C Specification

// Provided by XR_MSFT_spatial_anchor_persistence
typedef struct XrSpatialAnchorFromPersistedAnchorCreateInfoMSFT {
    XrStructureType                       type;
    const void*                           next;
    XrSpatialAnchorStoreConnectionMSFT    spatialAnchorStore;
    XrSpatialAnchorPersistenceNameMSFT    spatialAnchorPersistenceName;
} XrSpatialAnchorFromPersistedAnchorCreateInfoMSFT;


Member Descriptions


The spatialAnchorPersistenceName is a character array of maximum size XR_MAX_SPATIAL_ANCHOR_NAME_SIZE_MSFT, which must include a null terminator and must not be empty (i.e. the first element is the null terminator). If an empty spatialAnchorPersistenceName value is passed to any function as a parameter, that function must return XR_ERROR_SPATIAL_ANCHOR_NAME_INVALID_MSFT.

Valid Usage (Implicit)

See Also

Document Notes

For more information, see the OpenXR Specification

This page is extracted from the OpenXR Specification. Fixes and changes should be made to the Specification, not directly.

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