C Specification

The application should submit an XrSecondaryViewConfigurationLayerInfoMSFT in XrSecondaryViewConfigurationFrameEndInfoMSFT for each active secondary view configuration type when calling xrEndFrame.

The XrSecondaryViewConfigurationLayerInfoMSFT structure is defined as as:

// Provided by XR_MSFT_secondary_view_configuration
typedef struct XrSecondaryViewConfigurationLayerInfoMSFT {
    XrStructureType                               type;
    const void*                                   next;
    XrViewConfigurationType                       viewConfigurationType;
    XrEnvironmentBlendMode                        environmentBlendMode;
    uint32_t                                      layerCount;
    const XrCompositionLayerBaseHeader* const*    layers;
} XrSecondaryViewConfigurationLayerInfoMSFT;


Member Descriptions
  • type is the XrStructureType of this structure.

  • next is NULL or a pointer to the next structure in a structure chain. No such structures are defined in core OpenXR or this extension.

  • viewConfigurationType is XrViewConfigurationType to which the composition layers will be displayed.

  • environmentBlendMode is the XrEnvironmentBlendMode value representing the desired environment blend mode for this view configuration.

  • layerCount is the number of composition layers in this frame for the secondary view configuration type. The maximum supported layer count is identified by XrSystemGraphicsProperties::maxLayerCount. If layerCount is greater than the maximum supported layer count then XR_ERROR_LAYER_LIMIT_EXCEEDED is returned.

  • layers is a pointer to an array of XrCompositionLayerBaseHeader pointers.


This structure is similar to the XrFrameEndInfo structure, with an extra XrViewConfigurationType field to specify the view configuration for which the submitted layers will be rendered.

The application should render its content for both the primary and secondary view configurations using the same XrFrameState::predictedDisplayTime reported by xrWaitFrame. The runtime must treat both the primary views and secondary views as being submitted for the same XrViewLocateInfo::displayTime specified in the call to xrEndFrame.

For layers such as quad layers whose content is identical across view configurations, the application can submit the same XrCompositionLayerBaseHeader structures to multiple view configurations in the same xrEndFrame function call.

For each frame, the application should only render and submit layers for the secondary view configurations that were active that frame, as indicated in the XrSecondaryViewConfigurationFrameStateMSFT filled in for that frame’s xrWaitFrame call. The runtime must ignore composition layers submitted for an inactive view configuration.

Valid Usage (Implicit)

See Also

Document Notes

For more information, see the OpenXR Specification

This page is extracted from the OpenXR Specification. Fixes and changes should be made to the Specification, not directly.

Copyright 2014-2024, The Khronos Group Inc.