C Specification

The xrWaitFrame function is defined as:

// Provided by XR_VERSION_1_0
XrResult xrWaitFrame(
    XrSession                                   session,
    const XrFrameWaitInfo*                      frameWaitInfo,
    XrFrameState*                               frameState);


Parameter Descriptions
  • session is a valid XrSession handle.

  • frameWaitInfo exists for extensibility purposes, it is NULL or a pointer to a valid XrFrameWaitInfo.

  • frameState is a pointer to a valid XrFrameState, an output parameter.


xrWaitFrame throttles the application frame loop in order to synchronize application frame submissions with the display. xrWaitFrame returns a predicted display time for the next time that the runtime predicts a composited frame will be displayed. The runtime may affect this computation by changing the return values and throttling of xrWaitFrame in response to feedback from frame submission and completion times in xrEndFrame. A subsequent xrWaitFrame call must block until the previous frame has been begun with xrBeginFrame and must unblock independently of the corresponding call to xrEndFrame. Refer to xrBeginSession for details on how a transition to session running resets the frame function call order.

When less than one frame interval has passed since the previous return from xrWaitFrame, the runtime should block until the beginning of the next frame interval. If more than one frame interval has passed since the last return from xrWaitFrame, the runtime may return immediately or block until the beginning of the next frame interval.

In the case that an application has pipelined frame submissions, the application should compute the appropriate target display time using both the predicted display time and predicted display interval. The application should use the computed target display time when requesting space and view locations for rendering.

The XrFrameState::predictedDisplayTime returned by xrWaitFrame must be monotonically increasing.

The runtime may dynamically adjust the start time of the frame interval relative to the display hardware’s refresh cycle to minimize graphics processor contention between the application and the compositor.

xrWaitFrame must be callable from any thread, including a different thread than xrBeginFrame/xrEndFrame are being called from.

Calling xrWaitFrame must be externally synchronized by the application, concurrent calls may result in undefined behavior.

The runtime must return XR_ERROR_SESSION_NOT_RUNNING if the session is not running.


The engine simulation should advance based on the display time. Every stage in the engine pipeline should use the exact same display time for one particular application-generated frame. An accurate and consistent display time across all stages and threads in the engine pipeline is important to avoid object motion judder. If the application has multiple pipeline stages, the application should pass its computed display time through its pipeline, as xrWaitFrame must be called only once per frame.

Valid Usage (Implicit)
  • session must be a valid XrSession handle

  • If frameWaitInfo is not NULL, frameWaitInfo must be a pointer to a valid XrFrameWaitInfo structure

  • frameState must be a pointer to an XrFrameState structure

Thread Safety
  • Access to the session parameter by any other xrWaitFrame call must be externally synchronized

Return Codes
On success, this command returns


On failure, this command returns






See Also

Document Notes

For more information, see the OpenXR Specification

This page is extracted from the OpenXR Specification. Fixes and changes should be made to the Specification, not directly.

Copyright 2014-2024, The Khronos Group Inc.