C Specification

The set of usages for the created image view can be restricted compared to the parent image’s usage flags by adding a VkImageViewUsageCreateInfo structure to the pNext chain of VkImageViewCreateInfo.

The VkImageViewUsageCreateInfo structure is defined as:

// Provided by VK_VERSION_1_1
typedef struct VkImageViewUsageCreateInfo {
    VkStructureType      sType;
    const void*          pNext;
    VkImageUsageFlags    usage;
} VkImageViewUsageCreateInfo;


  • sType is a VkStructureType value identifying this structure.

  • pNext is NULL or a pointer to a structure extending this structure.

  • usage is a bitmask of VkImageUsageFlagBits specifying allowed usages of the image view.


When this structure is chained to VkImageViewCreateInfo the usage field overrides the implicit usage parameter inherited from image creation time and its value is used instead for the purposes of determining the valid usage conditions of VkImageViewCreateInfo.

Valid Usage (Implicit)
  • VUID-VkImageViewUsageCreateInfo-sType-sType

  • VUID-VkImageViewUsageCreateInfo-usage-parameter
    usage must be a valid combination of VkImageUsageFlagBits values

  • VUID-VkImageViewUsageCreateInfo-usage-requiredbitmask
    usage must not be 0

See Also

Document Notes

For more information, see the Vulkan Specification

This page is extracted from the Vulkan Specification. Fixes and changes should be made to the Specification, not directly.

Copyright 2014-2023 The Khronos Group Inc.

SPDX-License-Identifier: CC-BY-4.0