C Specification

The XrCompositionLayerEquirectKHR structure is defined as:

// Provided by XR_KHR_composition_layer_equirect
typedef struct XrCompositionLayerEquirectKHR {
    XrStructureType            type;
    const void*                next;
    XrCompositionLayerFlags    layerFlags;
    XrSpace                    space;
    XrEyeVisibility            eyeVisibility;
    XrSwapchainSubImage        subImage;
    XrPosef                    pose;
    float                      radius;
    XrVector2f                 scale;
    XrVector2f                 bias;
} XrCompositionLayerEquirectKHR;


Member Descriptions
  • type is the XrStructureType of this structure.

  • next is NULL or a pointer to the next structure in a structure chain. No such structures are defined in core OpenXR or this extension.

  • layerFlags specifies options for the layer.

  • space is the XrSpace in which the pose of the equirect layer is evaluated over time.

  • eyeVisibility is the eye represented by this layer.

  • subImage identifies the image XrSwapchainSubImage to use. The swapchain must have been created with a XrSwapchainCreateInfo::faceCount of 1.

  • pose is an XrPosef defining the position and orientation of the center point of the sphere onto which the equirect image data is mapped, relative to the reference frame of the space.

  • radius is the non-negative radius of the sphere onto which the equirect image data is mapped. Values of zero or floating point positive infinity are treated as an infinite sphere.

  • scale is an XrVector2f indicating a scale of the texture coordinates after the mapping to 2D.

  • bias is an XrVector2f indicating a bias of the texture coordinates after the mapping to 2D.


XrCompositionLayerEquirectKHR contains the information needed to render an equirectangular image onto a sphere when calling xrEndFrame. XrCompositionLayerEquirectKHR is an alias type for the base struct XrCompositionLayerBaseHeader used in XrFrameEndInfo.

Valid Usage (Implicit)

See Also

Document Notes

For more information, see the OpenXR Specification

This page is extracted from the OpenXR Specification. Fixes and changes should be made to the Specification, not directly.

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