C Specification

The VkCopyImageInfo2 structure is defined as:

typedef struct VkCopyImageInfo2 {
    VkStructureType        sType;
    const void*            pNext;
    VkImage                srcImage;
    VkImageLayout          srcImageLayout;
    VkImage                dstImage;
    VkImageLayout          dstImageLayout;
    uint32_t               regionCount;
    const VkImageCopy2*    pRegions;
} VkCopyImageInfo2;

or the equivalent

// Provided by VK_KHR_copy_commands2
typedef VkCopyImageInfo2 VkCopyImageInfo2KHR;


  • sType is a VkStructureType value identifying this structure.

  • pNext is NULL or a pointer to a structure extending this structure.

  • srcImage is the source image.

  • srcImageLayout is the current layout of the source image subresource.

  • dstImage is the destination image.

  • dstImageLayout is the current layout of the destination image subresource.

  • regionCount is the number of regions to copy.

  • pRegions is a pointer to an array of VkImageCopy2 structures specifying the regions to copy.


Valid Usage
  • VUID-VkCopyImageInfo2-pRegions-00124
    The union of all source regions, and the union of all destination regions, specified by the elements of pRegions, must not overlap in memory

  • VUID-VkCopyImageInfo2-srcImage-01995
    The format features of srcImage must contain VK_FORMAT_FEATURE_TRANSFER_SRC_BIT

  • VUID-VkCopyImageInfo2-srcImageLayout-00128
    srcImageLayout must specify the layout of the image subresources of srcImage specified in pRegions at the time this command is executed on a VkDevice

  • VUID-VkCopyImageInfo2-srcImageLayout-01917

  • VUID-VkCopyImageInfo2-dstImage-01996
    The format features of dstImage must contain VK_FORMAT_FEATURE_TRANSFER_DST_BIT

  • VUID-VkCopyImageInfo2-dstImageLayout-00133
    dstImageLayout must specify the layout of the image subresources of dstImage specified in pRegions at the time this command is executed on a VkDevice

  • VUID-VkCopyImageInfo2-dstImageLayout-01395

  • VUID-VkCopyImageInfo2-srcImage-01548
    If the VkFormat of each of srcImage and dstImage is not a multi-planar format, the VkFormat of each of srcImage and dstImage must be size-compatible

  • VUID-VkCopyImageInfo2-None-01549
    In a copy to or from a plane of a multi-planar image, the VkFormat of the image and plane must be compatible according to the description of compatible planes for the plane being copied

  • VUID-VkCopyImageInfo2-srcImage-09247
    If the VkFormat of each of srcImage and dstImage is a compressed image format, the formats must have the same texel block extent

  • VUID-VkCopyImageInfo2-srcImage-00136
    The sample count of srcImage and dstImage must match

  • VUID-VkCopyImageInfo2-srcOffset-01783
    The srcOffset and extent members of each element of pRegions must respect the image transfer granularity requirements of commandBuffer’s command pool’s queue family, as described in VkQueueFamilyProperties

  • VUID-VkCopyImageInfo2-dstOffset-01784
    The dstOffset and extent members of each element of pRegions must respect the image transfer granularity requirements of commandBuffer’s command pool’s queue family, as described in VkQueueFamilyProperties

  • VUID-VkCopyImageInfo2-srcImage-01551
    If neither srcImage nor dstImage has a multi-planar image format then for each element of pRegions, srcSubresource.aspectMask and dstSubresource.aspectMask must match

  • VUID-VkCopyImageInfo2-srcImage-08713
    If srcImage has a multi-planar image format, then for each element of pRegions, srcSubresource.aspectMask must be a single valid multi-planar aspect mask bit

  • VUID-VkCopyImageInfo2-dstImage-08714
    If dstImage has a multi-planar image format, then for each element of pRegions, dstSubresource.aspectMask must be a single valid multi-planar aspect mask bit

  • VUID-VkCopyImageInfo2-srcImage-01556
    If srcImage has a multi-planar image format and the dstImage does not have a multi-planar image format, then for each element of pRegions, dstSubresource.aspectMask must be VK_IMAGE_ASPECT_COLOR_BIT

  • VUID-VkCopyImageInfo2-dstImage-01557
    If dstImage has a multi-planar image format and the srcImage does not have a multi-planar image format, then for each element of pRegions, srcSubresource.aspectMask must be VK_IMAGE_ASPECT_COLOR_BIT

  • VUID-VkCopyImageInfo2-srcImage-04443
    If srcImage is of type VK_IMAGE_TYPE_3D, then for each element of pRegions, srcSubresource.baseArrayLayer must be 0 and srcSubresource.layerCount must be 1

  • VUID-VkCopyImageInfo2-dstImage-04444
    If dstImage is of type VK_IMAGE_TYPE_3D, then for each element of pRegions, dstSubresource.baseArrayLayer must be 0 and dstSubresource.layerCount must be 1

  • VUID-VkCopyImageInfo2-aspectMask-00142
    For each element of pRegions, srcSubresource.aspectMask must specify aspects present in srcImage

  • VUID-VkCopyImageInfo2-aspectMask-00143
    For each element of pRegions, dstSubresource.aspectMask must specify aspects present in dstImage

  • VUID-VkCopyImageInfo2-srcOffset-00144
    For each element of pRegions, srcOffset.x and (extent.width + srcOffset.x) must both be greater than or equal to 0 and less than or equal to the width of the specified srcSubresource of srcImage

  • VUID-VkCopyImageInfo2-srcOffset-00145
    For each element of pRegions, srcOffset.y and (extent.height + srcOffset.y) must both be greater than or equal to 0 and less than or equal to the height of the specified srcSubresource of srcImage

  • VUID-VkCopyImageInfo2-srcImage-00146
    If srcImage is of type VK_IMAGE_TYPE_1D, then for each element of pRegions, srcOffset.y must be 0 and extent.height must be 1

  • VUID-VkCopyImageInfo2-srcOffset-00147
    If srcImage is of type VK_IMAGE_TYPE_3D, then for each element of pRegions, srcOffset.z and (extent.depth + srcOffset.z) must both be greater than or equal to 0 and less than or equal to the depth of the specified srcSubresource of srcImage

  • VUID-VkCopyImageInfo2-srcImage-01785
    If srcImage is of type VK_IMAGE_TYPE_1D, then for each element of pRegions, srcOffset.z must be 0 and extent.depth must be 1

  • VUID-VkCopyImageInfo2-dstImage-01786
    If dstImage is of type VK_IMAGE_TYPE_1D, then for each element of pRegions, dstOffset.z must be 0 and extent.depth must be 1

  • VUID-VkCopyImageInfo2-srcImage-01787
    If srcImage is of type VK_IMAGE_TYPE_2D, then for each element of pRegions, srcOffset.z must be 0

  • VUID-VkCopyImageInfo2-dstImage-01788
    If dstImage is of type VK_IMAGE_TYPE_2D, then for each element of pRegions, dstOffset.z must be 0

  • VUID-VkCopyImageInfo2-srcImage-07743
    If srcImage and dstImage have a different VkImageType, one must be VK_IMAGE_TYPE_3D and the other must be VK_IMAGE_TYPE_2D

  • VUID-VkCopyImageInfo2-srcImage-08793
    If srcImage and dstImage have the same VkImageType, for each element of pRegions, the layerCount members of srcSubresource or dstSubresource must match

  • VUID-VkCopyImageInfo2-srcImage-01790
    If srcImage and dstImage are both of type VK_IMAGE_TYPE_2D, then for each element of pRegions, extent.depth must be 1

  • VUID-VkCopyImageInfo2-srcImage-01791
    If srcImage is of type VK_IMAGE_TYPE_2D, and dstImage is of type VK_IMAGE_TYPE_3D, then for each element of pRegions, extent.depth must equal srcSubresource.layerCount

  • VUID-VkCopyImageInfo2-dstImage-01792
    If dstImage is of type VK_IMAGE_TYPE_2D, and srcImage is of type VK_IMAGE_TYPE_3D, then for each element of pRegions, extent.depth must equal dstSubresource.layerCount

  • VUID-VkCopyImageInfo2-dstOffset-00150
    For each element of pRegions, dstOffset.x and (extent.width + dstOffset.x) must both be greater than or equal to 0 and less than or equal to the width of the specified dstSubresource of dstImage

  • VUID-VkCopyImageInfo2-dstOffset-00151
    For each element of pRegions, dstOffset.y and (extent.height + dstOffset.y) must both be greater than or equal to 0 and less than or equal to the height of the specified dstSubresource of dstImage

  • VUID-VkCopyImageInfo2-dstImage-00152
    If dstImage is of type VK_IMAGE_TYPE_1D, then for each element of pRegions, dstOffset.y must be 0 and extent.height must be 1

  • VUID-VkCopyImageInfo2-dstOffset-00153
    If dstImage is of type VK_IMAGE_TYPE_3D, then for each element of pRegions, dstOffset.z and (extent.depth + dstOffset.z) must both be greater than or equal to 0 and less than or equal to the depth of the specified dstSubresource of dstImage

  • VUID-VkCopyImageInfo2-pRegions-07278
    For each element of pRegions, srcOffset.x must be a multiple of the texel block extent width of the VkFormat of srcImage

  • VUID-VkCopyImageInfo2-pRegions-07279
    For each element of pRegions, srcOffset.y must be a multiple of the texel block extent height of the VkFormat of srcImage

  • VUID-VkCopyImageInfo2-pRegions-07280
    For each element of pRegions, srcOffset.z must be a multiple of the texel block extent depth of the VkFormat of srcImage

  • VUID-VkCopyImageInfo2-pRegions-07281
    For each element of pRegions, dstOffset.x must be a multiple of the texel block extent width of the VkFormat of dstImage

  • VUID-VkCopyImageInfo2-pRegions-07282
    For each element of pRegions, dstOffset.y must be a multiple of the texel block extent height of the VkFormat of dstImage

  • VUID-VkCopyImageInfo2-pRegions-07283
    For each element of pRegions, dstOffset.z must be a multiple of the texel block extent depth of the VkFormat of dstImage

  • VUID-VkCopyImageInfo2-srcImage-01728
    For each element of pRegions, if the sum of srcOffset.x and extent.width does not equal the width of the subresource specified by srcSubresource, extent.width must be a multiple of the texel block extent width of the VkFormat of srcImage

  • VUID-VkCopyImageInfo2-srcImage-01729
    For each element of pRegions, if the sum of srcOffset.y and extent.height does not equal the height of the subresource specified by srcSubresource, extent.height must be a multiple of the texel block extent height of the VkFormat of srcImage

  • VUID-VkCopyImageInfo2-srcImage-01730
    For each element of pRegions, if the sum of srcOffset.z and extent.depth does not equal the depth of the subresource specified by srcSubresource, extent.depth must be a multiple of the texel block extent depth of the VkFormat of srcImage

  • VUID-VkCopyImageInfo2-dstImage-01732
    For each element of pRegions, if the sum of dstOffset.x and extent.width does not equal the width of the subresource specified by dstSubresource, extent.width must be a multiple of the texel block extent width of the VkFormat of dstImage

  • VUID-VkCopyImageInfo2-dstImage-01733
    For each element of pRegions, if the sum of dstOffset.y and extent.height does not equal the height of the subresource specified by dstSubresource, extent.height must be a multiple of the texel block extent height of the VkFormat of dstImage

  • VUID-VkCopyImageInfo2-dstImage-01734
    For each element of pRegions, if the sum of dstOffset.z and extent.depth does not equal the depth of the subresource specified by dstSubresource, extent.depth must be a multiple of the texel block extent depth of the VkFormat of dstImage

  • VUID-VkCopyImageInfo2-aspect-06662
    If the aspect member of any element of pRegions includes any flag other than VK_IMAGE_ASPECT_STENCIL_BIT or srcImage was not created with separate stencil usage, VK_IMAGE_USAGE_TRANSFER_SRC_BIT must have been included in the VkImageCreateInfo::usage used to create srcImage

  • VUID-VkCopyImageInfo2-aspect-06663
    If the aspect member of any element of pRegions includes any flag other than VK_IMAGE_ASPECT_STENCIL_BIT or dstImage was not created with separate stencil usage, VK_IMAGE_USAGE_TRANSFER_DST_BIT must have been included in the VkImageCreateInfo::usage used to create dstImage

  • VUID-VkCopyImageInfo2-aspect-06664
    If the aspect member of any element of pRegions includes VK_IMAGE_ASPECT_STENCIL_BIT, and srcImage was created with separate stencil usage, VK_IMAGE_USAGE_TRANSFER_SRC_BIT must have been included in the VkImageStencilUsageCreateInfo::stencilUsage used to create srcImage

  • VUID-VkCopyImageInfo2-aspect-06665
    If the aspect member of any element of pRegions includes VK_IMAGE_ASPECT_STENCIL_BIT, and dstImage was created with separate stencil usage, VK_IMAGE_USAGE_TRANSFER_DST_BIT must have been included in the VkImageStencilUsageCreateInfo::stencilUsage used to create dstImage

  • VUID-VkCopyImageInfo2-srcImage-07966
    If srcImage is non-sparse then the image or the specified disjoint plane must be bound completely and contiguously to a single VkDeviceMemory object

  • VUID-VkCopyImageInfo2-srcSubresource-07967
    The srcSubresource.mipLevel member of each element of pRegions must be less than the mipLevels specified in VkImageCreateInfo when srcImage was created

  • VUID-VkCopyImageInfo2-srcSubresource-07968
    srcSubresource.baseArrayLayer + srcSubresource.layerCount of each element of pRegions must be less than or equal to the arrayLayers specified in VkImageCreateInfo when srcImage was created

  • VUID-VkCopyImageInfo2-dstImage-07966
    If dstImage is non-sparse then the image or the specified disjoint plane must be bound completely and contiguously to a single VkDeviceMemory object

  • VUID-VkCopyImageInfo2-dstSubresource-07967
    The dstSubresource.mipLevel member of each element of pRegions must be less than the mipLevels specified in VkImageCreateInfo when dstImage was created

  • VUID-VkCopyImageInfo2-dstSubresource-07968
    dstSubresource.baseArrayLayer + dstSubresource.layerCount of each element of pRegions must be less than or equal to the arrayLayers specified in VkImageCreateInfo when dstImage was created

Valid Usage (Implicit)
  • VUID-VkCopyImageInfo2-sType-sType

  • VUID-VkCopyImageInfo2-pNext-pNext
    pNext must be NULL

  • VUID-VkCopyImageInfo2-srcImage-parameter
    srcImage must be a valid VkImage handle

  • VUID-VkCopyImageInfo2-srcImageLayout-parameter
    srcImageLayout must be a valid VkImageLayout value

  • VUID-VkCopyImageInfo2-dstImage-parameter
    dstImage must be a valid VkImage handle

  • VUID-VkCopyImageInfo2-dstImageLayout-parameter
    dstImageLayout must be a valid VkImageLayout value

  • VUID-VkCopyImageInfo2-pRegions-parameter
    pRegions must be a valid pointer to an array of regionCount valid VkImageCopy2 structures

  • VUID-VkCopyImageInfo2-regionCount-arraylength
    regionCount must be greater than 0

  • VUID-VkCopyImageInfo2-commonparent
    Both of dstImage, and srcImage must have been created, allocated, or retrieved from the same VkDevice

See Also

Document Notes

For more information, see the Vulkan Specification

This page is extracted from the Vulkan Specification. Fixes and changes should be made to the Specification, not directly.

Copyright 2014-2023 The Khronos Group Inc.

SPDX-License-Identifier: CC-BY-4.0