification

The xrGetRecommendedLayerResolutionMETA function is defined as:

// Provided by XR_META_recommended_layer_resolution
XrResult xrGetRecommendedLayerResolutionMETA(
    XrSession                                   session,
    const XrRecommendedLayerResolutionGetInfoMETA* info,
    XrRecommendedLayerResolutionMETA*           resolution);


Parameter Descriptions


The xrGetRecommendedLayerResolutionMETA function returns the recommendation that the runtime wishes to make to the application for the layer provided in the XrRecommendedLayerResolutionGetInfoMETA structure. Application may choose to reallocate their swapchain or scale view resolution accordingly. Applications rendering multiple views into the swapchain may scale individual views to match the recommended swapchain resolution.

The runtime may not wish to make any recommendation, in which case it must return an XrRecommendedLayerResolutionMETA::isValid value of XR_FALSE.

If the XrRecommendedLayerResolutionGetInfoMETA::layer attribute of the info argument of the function contains valid swapchain handles in all fields where required, the runtime must return a resolution recommendation which is less than or equal to the size of that swapchain, so that the application may render into an existing swapchain or swapchains without reallocation. As an exception to valid usage, an otherwise-valid structure passed as XrRecommendedLayerResolutionGetInfoMETA::layer may contain XR_NULL_HANDLE in place of valid XrSwapchain handle(s) for this function only, to obtain a recommended resolution resolution for the purpose of allocating a swapchain. If at least one otherwise-required XrSwapchain handle within XrRecommendedLayerResolutionGetInfoMETA::layer is XR_NULL_HANDLE, the runtime must interpret this as a request for recommended resolution without limitation to the allocated size of any existing swapchain.

If the runtime makes a recommendation, it should make a recommendation that is directly usable by the application to render its frames without creating adverse visual effects for the user.

See Also

Document Notes

For more information, see the OpenXR Specification

This page is extracted from the OpenXR Specification. Fixes and changes should be made to the Specification, not directly.

Copyright 2014-2024, The Khronos Group Inc.