C Specification

The XrSwapchainCreateInfo structure is defined as:

typedef struct XrSwapchainCreateInfo {
    XrStructureType           type;
    const void*               next;
    XrSwapchainCreateFlags    createFlags;
    XrSwapchainUsageFlags     usageFlags;
    int64_t                   format;
    uint32_t                  sampleCount;
    uint32_t                  width;
    uint32_t                  height;
    uint32_t                  faceCount;
    uint32_t                  arraySize;
    uint32_t                  mipCount;
} XrSwapchainCreateInfo;


Member Descriptions
  • type is the XrStructureType of this structure.

  • next is NULL or a pointer to the next structure in a structure chain. No such structures are defined in core OpenXR.

  • createFlags is a bitmask of XrSwapchainCreateFlagBits describing additional properties of the swapchain.

  • usageFlags is a bitmask of XrSwapchainUsageFlagBits describing the intended usage of the swapchain’s images. The usage flags define how the corresponding graphics API objects are created. A mismatch may result in swapchain images that do not support the application’s usage.

  • format is a graphics API-specific texture format identifier. For example, if the graphics API specified in xrCreateSession is Vulkan, then this format is a Vulkan format such as VK_FORMAT_R8G8B8A8_SRGB. The format identifies the format that the runtime will interpret the texture as upon submission. Valid formats are indicated by xrEnumerateSwapchainFormats.

  • sampleCount is the number of sub-data element samples in the image, must not be 0 or greater than the graphics API’s maximum limit.

  • width is the width of the image, must not be 0 or greater than the graphics API’s maximum limit.

  • height is the height of the image, must not be 0 or greater than the graphics API’s maximum limit.

  • faceCount is the number of faces, which must be either 6 (for cubemaps) or 1.

  • arraySize is the number of array layers in the image or 1 for a 2D image, must not be 0 or greater than the graphics API’s maximum limit.

  • mipCount describes the number of levels of detail available for minified sampling of the image, must not be 0 or greater than the graphics API’s maximum limit.


Valid Usage (Implicit)

See Also

Document Notes

For more information, see the OpenXR Specification

This page is extracted from the OpenXR Specification. Fixes and changes should be made to the Specification, not directly.

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